I've been talking to this beautiful girl who's 14 (we know and hang sometimes irl) and we tell each other secrets all...

I've been talking to this beautiful girl who's 14 (we know and hang sometimes irl) and we tell each other secrets all the time...

Just earlier today she told me she actually sucked her first cockatoo and I won't lie, I'm kinda upset. I know we wouldn't do anything but it hurt when she told me she finally had sexual encounter with someone. I guess I kinda did have feelings for her even though I know nothing could even happen between us because of the age gap.

I haven't replied yet but what should I say to her without sounding like I'm a jealous spag autist? I really like her..

> also inb4 underage I'm in my 20s.

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>being worried about what a 14 year old girl thinks of you

Kek, kys, pedofaggot. You posted this thread earlier.

>Grab a rope
>hang yourself pedo

Just let some hiv+ bbc breed your butthole
You'll feel alot better once you're pozzed

Go on...

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>I'm in my 20s.
thats even worse than being underage

this cringey bait again?
kys OP

Honestly opinion?
Idk mate

OP claims met nice 14yo and can actually get along with them. Yeah.....

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pic or bs

We video call regularly and once we just was chilling on the park and she rested her head on my chest oh my gosh.. I'm really falling for her someone please help me bros

Please tell us more OP. You are in your 20s and you can actually stand to be around a 14yo for more then 2 minutes.

Please tell us about the amazing deep conversations you have.

Beat her at her own game. Say you have sucked 2 cockatoos. That will show her.

Grow the fuck up and find a girl your own age you fucking creep

You’re a fucking retarded pedo.
Tip: work on forging a relationship with an adult, if that fails kys


I'm interested.

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>she actually sucked her first cockatoo

something tells me you're US ameritards

HOLY SHIT HOW DID U KNOW?????! WTF.. the girl is the same height as me yet but how did u know i was asianmanlet holy fuck im scared

Fuck u our interests are very similar and we can talk for hours non stop I love her

kys pedo

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Yeah pls tell us what amazing shared interests you two talk about.

Why do you have random pictures of cockatoos

Tell me user... What the fuck would u talk differently (besides sex) with a 14 year old girl than u would with a girl that's 18+?

They literally have same mentality

>i love her

If she's doing it with someone else that means she understands what she's doing.

She's probably been waiting for you to take the lead, but you never did.

Nah, I'm seriously interested about what are you both talking.
I was chatting with 15y.o. (it's legal to fuck 15 here) and I found extremely difficult to talk to her, cuz even that we had a lot common, the mindset of f15 and m33 is so different.

My friend told how she lost her mouth virginity when she was 13
The guy was 19 so, no worries my pedo bro, if she likes you, fuck the world and these moral retards

Post pics of her

14 year olds don't say shit, it's mostly 4 word sentences, talk about school dumb shit and how horrible everyone over 14 is and how stupid everyone under 14 is.

Being 14 is horrible. Every 14yo hates, loathes and wants too kill everyone older then them.

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spotted the virgin pedo.
also, I smell an US ameriturd

Pedo faggot kill yourself

How old are you? Wait until she's 18

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FUCK u man she's not like she's 6 or anything. We talk about what we want to do for our future and aspiration goals. We talk about our beautiful dogs and how we train them and teach them shit cause dogs are like.

We talk about random video games and movies we like (She's watched 18+ so we can talk about anything) and our fitness goals and routines since were into that.

Just because she's 14 doesn't mean she's some mentally handicapped vegetable that can't communicate with anyone over 18 u fuckface.

You're seriously one dumb motherfucker if u think 14yo girls don't like guys older than them


You've obviously never interacted with a girl during your school days u homo sjw faggot

Get over yourself and move on. I don't judge you for being attracted to her, she's old enough its not really pedophelia just extremely questionable, I judge you for being an idiot. Move on before something bad happens. She doesn't need you.


14 year olds are pathetic and have pathetic communication skills. Your lucky to get a grunt out of em.

They also arnt allowed in the adult world so they distrust, and hate people in there 20s.

That's why pedos go after 10 year olds, more trusting, and respectful then 14 year olds.

>Virgin pedo
If i'm a pedo, I fucked someone, right?
Spotted the true virgin
I will fuck these underage girls and there's nothing you can do about it, my dear friend
Also, I can fuck girls 13+ and be protected by law

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Lulz. Wouldn't be caught dead in high school mixing with anyone one grade lower, social suicide.

14 year olds don't have aspiration s or goals that match any 20 year olds, unless the 20 year old is a complete retard.

Why the fuck DON'T you?

Thanks bro but I love her

Then you risk hurting her for your own happiness. You're starting to sound like a sociopath.

>I love her
You sounds desperate, what about you find someone at your age?
You know that she's in constant changes and can dump you for any shit she found better than you, right?
Well, it's a risk you take, I won't take any chances like that
Why don't you just fuck her and search for something better than a fucking 14 yo?
You stay with her until a person that really likes you find you, at your age, that changed so much, that her changes will be smaller compared to 14-18

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My wife and I met when she was 17 and I was 22 a little different but just go with your gut.

>Wouldn't be caught dead in high school mixing with anyone one grade lower, social suicide.
lol like u have any social life u faggot

What if OP wants to go with her gut and insert all the way INTO her gut

But what about my status lol. So many people I used to go to school with don't have any friends anymore or realise they never did. Be social have fun but don't forget why you are in school. Cause we are all stupid fucks!

