Here's a few things we know from this picture:

Here's a few things we know from this picture:

1) masculinity is a top priority for her
2) she is completely satisfied in bed
3) her children will have strong genetics and a rich and vibrant culture which, while being only 13% of the population dominates not only nationally but internationally, influencing everything from fashion to speech, making them the trend setters of the world
4) as a result of 3, her children will not be school shooters. Instead they will be the popular jocks, winning the school trophies and admiration from white school girls, priming them to foster bbc only sentiments from a very young age
5) people will marvel at how with so many barrieres put in his way, he still manages to carry himself with dignity and achieve what his white male counterparts needed a societal head start, employing every form of discrimination and chicanery a perverse white male mind could conceive, to achieve
6) because of 5, he is naturally strong willed. a quality highly prized by white females.
7) she's a strong and independent thinker, eschewing the scorn from beta male cucks who want her to choose a mate based on racial "loyalty" because they lack the superior game and social intelligence of a black male, who instantly becomes the life of the party whenever he enters a room, high fiving his bros and teaching them ethnic handshakes which, indicating a shared and sacred brotherhood found only amongst those lucky enough to be melanated or accepted into closely guarded melanated circles

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this is how a whiteboi cope
postin black gore on his containment board
cause he a pussy that would get his ass beat if he dropped the n bomb irl

this is how whiteboi copes with bottled up anger. probably got jumped by a couple niggas and he so mad

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Dead niggers make me hard. I’m coooommmmiiiinnnnggg

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im gonna shoooooooooooot

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need to get a job
move out
have sex

I kek when I see references to this movie. how badass the neo nazi was.
he ended up being buttfucked by his comrades and leaving the aryan nation.

Imagine typing this while baiting people on Sup Forums

imagine taking the bait so hard you spam gore
you're emotional unstable and should never go near a school.

Hhhnnnnngggggh immmmm coooommmmiiinnnggg

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I'm genuinely curious. Who creates these threads and what is their agenda?

Nigger do cause nobody wants da black pussy. White supremacy 100%

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he breaks character sometimes. one time he got so mad he dropped his skype to debate a Sup Forumstard.

realnic55 i think it was.

Your work to destroy us only make us stronger

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I haven't heard about him. Also why does he do this?

1) nigger
2) nigger
3) nigger
4) nigger
5) nigger
6) nigger
7) nigger

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>to destroy us
>posts anime

you can just smell the virginity

to cope with his chink microdick

Hhhhhnnnnnngggggg just caught myself a freshly!!!

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Coalburner. All we need to know. Sucks to be you bitch.

they are both ugly as fuck, why would we even care

Nicee one...Elon Musky..

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Don't asians have smaller penises than whites?

And also don't like 99% of Asians view niggers as scum of the world? I really don't think this guy is Asian

This just in:
People on the internet worry about other people's lives too much.

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Oh please, you can tell they're just friends, dude's got friendzone written all over him.

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she'd fuck a dog if given the chance

Nice one, Schlomo. I'm guessing this will be copy pasted over next few days


Hapa. Asian mother and white dad, dad's "a racist white supremacist" so he vents all his hatred for his dad out here. The real situation is probably that his dad is just disappointed in him for being such a fucking loser.