What are the strats on getting random traffic to a twitch stream these days

What are the strats on getting random traffic to a twitch stream these days

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If you’re a small streamer with like no views (me) I’ve found it that if you play small games like old CODs or old Halos that you’ll get a higher average view count, this is because people want to go watch the nostalgic games they used to play but when they click on the game they only see a few streamers to choose from so it’s a way higher chance they’ll click on yours. You probably won’t get a whole lot of viewers but this is definitely a way to gain a small viewer base in a semi-short amount of time. Hope this helped bro, keep up the grind. (Troggled on twitch if you wanna stop by, lol I fucking hate self advertising but another way to grow)


Imagine not even being an affiliate and telling people how to get places

He gave good advice you don't.
I could type out a lot about social marketing but I am on the phone.
First of all have a schedulem that's where most people fail. Stream best 9n Thursday afternoons or Tuesday evenings. Most of the people have nothing to do at that time and start browsing.

Make up a character for your stream. If you are yourself people will find to trigger you. Think about things you don't care and pretend to hate them (like you don't know shitty jokes and get triggered etc.) give your community a way to tease you.

When you have a small amount of viewer greet people who come into the chat and always be like "great to see you" "how you doing bud etc".

Once you realize that some people show up regulary highlite their name and respond to them more and always tell your viewers how create it is that he is a long time fella (like here with newfag and oldfag. Just a bit more pc).

Once you have regular 10 viewers start doing events or themed streams.

If you do it part time your streams should be about 40 min long. With a timer of 15 min b4 your stream starts. If it's too long and your viewercount is too low you will start loosing regulars if the stream is too long and they can't watch the whole thing. Try to end it in a plot twist. Make memes for your chat. Give your viewers nicks like you are my logang etc.

That's what you should do at least for your stream. Advertising is something Totally different.

The stream bubble popped it is over unless you already have a following on some social media stuff like IG or facebook or twitter already, you can NOT become a professional streamer IE 30k a year from donations/subs anymore unless you have some super secret viral marketing shills you pay heavily to get you all over the place

How are people supposed to become an affiliate then you dumbass LMFAO you gotta learn the strats before you start your journey

Holy shit you are big smart u definitely gave some good advice, thank you I appreciate that a lot honestly

By doing their due diligence and not being a scumbag on Sup Forums for one, can you imagine using this place to self advertise?

vegasfats here btw

That’s not the case at all my dude big streamers host people with little to no viewers quite often and that gives the small streamers such a big boost if not sets them up completely. And plus people are always curious and get bored of who they regularly watch and go watch small people just cause they’re that bored. Always gotta look at the brighter side of things, and remember, Everyone has their turn.

quite often? You do know how many MILLIONS of people stream nowadays right? That is like saying everyone who moves to LA has their time in the spotlight as an actor

You don't get into streaming to make money anymore or to even hope to grow a channel, if you do then you are a fucking RETARD and deserve to have your time wasted


Donation bubble didn't pop at all and sponsors are going crazy right now. A 1000 user - verified 30min promotion stream for mobile games is worth about 800 - 2000 dollars. Depend where you live and how it is taxed that's some good money. Passive sponsorship is more then enough to make a decent living (banners etc) if you are up to 1000 viewers or 250 regulars. Where do you get these numbers from?
No problem. Best of luck.

And your just a sad troll with no motivation in life and no goals LMAO go smoke some weed or hangout with your friends bro quit being a downer (and streaming doesn’t waste any time at all of you we’re already gonna spend that time playing games anyways LOL)

I have a full time job dickhead, streaming is this days acting people just want an easy way to be rich and famous and make hella money but no one thinks of it

Project elsewhere stoner

People aren't really getting bored. People just don't use their statistics right and don't get regulars. For example if I have 50 subs and 40 of them are also subbed to a bigger streamer - don't stream at the same time. Don't stream dark games during the day if your viewers are from the same time zone etc.

