Hi everyone, I've just made myself a lovely refreshing glass of chocolate milk, but I need to walk my dog real quick...

Hi everyone, I've just made myself a lovely refreshing glass of chocolate milk, but I need to walk my dog real quick, would you mind watching this for me Sup Forums? Please try not to spill it, Thank you.

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I'm gonna cum in it

Get the fuck away from that mans chocolate milk faggot.

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no that's op's and we must respect op's chocolate milk

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Shit! Someone get some paper towels!

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fuck you dumb asses

Here is a fresh one OP

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I can't trust you guys at all, I just wanted to enjoy my chocolate milk on this fine fucking tuesday and you've all fucking ruined it

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Thanks bro. I'll enjoy this. Fuck those other guys.

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you seem like a cool guy OP. I am going to pour myself one and join you

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Good thing I didn't waste my cum on the first one.

>How can choco milk be real if sinks aren't real?

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Can I join You?

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where are you OP? you've been out for so long and i'm worried, your milk might go bad

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Hey I just found some chocolate milk

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those days are looooooong gone my friend

How quaint. Mods only care about pedophile images because it'll hurt the ad revenue. Gotta bring in the shekels.

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Here's the real secret to chocolate milk, it only exists because the dairy companies were throwing away a lot of product that didn't smell right

saged and reported

No problem my friend, you know you can trust me... right... ?

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