The Fetish You Didn't Know You Had: Hot Mandalorian Bitches

The Fetish You Didn't Know You Had: Hot Mandalorian Bitches.

Look, now that Disney has made a goddamned show about one specifically, I know all you part-timers are now beginning to discover what a Mandalorian is. So it's about time to embrace it. The good news: We're gonna see more hot Mando cosplays soon.

So post your hot Mandalorians, and if anyone can find me a passable Sabine Wren, I'd appreciate.

Attached: needsmoarhelmet.jpg (683x1024, 89K)

Disintegrate or Pass?

Attached: Purp.jpg (765x957, 156K)

For fucks sake man what is wrong with this place. Alright fuck it lets do this.

Hey baby, show me your thermal detonators.

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You Nerfherders digging this so far?

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Purple seems a popular choice, doesn't it?

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Even bounty hunters need breaks, I guess.

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Maybe more the crowd's speeder?

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Not my cup of tea, but maybe you'd pop a missile in her Saarlac?

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Looks like the crowd isn't feeling it. Just you wait, fuckers. You will. YOU WILL.

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This one tried for a specific character. Impressive. Most impressive.

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Attached: karta_cosplay___mandalorian_mercs_by_moscou_d7rs0vj-fullview.jpg (1024x1536, 147K)

>all of them use matching armor
>can't resist the helmetless shots
Shitty fake ass mando wannabes.

Tell me about it. I'm a bit disappointed too, but also trying to bridge the gap a bit to our less-entrenched brethren who can't tell Beskar from Basketweaving.

At least the show is decent.
10 more years of that level shit & I might consider giving them another $5.

I think I may start making this thread intermittently, until more Mando cosplays start popping up, and I'm just gonna call it Disintegrate or Pass, and make people tell me if they would fuck the Mando or not. Totally normal idea.

I say do it. Good job user

Yeah, kinda surprised by how good it is. Feels a bit short is my only complaint. Slightly off topic, give Doom Patrol a shot.

Wait until after TROS tanks, lest you come off as a Yidsney shill.

Fugg. You right. Kinda. I guess I'll take the time to build up a large repository of Mando cosplays. I'll probably snag some for the fagbears here too. I'm not one to judge how someone holsters their blaster.