Hi everyone, I've just made myself a lovely refreshing glass of chocolate milk, but I need to walk my dog real quick, would you mind watching this for me Sup Forums? Please try not to spill it, Thank you.
Hi everyone, I've just made myself a lovely refreshing glass of chocolate milk, but I need to walk my dog real quick...
I'm gonna cum in it
Get the fuck away from that mans chocolate milk faggot.
no that's op's and we must respect op's chocolate milk
Shit! Someone get some paper towels!
fuck you dumb asses
Here is a fresh one OP
I can't trust you guys at all, I just wanted to enjoy my chocolate milk on this fine fucking tuesday and you've all fucking ruined it
Thanks bro. I'll enjoy this. Fuck those other guys.
you seem like a cool guy OP. I am going to pour myself one and join you
Good thing I didn't waste my cum on the first one.
>How can choco milk be real if sinks aren't real?
Can I join You?
where are you OP? you've been out for so long and i'm worried, your milk might go bad
Hey I just found some chocolate milk
those days are looooooong gone my friend
How quaint. Mods only care about pedophile images because it'll hurt the ad revenue. Gotta bring in the shekels.
Here's the real secret to chocolate milk, it only exists because the dairy companies were throwing away a lot of product that didn't smell right
saged and reported
No problem my friend, you know you can trust me... right... ?