I can’t fucking handle it anymore fellas. Been trying to lose weight because I’m a fat piece of shit who used to be skinny but no luck. the girl i’ve been seeing has constant BPD fuelled breakdowns every week and can’t ever come out. havent been able to find a job since i got fired from my last one a year ago. been doing every single drug you can think of short of meth or heroin on top of having to drink just to go outside or talk to people. my dick doesn’t work at fucking 20 years old, i’m constantly ill, i can’t get over my ex and i haven’t been into uni in like 2 weeks because what’s the point anyway. and on top of it my fucking toilet stopped flushing and the maintenance team won’t come so now my room is gradually filling up with the smell of vomit, piss and shit. how’s your day brodies
I can’t fucking handle it anymore fellas...
you'll get through with life, user
Make sure you go to uni and do your work or you’ll fuck yourself even more
Dump girl, stop drugs, go to school, drop the unrealistic standards regarding work. Open the toilet window and pray.
Since your life is totally fucked atleast things can only get better, here's some tips to perfect your life.
1. Dump girl with BPD, your life is too much of a mess to deal with other people's problems.
2. Start going to uni.
3. Watch videos on you of how to fix toilet , it's easy.
4. Stop taking drugs.
5. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
6. Start eating healthy and exercise for 30 mins a day.
7. Once you feel better try meeting new girls, will be easy once you feel better in yourself.
8. Don't give up, there's people who are way more fucked than you and they sort their shit out, so you have no excuse.
9. Be tough
10. Be strong
11. Act like the person you want to be and you will become him.
12. Remember when you were a sperm among 100s of millions of other sperm you were the one who succeeded and made it to the finish line.
13. You have a oppertunity , work hard , concentrate and you will get great results.
Do you not own a plunger. Also, if you slow down on the drugs and shit your dick might work. And break up with the girl don’t put up with her shit. BPD is hard to deal with for the individual let alone the people they affect, why put yourself through that it’s nearly untreatable.
If you need more than a plunger than tell what’s actually wrong I renovation and do handyman work I might be able to help tell you what to do. It could be real simple.
Lol. This reads like I’m fucking retarded. Sorry for all the mistakes. I do renovation work and have fixed a lot of toilets, if you think you can figure out what went wrong (flapper, tank not filling, etc.) then tell the thread either I or someone else can most likely help unless it’s some retarded shit like “I flushed a lit firecracker and not the pipes are fucking gone.” If it’s just a normal repair I should be able to help otherwise you’re going to need to wait for maintenance anyway.
Thanks a bunch man, basically it doesn't seem to be blocked but the tank just isn't filling. like i've read up online and tried messing with the button, pouring in more water into the bowl etc. and it doesn't overflow or anything it just stays at the same level. problem is the toilet itself just straight up goes into the wall and there's no visible tank so i'm not sure how to access it and fix shit
and thanks to the rest of the kings on here too, really helped. was expecting to just get roasted lol
It will never get better
Have a nice day :)
its not worth it, dump her. she probably already hates you anyway
do shrooms, a lot of them, and just think
sort out your life
*Will always
>0 years old, i’m constantly ill, i can’t get over my ex and i haven’t been into uni in like 2 weeks because what’s the point anyway. and on top of it my fucking toilet stopped flushing and the maintenance team won’t come so now my room is gradually filling up with the smell of vomit, piss and shit. how’s your day brodies
>8 replies omitted. Click here to view.
get a bucket and throw the water in the toilet, should build up enough pressure to cause it to flush.
We aren't all bad.
This actually works, done it myself before.
Fucking wild when someone writes my name tbh
All of your problems are self inflicted fam. Take the things in your life more seriously and perhaps you wouldn't have the problems that you do
>dump your gf, cause BPD are toxic and she weighs you down
>eat less and work out more
>take school seriously or drop out. Don't ruin your gpa cause that haunts you.
>stop taking drugs to feel happy
There's a solution: let someone else deal with all that shit and pic related.
Ah shit. Sorry man. Pretty much unless it’s an issue with the toilet seat, anything that’s wrong with a toilet you’re going to need to be able to get into the tank for. Unless you have a water shutoff valve for the toilet you have access too and it’s been shutoff I can’t think of anything you can do without having access to the tank. Pouring water in the bowl won’t do anything though, it’s got to go in the tank, all putting water in the bowl will do is bring up old shit if there is any and rinse the bowl if it’s just a little.