Not our business some countries legal age is 14. If he didn't post this nobody would care. Just relax and have a happy life man if 14 is repulsive just move on to the next thread and stop getting baited by a larping sperg

My niece is 14 and wants to be a biochemist. Saved up her own money, bought a microscope, and has been making mini ecosystems inside jars for the last year or so.
Thats a pretty big aspiration, and its not like we're some rich fucks. Her mom is a junkie, and her dad is out of the picture almost entirely. She grew up with me and my parents raising her, mainly on SNAP benefits and public schools until recently.

They only lack aspirations when they have shitty parents. They only lack communication skills when they have shitty parents, who park them infront of the TV or throw a tablet at them.
If you raise a kid right, they dont turn out like rejects.

Wtf backwater school do you go to? When I was in primary, I was dating a 7th grader when I was in 8th, I was fucking freshman and sophomores when I was a senior, just like almost every other senior.

I love u bro

So much this.

Do u flirt with her

Post screencaps of the convo, fag

>not fbi

a pedo is defined by his pedo attitude.
'virgin pedo' is a legit pedo (example: a virgin who frequently watches pedoporn shit - and that's enough to get jailed).

Btw the pedo trend skyrocketed because:

- a lot of youngsters have sex way before 18 instead of preserving for marriage. Innocence was literally destroyed

- a lot of kids and children get exposed to porn imagery and noone gives a shit. Innocence was literally destroyed

- porn industry is the only one (((they))) operate at a loss, because their actual target is the destruction of goyim. And that's easier when destroying the innocence

In 1974 the American Psychologists Association (APA) official manual (DSM) "deregulated" faggotry. In 1994 pedofaggotry was "deregulated" as well, claiming it isn't an illness if the pedo doesn't feel like shit about their pedofaggotry.
That eventually leveraged the anime industry, making it profitable switching from "moe" (barely sexualizable girls - example: most Miyazaki's works) to "pedo bait".

((((They)))) are hurrdurring quite hard to make pedo "acceptable", thus definitely destroying children. Premature sex has been demonstrated to be the source of an awful lot of psychological problems, even on people who had not anymore memory of having been abused when children.

>Also note: the social stigma upon pedos and the law enforcement about pedofelony are becoming useless.

To all the people who took the bait and responded, remember THIS.................

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

nice try, pedo.
v& is anyway on its way

Sucking a cockatoo? In all honesty, I think a macaw would probably be a better dinner tbh. Or maybe an African grey

I love her too.

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Are you me?

why would the age gap be a barrier?

it's not.
but it's an attempt at making a bait thread.
which seems to be working.

id smash a 14 year old no problem. its also legal here so checkmate @OPCUCK

I've never seen a cockatoo dick

here you go. its name is Dick, just like Dick Cheney.

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> I guess I kinda did have feelings for her even though I know nothing could even happen between us because of the age gap.

and because Epstein was safely silenced.

by himself.

Dude it’s an easy set up now. Just ask some general questions and let he know off handedly she prob didn’t do a great job. Add a few tips of your own and drop on her that she could practice on you without the pressure of it being a guy she wants to date. Fucking perfect setup, you put all the time in for this shit

op you're not only a loser but also "that 20 year old creep going for freshmen" get a fucking grip weird cunt

the age of consent in hawaii was 14 until 2000

Good luck op. Young girls are a lot of fun. I hooked up with girls 15-18 when i was in my 30s best sex I ever had...in roblox.

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>this Fucking thread

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Not sure what your issue is, OP. Use to talk to a 13 yo when I was 20. Made my day when she told me she lost her virginity. Virgins don't know why they're doing and make a mess. By the time she turned legal age of 18 & we finally fucked, she had enough sexual experience to be a fun piece of ass. Been dating her for 3 years now, will prob end up moving in with her at the end of the month. She keeps asking about us getting married, but she's only 21. Wanna wait a couple more years before I make that type of commitment to someone almost a decade younger than me.

Just roll with it, be a friend & don't even think about doing anything with her til she's legal.

*what they're doing

what the fuck is the problem here?
you had feelings for her until you learned she's already active?
you feel betrayed somehow even though you've never touched her?
you think she's somehow impure now, as if touching a cock leaves an indelible mark that makes her worth less than she was before?
you utter retard

>Btw the pedo trend skyrocketed because:

The internet made sharing information easier, including illegal information.

Fucking idiot.


This. Met my wife when she was 14, I was 21. We talked pretty much daily about everything and I was apparently the first one she told when she lost her virginity. Just like user, we never had sex until she was 18. But the years of getting to know each other, never having any secrets makes this relationship the best I ever had. And her having sexual experience made our first time so much easier. Virgins are awkward as fuck, they cry from the pain which is a boner killer, and the bloody sheets are a pain to wash. Been married for 4 years now and it's been great.

No shit you're upset. It shattered the image she had in your heart. Part of the appeal is in the fact that they aren't broken and used like they will be in a few short years. By the time a girl is in her mid twenties, she is WELL busted and carrying a LOT of baggage. A young one isn't like that. She has a freshness and a "light" that is no longer with women your age. You have a standard with which you hold girls her age. And, because she has already been exposed to sexuality and sexual behavior (especially since it wasn't with you), you've been disillusioned with her to an extent. If you wanted a used up thot, you wouldn't have "aimed low". You approach the idea of young girls with a very different view than you do with 20 somethings.

Ask her to suck yours for comparison.

Now she's just a whore. Hopefully it wasn't a black dong. If so cut ties right now

KYS Pedo


Should've made your move if you didn't want to get cucked. Imagine being a 20 year old and being this fucking pathetic, go lift some weights faggot and get a clue.