Sup Forums what would you say to your 5 year old self?
Sup Forums what would you say to your 5 year old self?
Don't date.
Kill yourself before youre going to suffer
Don't be so fucking light headed and don't quit school you autistic fuck
It's raping time
Your dad is an idiot. Don't listen to him.
Your mom loves you but she doesn't know how to show it and tell your grandma you love her
Get on your knees.
Go to college, fuck all the girls, do all the drugs
lifes not worth it.... dont try hard in school.... kill yourself now or you will turn out to be an unemployed 33 yr old virgin with no future in life.
that hurt, god bless you user
yea, same
I'm you from the future kid, I gotta be quick though there's a sni
It's not going to get better.
Mazinger is not Grendizer's brother.
Not even cousin.
Don't save your mother from nearly overdosing
get /fit/ you lazy fuck
Dont go camping on the 15th of July 2016
Enter Sup Forums as soon as possible so i dont get called a newfag
Deep shit
learn math
Don't bother wasting so much time playing Illusions of Gaia. You'll never figure out that one part at the top of the mountain you'll wreck your teeth from rage biting your controller.
When you meet gwen degrade her as much as possible. Also start muay thai NOW.
Start smoking weed asap. Don’t wait till you’re 13.
Trademark "ok boomer" before it's a thing.
Leave this family as soon as you can
"Hey, kid, have you ever seen a grown mans ass?"
You're gonna go far, kid
Get in the fucking van.
"You're a wizard, Harry."
be a nazi
dont play video games they just turn you into an autistic faggot
Don’t let your mom homeschool (You). You’re much better off going to middle school.