Protect trans kids. Trans people literally cause no harm. All they want to do is play dress up. I'm a strong proponent of "If you aren't hurting anyone then get down how you wanna get down" trans people aren't affecting anything. That being said, if you were born a dude, you're just a dude forever. Sorry, dude. I'll call you Tiffany if it makes you more comfortable because I have no interest in being impolite but chopping off your dick doesn't make you a girl.
Protect trans kids. Trans people literally cause no harm. All they want to do is play dress up...
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Begone faggot. You all need to hang, no matter if you cause harm or not. now Fuck off. sage
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmbait, it seems
Lets ban murder too
that includes abortion too?
Just abide by the NAP and we'll be alright
Kill yourself faggot people like you are ruining America you sick fucks should all be shot on site
Protect them?
Sure let them dress how they want, but why dont you fight to protect them from the irreversible transition methods that could fuck them up for life.
>be retarded goy
>find out there's a place overwhelming with degenerate autismo
>it's Sup Forums
>waste countless hours shilling everything Jews want: trannyfaggotry, gayfaggotry, interracial, etc
>enjoy Le New Trend: "Muh Tranny Kids"
wtf.underaged people cant vote, cant drive, cant even have some liquor, yet a massively underaged kiddo can '''''choose'''' to get his body rekt because '''''''muh gender dysphoria'''''''
You know those are Drag performers not Trans right?
>t. Herp Derp Muh Drag Perfo Aint Gay
>child is convinced by outside forces that they are a trans creature
>kill themselves when they realize what has happened to them
actually 41%
Found the closeted faggots. You know why queers and shit make you sooooo butthurt? It's because you secretly want to be gay but can't because of your shitty upbringing so you get mad when others do and have what you want.
>fucking faggots
Oh poor guy. He kinda deserves it tho he tried and failed.
Fuck off you faggot loving cock sucker. No, who cares if gay faggots fuck each other. Just the fact that you are going out of your way to promote this faggot shit means you are a horrible piece of shit. Please fucking kys you god damn asshole.
I agree. Problem is, trans people do not "live and let live", they try to force everyone to play along, demanding special treatment.
I also think it's sickening to allow kids, who can barely decide what pokemon they want, decide what their gender is and give them irreversible medicinal treatments to "transition".
Hope it reaches 100% soon.
Buddy it doesn't work like that. If someone hates trans people doesn't exactly mean he is a closeted gay. You're trying to defend yourself with retardation and you have failed.
"I don't like spiders."
"Hrrr, drrr, you must want to fuck spiders!"
This normalization of mental illness is exactly the reason we have school shootings. We need state and federal hospitals rebuilt to deal with the epidemic of this fucking insanity. Jobs will be created and nutjob children will be locked away early before they can chop their dicks off or shoot up their school.
the breakdown of basic language and identity on a deliberate basis by kikes harms everyone who isn't a kike.
Sickened is the new triggered. Enjoy your strained peaches.
Good. Starve in isolation, goyboy.
Have you tried not being a silly cunt? You might find it refreshing.
Have you tried being a normal human being?
Bet if you split a meal with that chick and you had a single bite more than her she'd be throwing objective measurements like prime tyson chucking knuckles.
I agree. They're either suffering from a mental illness or being subjected to abuse by their overbearing mother who wished their child was of a different gender. In either case, they need to be taken and given therapy to save them from the source of the issue.
Sick burn. Have a juice box.
That's not only with Trans people. Most, if not all, of the LGBTMentally Ill community demands special treatment, and they would perceive you as an offender or a racist person for simply not caring about them. They want you, an Average straight human, to join them and become part of the community, and if you don't they immediately hate you.
Now obviously not all gay/trans/other are bad people, it's just the LGBT community.
I still wouldn't doubt Trans people being Mentally retarded.
Thanks. I'll get your straight jacket ready for when humanity finally realizes what useless freaks you are.
>Gender Reveal
OK, update the Suicide Watch list.
Also, wipe they off the welfare services. People self-harming (including transitioning, hormones, e tc) don't deserve the right to freeload off health services
>TLDR: you were BORN with a PENIS, thus you're definitely a MAN, no matter the effort to claim otherwise
Hey I know a good camp you can send those kids to
Pumping kids full of hormones that can permanently affect their development isn’t harmless OP. Stop making excuses for mentally-ill, attention-seeking faggots
>99.99% of the population of the world is straight
>0.01 of the population is trans
>normal not mental illness
I agree with this. Those who become Trans and whatnot aren't even sane anymore. They need mental help, or maybe enter a reeducation camp.
I'm androgynous and they're not including me in this. I have been all of my life.
That's why I don't care about them.
>cause no harm
Wrong, they take people for a ride, get married and have a kid and then become mentally ill. The normal spouse has to divorce while the mentally ill tranny thinks they are the victim and accuses the normal spouse of being transphobic.
The child in the middle is the real victim, the normal spouse not far behind, deally with numerous issues, financially and emotionally.
I speak from experience. Trannies should all be gassed.
That's true but will anyone even listen? I think being trans will become the norm for future generations.
>Trannies should all be gassed.
what about those who already committed suicide?
this might seem off topic but
gas them anyway, with farts, from your ass
Trannies are just an excuse for being lazy. What because it's easier to be a woman and let a man take care of you? Or your a fag but you want feel normal? News flash u fuckin morons. God knows if your a man or woman, he created you and you're trying to defy him. You will surely burn in hell for eternity..
im all for trans rights, but being a trans kid and playing dress up are two hella different things, and being a trans kid is usually not the choice of the kid themselves. just look at desmond is amazing
Gas then anyway to be extra sure.
Kids are dumb if you told them that I will give candy if cut your dick they will do it most mom's do it to get some followers of social credit
you got it backwards, it's you the few ones, and we are the majority. it's you who's starving in isolation, kid.
more like protect kids from the trans epidemic.
you sound massively anti-semitic
All I know is if you see me in the woman's bathroom don't say shit. Yea I gotta an 8 inch dick and i look like a masculine male. But the truth is I feel like a woman on the inside. I am a bitch bull Dyke and you better embrace me.