I use to weigh 248 pounds, I got down to 185 now back up to 200 since I'm focusing on just resistance and have stopped cardio. Losing weight is NOT hard bro. Trust me, Im the biggest lover of fast food and sugar, but even I was able to stop being a fat piece of shit, despite my laziness.
Do some interval cardio 3 or 4 days a week. No fast food, fill your fridge with leafy green veggies and good meat (Seafood, Turkey, Chicken, Bison, etc). No Gym or weights needed. Do exercises that destroy you, like Burpees, Mountain Climbers, Skier Ab hops, Deep squats into jumps squats, sumo squats, etc. You'll be surprised how much fat you can melt in like 3-4 months man. Stop being a bitch and fix your fat issue before you get so fat that it impossible.
Stop fapping, you're abusing your dick. Keep it once a week at the MOST. Quiting porn entirely does wonders for motivation and energy if you are addicted like me. Try it for 7 days before you dismiss it. Doesn't help everyone, but it did for me.
Track your calories. It sucks but it helps. Don't go cold turkey. Just eat normal portions that you see other people do. Eating healthy shit like veg or cooking your self can come later (try starting it 2 weeks later) - trying to do everything at once will burn you out. Start out by cutting your junk food/snacks by 50% everyday until zero junk food. NO CHEAT MEALS. Fuck that nonsense.
Start with walking, if you can't even run. Run/walk 200metres everyday this week, 300m next, 400m everyday the week after etc etc if you're able to run. Till you're able to hit 2.4km before starting on speed. Or, work towards longer distances and sign up for a marathon. Or, lookup running websites. Or, start swimming if you have bad knees.
Get a hobby. Whatever, just choose one, to replace your fapping time. For me, I chose Latin dancing (pretty gals+human physical interaction - NON INTIMATE unless it fits the mood and your partner is okay with it, take note). Pick a hobby as long as it involves at least one other person, BE SERIOUS and INTENSE and FOCUSED about it. Be an godamn certified expert on your chosen hobby. Maybe swimming or some other cheap hobby at first, in your case. Maybe badminton or bball or some free shit - get some good excercise ON TOP of running and/or swimming.
Start some simple productive learning paths. Excel, typing and small talk maybe. Then move on to programming or whatever. Show employers that despite being in deep shit, you're digging yourself like a real man.
Ignore your gf. Those who refuse to be helped for more than a year, don't deserve to be helped.
just kys dude nigger are u retarded
what's most important is that you want to change these things, and I mean REALLY change. that's the first step. all your problems won't go away at once but by changing your mindset you can tackle them one at a time. slow and steady wins the race.
if you're not happy or getting anything out of seeing this girl, break it up.
if you wanna lose weight, stop eating junkfood and start working out. make working out your new drug. it will increase your appetite but if you eat healthy you can theoretically eat as much as you want, just follow a strict diet (lots of lean meats, green low-starchy vegs). it takes a long time for the body to adjust to different diet, you'll have cravings but just eat a ton of healthy food instead.
hope this can be of some help
Also, clean your fucking room you pig. Do you like fucking pigs? No? Then clean your fucking room, asshole.
Job wise, no shame starting the best entry job you can find. Show the world that you are trying to change yourself.
Then don't stop. DON'T EVER STOP. Do bill Gates or Warren Buffet ever stop doing shit? Fuck no. did Einstein? Did Newton? Even assholes like Steve jobs and Thomas Edison didn't stop til they died. Be a great man. Don't ever stop improving.
I'm not gonna follow this thread because I'm busy improving myself (and I'm currently shitting myself due to diarrhea from Thai food while reading 4shit - being Asian this is unacceptable).
Get on moving and be a man, asshole.
Or stew yourself in your room of vomit and piss. Whatever you choose to do, it's on you. You don't sound like you were born into poverty or abuse or illnesses, so man the fuck up, idiot.
My advice is to lose the gf and quit drinking.
I think cutting down on the drink should be the easiest thing for you to do right now, and it'll probably help you the most.
Drink makes you fatter and kills your motivation. It barely even gives you happiness in the moment before you sober up and have to deal with headaches and the shits on top of everything else.
Don't let Uni go too long, either.
I made a mistake like that a few years back and I still regret it.