Looks like you failed miserable and expected to grow in 2 weeks and make millions. Look at the statistics of your channel and your advert rating. 250 regulars with only passive advertisement and 4 streams a week make about 2600 - 2800. If you pay 50% taxes that's still enough to live. You won't get rich but it's still better then most of the 9 to 5 jobs. Please post your analytics statistic page to see where you screwed up

People who have been grinding for half a year might not even be partner yet or close to a triple digit regular viewcount. Don't put fantasies in peoples head the majority of this is luck vs hard work

Nicee one...Elon Musky..

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That's why I said post some analytics. People are doing it wrong because they have no idea and don't want to join a streaming network because they don't want to lose 15% of the money they don't earn. I am legit going to help you for free if you want. Of course things aren't easy but most of the people can make it and don't expect that everything will be done for them.

Damn you really are just a sad dude aren’t you :/ like really you’ve got a full time job your probably living a semi decent life but your gonna come on Sup Forums and tell anons that they’re not gonna make it doing what they want?? Bro In reality go make some friends and get off this website, your not going anywhere with this.

Would you hit up Vegasfats and help him out? Or tell him to shut his stream down either way works. Shame you didn't get quints

Would you be willing to message me on my channel? And possibly help me grow my stream? I’m not asking you to host me or ask your viewers to come watch me but would you be willing to just talk on twitch or dc or something so if I ever wanna talk about stream stuff or just have questions I could hit you up?

Are you telling me how to spend my time and enjoy myself? Why can't I get my kicks out of being a jerk?

Since when has retardit been so prominent here, or are you one of them tumblr refugees.

Never touched tumblr in my life lol, but I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life I’m just saying I bet you down the road your gonna regret all the times you were a dick to people cause nobody is gonna want to be cool with you cause you were an asshole to them. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

Twitch name? On the phone right now as I said. I am not a streamer I just work full time in a network - my earnings is based on the income of lots of "small" influencer. That's why I know about maintaining a stream and social media.
Can't promise a time frame but will check it during the week.

Nice, he streams like once a month because he is sure there is no way to get anywhere on twitch without some kind of secret hacks or a social media team going to work for you and I want to see this guy actually get to at least affiliate please don't get offended if he is a dick though he kind of sucks being from las vegas lol

I have been a casual Sup Forums user since nearly it's inception man, I am in my 30s and being a dick anonymously is pretty nice sometimes, relax

It’s Troggled, and ohh okay I gotcha but still you seem like your pretty damn smart and would love to be able to come to you if I have questions lol

OP delete thread this is the most autistic gathering of unguided children arguing against misled adults ive ever seen

That is why it is so funny

I like cowboys.

Okay I’ll have to agree with you I catch myself being a dick online too even tho I hypocritically just told you not to be, but honestly every time I am, I put myself in the shoes of the other person and feel remorse and just feel down after being a dick, you don’t know how much harm your words are gonna do to someone, you could’ve totally changed my mind on streaming and I could’ve just lost hope on what for years has been my dream job. I’m not gonna say again to quit being an asshole, but when you do, just think of how strong your words really can be.

I have been at this longer than some kids who use this site have been alive I am a shift manager at my place of employment I know exactly how far words can go and the power in a negative comment or a nice one and the long and short term effects it can have on people.

I am really nice to my loved ones close family and friends and go well out of my way to help others sometimes, and other times I enjoy being cruel or outright mean spirited just because its nice to dabble in all sorts of feelings and perspectives, enjoy everything you only get one go at it

That’s so funny lol you’ve been on this site for years on end and this is my first time ever exploring Sup Forums, this site is so fuckin odd but I’m liking it, thanks for the first experience on Sup Forums lmfao hope your job and life goes well :)

So only your boyfriend likes you?

No wonder you are such a faggot, I hope you lose a loved one or your kids are born with crazy disabilities and you love them too much to kill them

That’s not true at all :) you went too far with it it’s just unrealistic to wish that upon a random person LMFAO, but stop by the stream sometime if you want :) twitch- Troggled