Get home

>Get home
>Walk into your bedroom
>See her sitting on your bed
>What do?

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do a 360 and moonwalk away

Call ice. She’s apparently hiding, probably on the run.

Spend rest of the day eating ass

Order her to do my dishes, they are ng pretty bad.

send pic of dirty dish kitchen
it's my fetish

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I kind of don't believe you, user.

Get the fuck back in the kitchen

i work as a dish washer at the busiest restaurant in my city
for free

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If she ain't got a dick I'll pass

et the fuck out u fucking 40 year old trying hard to look and act like a 5 year old u are gross u are a grown women u are not a child u fucking pedoshit dress and act like your fucking age

I know she's legal but I still feel bad about watching her "video repertoire"

Smother that girl in chocolate sauce
And strap her on again, oh baby

Forget that im a dumbass Sup Forums basement dwelling cunt and fuck her like theres no tomorrow because this is the one chance in life that im gonna get to fuck risa amano and it better be fucking good.

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Why the fuck is Sup Forums so stupid about orientation?

+5 points for tony the tiger bowl
and nice MLP cup, i would put iced tea in there

i would come over and wash them for you

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Nicee one...Elon Musky..

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I'm calling the police. some crazy woman broke into my apartment.

yeah so many faggots around

You'd just make it worse.
if I can't pull myself to wash them than I would just start relying on you and that's bad. unless you just want to always wash my dishes.

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Lick her feet and then out you yeet

i'm a virgin NEET who's only job at home is to wash dishes, i wouldn't mind

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give her bowl of boiled eggs and force her to eat them all

ausfag confirmed

Yeet her out cause i literally got a new gf 3 days ago who's cuter and hotter than that child looking hoe.

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Rider kickkkkkk !!

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