Please rate my girl /b

Please rate my girl /b

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7/10 would fuck in front of you

Need to see those titties before I can rate her my man

Her face is kinda weird


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Nice. I'd give her a solid 7 out of 10


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Why are you dating Greta Thunberg?

You're trying to tell me that's only one person?

ahahahah good one

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clearly an 8.5

wow thanks

Are you dating greta thunberg?

Damn i thought I’d have to wait until greta turned 18 fire leaked noodz!

hello newfags

Post without the blur.

Then we can talk.

We can talk now

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reminder, sage goes in all fields

too old, too fat. I can't fathom how one can get an erection to anything else that a thin years old girl.

She’s 19...

Nicee one...Elon Musky..

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