Post best electric socket, and why it is an Italian socket?

Post best electric socket, and why it is an Italian socket?

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Other urls found in this thread:,_TN_and_IT_systems


Schuko / type F ftw

Bulky shit

Its not.

There is no way to ensure correct polarity of the phase and neutral. It's a bit of a fail socket really.

aaaaand here comes the american with muh phase and neutral

faggot kys

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Not American.

Its important to ensure correct circuit connections for electrical safety. If you fight me on this, I will properly school you and make you look like a fool.

>and make you look like a fool.
He already does

ok, school me. all apliances made and sold here dont care about polarity. we even have two different distribution networks, the modern TN 400V 3ph + N and the old IT 230V 3ph. my house has the latter one meaning it has 2 live phases in every socket that measures ca 130V to ground. exept from different fuses its installed and used in the same way as TN. no sparky here ever talks about phase and neutral, all wires are regarded as live once they exit the breaker panel.

Finally a b thread.

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The ones in new Zealand are pre nice. That looks way more convenient tho.

Is the voltage weird? Are DC adapters huge for that plug? Like phone chargers and stuff.

Guaranteed to get shocked. Best plug is north American,it has extended ground prong


That's fucked up and shit.

Fuck off. UK has the best. 230 v at 50 hertz ftw. None of your fucking odd 230v 3 ph bollox or what ever the shite it is.

USA plug, best plug, fuck everyone else.

Nah brah

fuck you nigger

fuck off with your mutt plugs.
UK plug is the best designed and safest plug in the world.
Prove me wrong.

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your plugs look gay and they're unnecessarily bulky

>look gay
Who gives a shit what they look like you stupid mutt.
If they keep me safe why does it matter?

I'm white as fuck, you silly cunt.


what matters is they look super gay, and therefor it makes you gay.

You could argue that there is no need for the fuse as most places have red's and mcbo's, but I won't because it's safer. They are fucking awkward some times but still better than any other one as of now.

AC, you treat even neutral as live

Cringe. Enjoy getting 110v through your overweight body.

It is not important, if you design properly

>Put phase on wrong side of switch
>Turn off lamp at the switch
>Unscrew lightbulb
>Accidently zap yourself because the actual lamp socket is still at 110/220V potential instead of being the same as ground
This is a stupid simple reason for why polarity matters.
You have to design these things for the biggest possible retard you can imagine.

>Fuck off. UK has the best.

The fact that there's a built-in earth/ground connection makes it superior to any two-hole socket; the fact that the socket keeps the live and neutral holes blocked until the earth/ground pin has been inserted makes it superior to any other three-pin system that I'm aware of.

But here ground contact is closer to surface, than live/neutral. Same result, but more elegante

Switch must be double pole.

The device won't care, but flipping phase and neutral means that some parts of a device designed with polarity in mind can still be at a lethal electrical potential even when you flip the switch off.

Heyy..nice Elon Musky..

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you can literally stick the ground into the phase and touch the bare metal. 0/10 would never plug in in the dark.

How has this not been posted yet?

Nobody does that though, at least not any lamp I've seen. Most design with polarity in mind and use the most simple/cheap switch.

Fuses these days are just used to protect the cable rather than the appliance. Stops your house going up in flames.

They're still used mostly because of the way our houses are wired, the ring main cables can carry much more current than an appliance power cord.

Some countries have 127V three phase, which means that 220V socket will have two live wires.
Device manufacturer must treat neutral as if it was live, because you never know when your PE-N will disconnect from transformer, and when you will get 380V shock from your neutral.

I mean socket by the way

Fuck off I can't stand this freak. He's so cringe.

because your mom is a filthy whore

Yes, manufacturers want natural selection to happen in 2019. This is why socket must be non-polarized.

I agree, all parallel, perfect for forks

>Some countries have 127V three phase, which means that 220V socket will have two live wires.

Sounds like some nigger tier design.

Naw that guy is better. +49 1573 1059610

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+49 1573 1059610 Sells better

>learn at school electricity is bad
>always unplug or flip the breaker if you need to do something
>its darwinism at work if you manage to zap yourself
i see your point its just not done this way here and it has never been a problem. there are ways to get power on the neutral if something fucks up, its a bad idea to give people the impression neutral is safe to touch. would you lick on a neutral in your house?

This is good design. Imagine forcing people to design double-insulated or proper grounded (not neutral on case) equipment with double pole switches.

Not with the safety mechanism within the socket you can't. Unless you use stupid while doing it.

If it was not a closed circuit then yes I would lick the neutral because it would be at 0v.

110v/220v really isnt that dangerous unless it goes from hand to hand.

