Random shit you saved

Random shit you saved.

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That picture made me remember that web site that sold milk which was gargled by woman. Anyone else remember that shit?

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>a pic I jerk off too because I'm such an edgy little wanna-be nazi fuck
pick one

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Mad cause bad.

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>taking the bait

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I mean I guess, it was pretty obvious, that's why I gave him the pretty childish response, but I guess you win because I'm responding in the first place right?

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>still responding

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No, you win! Do not offload that win on me.

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ITT: frogposters confuse "Random" and "Racist"
probably get thrown off by the "R"

the full story makes this even better

Hell yeah partner, I put that dipski in my lipski

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yeah no. im not racist its what i find funny

random - means funny to me

stop projecting

cry harder

You hate to see it

face it, was right you know

The one nigger in the thread

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>random - means funny to me
>no, I'm not retarded, why do you ask?

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cry harder

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Sup Forums was a mistake

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...and he's an idiot too. Adds up.

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idiots dont get 75%

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Please tell me what triggered you in my post That is btw my only post of those. Inb4 you were just trolling.

When I was in high school, 75% was a "C".
Same grade as all the other idiots, lol.

White superiority sure is great guys.

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>Please tell me what triggered you in my post
Because I'm a knee-jerk idiot who really doesn't understand what's going on around me.

link to the entire set?

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And i said you won. In the end you made us both losers.
What up, loser bro?

Hey, don't reply for me user ;)

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This isn't KKK, it is from an Easter ritual in Spain where they wear similar hoods

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>the drama in this thread

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Is this from the special directors cut of the lord of the rings?


We all know your the same queer who was baiting lol.

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Implying it was not you.

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Im just a passing by retards

Maybe. But I saved it because it looks like a cute white pride chick.
You gotta take your wins when you can find 'em.

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user, when everyone around you is a retard...

Yeah man, I got all three and I had to specifically change the date on my ps3 to January 30 1933 and pause specifically at 45:25 to get this.

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first image i evar saved, 15sep2004

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Sweet, brb got to fap.
Now where did i have that special directors cut edition again?

Lmao what the fucks happening here user?

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Sad Pt. 1

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Sad Pt. 2

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ITT: idiots posting shit about other races falling victim to the simplest of trolls

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Nicee one...Elon Musky..

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When you can’t even do a proper salute what in the fuck

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Looks a bit lile she was counting til potatoe with her fingers.

>implying you're actually trolling
Yeah? You gonna wake up and tell your friends at school tomorrow how you trolled the chan?

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Well this guy clearly doesn't understand Random. Sorry we're not posting funny boi spongebob memes, Billy.

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