Global warming is rea-

>Global warming is rea-

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weather isn't climate

Okay retard.

nice ad hominem


You're a special kind of retarded aren't you?



It's bad enough to post this once. But when you post it every single day, despite reading about why this is a stupid thing to post, it pretty much confirms the fact that you're an unreachable imbecile.

Also, Elvis is still alive, the earth is flat, the queen of england is a reptile, and Kubrick staged the moon landing. Suck my dick american pigs


Fuck off Gretta

Global warming isnt real coz it was cold today

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global warming is a jewish conspiracy to get your money

Great point! Someone should get a hold of the thousands of scientists who agree that climate change is real, and let them know that it's cold in the winter. This will change everything!

kill that ego you'll be a better person

npc: the post

Just because scientists say its true doesnt mean jack shit. Theres also thpusands of scientists that says its fake. Shitty argument. Go back to reddt

Heyy..nice Elon Musky..

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Which is more NPC: to believe the vast majority of people who have spent years studying the climate, or to get your 'facts' from the energy companies and the politicians they own?

Wrong again, asshole. A tiny fraction of scientists disagree that climate change is happening, and surprise, they're the ones getting paid by the energy companies

It been over 80° in Florida for the last 235 consecutive days. The longest it's ever been over 80° anywhere in the US since they started recording temperatures in the1870s.

No there aren't. Its deliciously hypocritical you call another argument shitty and make a shitty argument in the same breath.

>doesn't mean jack shit


CO2 is a gas that is essentiaw to wife - aww pwants need it fow photosynthesis. Youw exhawed bweath has about 100 times the concentwation of CO2 of “nowmaw” atmosphewe - if you bewieve it to be a powwutant, do youw pawt and QUIT BWEATHING.

Using the wowds “cawbon”, “cawbon emissions”, “cawbon powwution”, ow simpwy “powwution” when weawwy wefewwing to CAWBON DIOXIDE, CO2, is pawt of the pwopaganda. Ewementaw cawbon genewawwy exists as a sowid, in vawious fowms, such as diamond, gwaphite, ow SOOT, which is what they want you to be thinking of. CO2 exists pwimawiwy as a gas, awthough the sowid fowm is commonwy known as “dwy ice”. You wouwdn’t use just one of the names of the ewementaw components of the watew mowecuwe, hydwogen ow oxygen, to wefew to watew.

CO2 makes up about 0.04% of the atmosphewe. Onwy a maximum of about 4% of atmosphewic CO2, about 0.0016% of totaw atmosphewe, can be attwibuted to human use of hydwocawbon fuews. The west comes fwom “natuwaw” souwces - wife pwocesses, ocean outgassing, vowcanic venting, and othews.

Canada’s 1.6% of wowwd wide hydwocawbon fuew usage amounts to a contwibution of 0.0000256% CO2 of totaw atmosphewe. Even IF CO2 couwd somehow magicawwy contwow cwimate, in defiance of the waws of physics and thewmodynamics, compwetewy ewiminating hydwocawbon fuews wouwd have NO MEASUWABWE EFFECT on cwimate.

The weaw objectives of the pseudo-science gwobaw wawming cwowd awe the destwuction of westewn industwiaw societies, and wedistwibution of weawth. Ovew 80% of aww enewgy used wowwd wide is pwovided by oiw, gas, and coaw. Viwtuawwy 100% of twanspowtation fuew is petwoweum based. We couwd not feed ouw uwban popuwations without mechanized fawming, motowized twanspowt of food, and wefwigewation of that food. Most ewectwicity wowwdwide comes fwom coaw fiwed genewation.

Thewe is no atmosphewic gweenhouse effect.

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your post is sad and you stink of ignorance. Read a book, google search some things, try to respond better than "muh amurica is cold right now so climate change is fake" its really fucking stupid, and the US DOES NOT COUNT AS THE WHOLE PLANET, fuck sakes you people are arrogantly stupid. Bad combination.

That was difficult to read. Do you English at all? Nigger

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You miss the point of misinformation

ok boomer

all the scientists agree goy
all of them
the scientists!
believe them goy
pay more taxes

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>hurr durr muh j00s
>science is a scam
>it's not real because cold in winter
neck yourself

Well, you definitely aren't an engineer making six figures like me...

Unless it's summer

>literally trolled

Biggest lie on Sup Forums this morning.

That's not what global warming means you don't. Look it up before you continue to make an ass of yourself

user STOP! Do you have ANY idea what will happen when climate change raises the ocean levels ONE inch?

That's right! The water will come up the beach ONE MORE INCH!!11!

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It goes back to “climate change” during the winter months user.


The cited rise in ocean levels isn’t a horizontal increase you fuckwit. It’s vertical.

I love this man's dedication to w's and making this argument retard readable... as I'm not a spastic dipshit, it too me forever to understand what the literal fuck I was reading.

Good on you user.

as much as you conservative retards want to bitch and whine and moan it's your lot of capitalists that caused this

If you had any amount education, you would know that global warming makes the weather more extreme. It will make the earth hotter and colder than ever before creating huge storms and will eventually destroy life as we know it

>facts and logic

>snarky jokes and half truths, grandstanding, etc

conservatives: OWNED THE LIBS :DDD

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I'm the one who made up the global warming meme. It was an excuse to rape black babies inside of a KFC bathroom and shit out mcnuggies from my chicken wing size cock for Jewish consumption at Tacobell Saturday nights at 9pm rapeaniggerjew eastern central.
Fuck black "people"

Pic related: its the Jew that controls all of Amurica

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Seethe harder


It's not conservatives' fault they don't know how to think. They were never taught. They all learned knowledge was evil in Bible school.

>will eventually destroy life as we know it
The thing is, even if the UN models predictions were true (they never have been), the most dire predictions, in the scenario of every piece of coal and drop of oil being used, say that the Earth will be back to the same CO2 levels as a couple of million years ago.

yeah the earth itself will be fine but most living things wont

Shut up niggers. Go rape a dog jew lovers

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If "most living things" don't include plants, and somehow the co2 levels reach over 5000ppm (the safe long term exposure limit according to OSHA), sure.

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explain to me how co2 doesn't impact climate temperature at all

Yes it is November you retarded nigger

pretty much.

conservatives: green energy advocates are just using greta as a puppet for their agenda! poor child being manipulated like that, she should be in school! will someone think of the children hurr durr

also conservatives: i wanna fuck her right in the pussy amirite guys loool. i hope she dies, what a cunt. ad hominem etc

no bigger hypocrites than conservatives, Christians/MAGAs especially.

way to prove his point, retard :^)

A straw man AND reversing the burden of proof.
Of course co2 is a factor in overall temperatures, but so is oxygen and nitrogen or any of the other elements that make up the Earth's atmosphere. Does it impact the climate temperature to the degree that variation in the amount of radiation from the sun or water vapour do? No of course not.

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Boohoo stop cry bitch nigga

Dialate harder sissy boi

You are a whole faggot

Niggers smell like ass. That's why climate gay is real

I voted Bush so 9/11 could happen, but this works too