With enough force you can.

old school. its shit since all heavy equipment run on 400V today so you need transformers to run it. but its the prefeered system for extremely sensite equipment like hospitals since its more stable and much less sensite for earth leak. you can put a leader straight to ground and it will still work.

Super practical too.

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Reported. Fuck off you shill.

Canadian here. UK plugs have a better considered design than our american plugs.
On UK plugs, Hot and neutral prongs are partly insulated removing the possibility of coming into contact with the live prongs when the plug is only partially inserted.
In a garage or shop environment, a dropped sheet or flat piece of metal could fall between the plug and the socket causing a short circuit... That is if the receptacle was installed with the hot and neutral prongs oriented up. (The plug style was originally meant to be installed with the ground lug on the top so that any dropped material bounces off the ground prong thus avoiding this problem, but there is no regulation specifying a standard orientation.)

you have way to much faith, dont try it. you never know whats going on in the network before it enters your house. got zapped in my head while crawling on all fours on wet ground once, thats the worst feeling ever and im kinda lucky it didnt kill me.

Meh, I've done it before on site and never had a shock.
Always remember the 'one hand rule' when poking around live equipment. Saved me many times.

Liar, you wouldnt lick it either way because that's just fucking weird.

>needing sockets
Imagine having fingers that conduct 220V

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What? It wouldn't fit like that

You've clearly never worked on a job site.

Why would you not just re-wire the plug? This is peak laziness.

Use real power, use 230v, none of your Nancy boy 110. Kids electric.

No you can't.

What sort of witchcraft is this?

flat surface is crap and does not provide the optimal surface contact in micro-scale
also that sharp shit is easy to scratch you.
uk is primitive nigger-plug even the size is excessive

127/220V was used in Soviet union, and is still used in some latin shitholes like Brazil.

Nope. Neutral is bonded to ground. You can safely touch neutral at any socket.

Only live carries voltage.

They are very different and serve a very different purpose.,_TN_and_IT_systems
IT system, my house has it and i live in norway. think its the only cunt in europe that still use it but its being replaced, slowly.

What a waste of engineering and money. Just design a socket that keeps polarity correct.

>You can safely touch neutral at any socket.
Blocks your path
IT is best system
Nope, natural selection > money

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>Kontakte nicht geschützt
>fuses in plugs
>fucking ring circuit
>still burn down the house because you never know when the ring really is a ring
a device that makes those design shortcuts is the fail
the whole point of 3 wires is to be sure that all failure modes are safe

actually retard not knowing how plugs work

are those two compatible?

Nein kraut, das is how it works in mother russia.

>UK plugs have a better considered design than our american plugs.
This is true. But they are kind of over-engineered. Double insulated appliances don't really need grounding - there is nothing to ground. By in the UK system you must have a ground pin. Why does a double insulated phone charger drawing 50mA need a ground pin? Or a fuse? The plugtop probably costs more than the charger

Our sockets have shutters which only open when the longer earth pin is inserted. So even if earthing isn't needed you still need to pin to plug it into the socket.

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I would comfortably stick a fork into neutral. It's grounded. 0v.

110/240v is only useful if it has a zero reference. That's how AC works - potential difference between phase and neutral with ground as a safety conductor.

not every plug in the UK has an earth, The earth pin is replaced by plastic so the shutters in the socket can still be pushed open to allow a connection.


Over engineered

hardly, at least i cant stick a fork in there and kill myself like i always wanted

Pretty safe though. It's very difficult to shock yourself with these plugs unless you're nigger tier retarded.

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Best plugs because triple penetration

type a and b, and type c and f

I guess it is a socket, but not electrical sorry.

Best socket /thread


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They have these in the US. They're called "child safety sockets". No one uses them because they're FUCKING ANNOYING and we're not stupid enough to stab paper clips into the electric holes.

There's also no fucking reason why you need to have 220v/30a/3 phase power running to power your fucking iPhone. It's much cheaper and easier to pull 14g copper everywhere for 99% of your daily equipment with a the 'fusible link' on the circuit and not the outlet. You're not going to burn your fucking house down with a TV or an alarm clock.

Just pay extra for the industrial teapot circuit.

>the 'fusible link' on the circuit and not the outlet
I think the English use fuses in the outlet because the engineering sub comittee of the outlet design commission took it far too seriously when someone said there were places in China sending over appliances with 0.75mm leads and all thier circuits rate to 32A.

Like thefuck your clock radio is ever going to draw enough power to melt it's pissant lead. Its just an over reaction by stodgy poms, that doubled the cost of the outlet / plugtop and made everyone's life a PITA


Sup Forums
How do I learn electricity and stuff?
This thread feels like it is way over my understanding of anything.

looks like the superior uk socket

Take the trade pill.

That plug can't be rewired. It's a plastic cast.

Your mom exits the breaker panel.

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