What the hell is this. Psoriasis? Which I get. Herpes?
What the hell is this. Psoriasis? Which I get. Herpes?
Bedbugs, rip
fungal. Just buy a cream. Same as for feet
Last one sorry I’m paranoid
yeah looks like jock itch you cuck
Fungus/jock itch. Powder that bad boy up. Remember to keep it dry. Wear moisture wicking boxers or spandex. You'll be fine in 5 to 6 days my man.
2-3 year recovery
It's a sweat rash fggt. Lose some weight.
jock itch ffs take a bath more than 3 times a year and you won't have that problem.
def looks like molluscum, bumps with dimples in the middle
It's heat rash.
Rub down area with hand sanitiser twice a day for a week and all gone.
1. Stop being a fat fuck
2. Wash your sweaty balls more often.
3. Profit????
I'll need to see another shot of your balls, to be sure. Also your cock tip as a comparison.
>don't sass me boy, this is scientific shit
You have fungus you disgusting fuck. You don't need to show us your balls to figure that out. Go outside of your house/talk to other humans occasionally and maybe you would have heard of it.
Huhmy jock area is really itchy I wonder what that fuck it could be?! Must be some new unheard of dangerous disease not a thing you can buy a cure for at the grocery store.
This. Anything that will really dry out the skin on top will take care of it. It's cause you're moist and sweaty down there. Rubbing alcohol mixed with sugar to scrub it a few times a day for a couple weeks will make it a lot better.
It's small balls, it's common with faggots.
In order to get herpes, you have to have contact with someone, so we can quickly check that off the list.
Thats a yeast infection from not washing your balls enough.
For everyone who is saying that this is caused only from being a dirty fuckwad, that is not true. If you work in the sun for long periods on hot days, you can get this pretty easily, even if you shower daily. Happened to me, and the cream gave me a weird scar on my ballsac, where the skin went 2 shades whiter, and the hair all went white. Dont suggest using the creams they sell, just wash it, and keep it dry
Ingrown hairs are usually caused by a lack of exfoliation, causing new hair growth to be trapped under layers of dead skin, and thus reverse course.
Cysts are caused by being a filth magnet
Shit like this on your nuts is usually caused by stewing in your own grime for weeks on end
And you wonder why you're a virgin?