I have a Korean milf on my floor. What should I do

I have a Korean milf on my floor. What should I do.

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ignore it user

Duh, take a photo and post it on the internet

fill her pussy with cum

She alive?

Yeah cum her right in the pussy

Time stamp and show it

shit on her

Post feet

poop in her shoes by da front doe

I just came on her back

Prove it?

in her back-pussy?

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take selfie with her vagina

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Roll her over

nice crumples in your paper


Wake her up with you inside her

She’s not that wasted. Just sleeping

bend her over

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Take a pic of ur dick on her ass or face

Pee on her

fill her asshole with rice.

post face

What’s up with you guys wanting to piss or shit on her LMFAO fucking freaks

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Hurry Up And Rape her Bitch!

if you are balls deep in that Korean BBQ inside of the next 5 minutes you might as well kys

cum on the paper then stick it to her back

Can you stick a pencil in her butthole?

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How old ist she?




Rolling for a pencil

flip her over, by pretending that you just wanna cuddle.

She is good in shape..
Show us her pooper

spread pussy

Dubs means pencil in her ass. Or a sharpie, a little smoother less sharp


Why is your face not in that asshole already?

Looks fantastic. Love to see her front.

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Damn. Pencil didn’t show up

Thats not what he asked for lol

What the hell is this lmaoo

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How old are you user?

That's nice

Rape that stupid fucking bitch. Put her head into the toilet and drown her. God damn fucking skank whore slut. Women deserve to be drowned like the worthless parasites they are.

And this is why you’re still a virgin

Women are fucking shit creatures. Worthless utter useless materialistic whores who deserve to be hurt.

Not a virgin at all actually. I don't even know my number. I thoroughly hate fucking and strangling women while watching the fear in their eyes.


Go back to ur mom's basement incel. Pretty pitiful you have to try and prove your worth to anyonymous douches on the internet.

dis nibba hardcore

t. feminist faggot
Go donate to some Twitch streamers you beta fuck. They'll never meet you or fuck you.

Not an incel either. I get laid whenever I want.

Lol what I've learned in my 68 years on this planet is that the assholes who try to talk the biggest when they think they are anonymous or otherwise protected are the ones who never get laid, never move out, and die miserable. Have fun with that

>Live on my own
>Freelancer, own my own business
>Literally have a couple of skanks on standby if I can't get anyone on any given night

Okay you old fart. I love my life. My number is well above 100 at this point but I have a deep passionate hate for women. They're shit and anyone who disagrees has no experience with them.

Haha he said he gets laid whenever he wants LOLOLOL

Blow smoke into her asshole through a straw

Greentext indicates falsehoods

You should meet my ex. She had a fetish for being held down underwater for long periods of time. Yeah, I wasn't all about the whole jail for murder thing so I never got into her fetishes. You two would hit it off.

Let's analyze, obviously his mommy abandoned him very young, as such he is unable to interact with women. Not seeing his own faults, he projects his own shitty character onto those who remind him of his mother (all women) and as such is socially awkward, probably the "shy quiet type" at his shitty job, bubbling with rage. I'll read about you on the news when your attempt to finally take it out on one fails and you end being buttraped in prison

No he wouldn't, he's incapable of interacting with women.

Just fucked again

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>My number is well above 100 at this point
I see the problem.
You're fucking any fat worthless cow that will have you, instead of being with the actual nice and respectable ones like most of us.


Your number is well above 100? You mean you've taken 100 dicks up your ass? Or 100 cumshots into a dirty rag? Honestly I'd believe either

write "Epstein didnt kill himself" on her ass.


My father is the one who abandoned the family when I was born. I interact with women just fine. I have a knack for convincing them to do whatever I want.

Not shy at all.

>Shitty job
I love my job actually. I make great money doing what I enjoy doing and I've had a lot of shitty jobs in the past.

I get that you're some white knight protector of women but you need to understand something; they don't want you to protect them nor do they care. They find you more pathetic than the men who hate them. They hate and despise guys like you.

I have boundaries. I'll fuck a butterface but I do not fuck girls who aren't skinny. I've only had one drunken hook up with a girl who was chubby in my life. Fat people are fucking gross and should be fat shamed, locked into a prison where they're forced to become healthy.

Blow smoke into her asshole through a straw

You need to understand one simple thing: the more you feel the need to try and deny it on the internet, the more likely it is to be true lol amirite???

Out of curiosity, what made you hate women so much?

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Kek. Never change user. Never change

Look at yourself you worthless pile of garbage. Oh yeah you live on your own cause nobody wants to live with you cause your a psychotic waste of space who thinks women should die. I know your not gonna take these words to heart cause of how your fucked up mind works, but nobody deserves to die because of their gender. You may own your own business but what the fuck does that mean? You have so much hate stored up inside yourself you probably feed off coming to Sup Forums everyday and ranting about how much you hate women. Your life sucks. Learn to love. Get some help.

Didn't you read this? This is why

Well, while you guys were arguing. I had a pretty good night.

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I'm just some user. I could be a 400 pound kid in Alaska right now playing Fortnite and shitposting on Sup Forums.

I personally just like to get a bit of Tito's in me and let it all out on here. All of my personal thoughts and ambitions. I shouldn't even be up right now. I have non-stop meetings for nearly 5 hours tomorrow.

Lolz. Leave it to incels to fucking ruin everything

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Nah ur just a sad sad little man

That’s actually so fucking funny I came here wondering what this guy was boutta do with a slumped Korean chick on the floor but got sucked into reading some worthless fucker hate on women and trying to justify it LOL

Nicee one...Elon Musky..

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kek that's Sup Forums for you

This will never be funny, stop forcing it.

Meanwhile, OP still pretends he has fucked that girl and only puts pics of his dick near her ass

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You suck at taking pictures

take a video pl0x

A blurry photo doesn't help



It’s dark, and I’m trying to fuck while taking pictures with one hand.

In this family we don't do "trying", son. We just do it.