Why is being sober becoming such a chore?

Why is being sober becoming such a chore?

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I drink and drive
I do lsd and drive
I smoke dabs and drive
I drink and do cocaine until I need to be at work and then i do ketamine all day or continue drinking
I drive for a living
semi’s / heavy equipment


because it fucking stinks lmao

Interesting; I manage a courier company
My only friend gives me so much shit for drinking and driving. I’m not comfortable anywhere.
Whats it like being in a k hole and driving a big ass truck?

I know what you mean, i start getting headaches and pressure in my head when i go sober for more than a week.

Its difficult to realize that you need to quit drinking. I was a functioning alcoholic until i slowly stopped functioning.

Been sober over 5 years, dont miss the struggle. Good luck, op.

Everything is just so shit without it. I work and go home, work and go home. Sleep eat etc etc. I make good money and live well, have nice things. I just can’t relax until I start drinking.

Story of my life

>Everything is just so shit without it.

If you have a problem with drinking itll get to a point where youre drinking earlier and earlier. Then the days arrive where youre never quite sober at all.

Its up to you whether you try to quit before then. Google The Big Book and give it a read. I couldnt imagine life sober. Now i dont understand how i lived so poorly for so long. I dont want to live trapped like that anymore.

But just remember: normal drinkers dont sit around talking about drinking like this.

When ever I stop drinking for a week, I get horrible dark circles under my eyes, every says I look sick.

I've been an alcoholic for around 15 years.
>2 DUIs
>Lost many friends
>Have trouble keeping a job
>Fired for drinking on the job once
>have chronic kidney disease that was probably caused by my drinking
>Been to the ER around 7 times in the past 5 years as a result of my drinking

Been sober for around 2 months now. It's my longest period of sobriety in quite some time. I feel great. I've been exercising and got down to a healthy weight, and I actually have the motivation to do things. I've been more productive in the past 2 months than I'd been in the previous year. Not being hungover every morning is a beautiful thing. Every time I wake up, I remind myself of how horrible I'd feel if I'd gotten drunk the night before.

If you genuinely want to stop drinking, you need to find something to replace it with. I'd highly recommend exercise.

Because you're slowly getting addicted to it.

>Not being hungover every morning is a beautiful thing

This. Its impossible to live well feeling like shit every morning. Keep it up and dont look back, user.

Im so uninspired to do anything. I have projects which I work on but nothing that really benefits my well being. I have an addictive personality and would like to turn that to working out but all I can think of when I want to do anything is to drink myself into a frenzy. I just play music as loud as it can go in my headphones and drink. It sounds pathetic but it stops the “noise”

Thanks for keeping me company anons

I've been drunk almost constantly for 10 year.
Now I'm trying to quit, being sober feels almost like a high in itself and I've got to admit, I'm really enjoying it.
Genuinely beginning to love being sober (even though my life is still as shit as before).
Apparently anti-depressants actually WORK when you don't drink... imagine that.

>I just play music as loud as it can go in my headphones and drink
Yeah, I pretty much do the same thing when I'm drinking. I just listen to music, watch TV and shitpost.

Life is more fulfilling when your sober. I enjoy things when I'm sober that I tend to neglect when I'm drinking. Life can be rough, but your best bet is to confront it head-on and find a healthy way of dealing with it.

You know, I can't think of a single memory or period in my life that makes me think, "man, I'm really glad I was drinking at the time"

Being sober is rather rewarding. In my experience, I am sharper, quicker, and I am more eloquent when speaking. I used to smoke marijuana all the time as a teenager but rarely do it now, if ever. I might smoke it a few times in a year. By the time I was 17 years old I was drinking about a case of beer a day. I've been sober a few hours now, but was drinking last night. I've done cocaine but only a few times with my uncle when I was 18. I used to sneek prescription pills from my grandmother when I lived with her as a teenager (Vicodin, Somas, etc.) She has a pill habit, so you could always count on her to have a hundred prescriptions to send you into space. I took Ecstasy but only once just because a friend was trying it and he offered to buy me one as well. Thought about using heroin in my abysmal depression and came close one time when a friend who was a former user was about to relapse after the untimely death of his little brother. We were drinking to his memory when he opened up about wanting to use that night. He said he'd only do it if I shot up with him. In a moment of clarity, I said "Man we've been drinking all night. Had you asked me before hand, I may very well have taken you up on that. But I'm afraid if we shoot up now, it'll kill us." We were both fairly drunk at the time. I don't know. I've gotten around I guess.

STAYING sober is a chore.

Being sober every once in a while is fine, but people expect you to be sober ALL THE TIME.
Like, we're hiring people for jobs at the hotel i work at, we interviewed this guy for a minimum wage job hauling beach chairs and serving drink at the sand, under the sun. One of the other bosses asks me what i think of him and i say he looks like a pothead or some sort of user. And he says "so long as he doesn't smoke before work". I was like, he is definitely smoking before work. He's almost forty and his job pays the legal minimum for serving the public under the sun. I said so long as he's not an alcoholic, we're fine since you don't want an alcoholic at the bar, but that expecting that guy to be sober for work was unreasonable. He acted like i laid this big piece of wisdom on him.
Some people just dont get it.

>but all I can think of when I want to do anything is to drink myself into a frenzy

fuck i don't miss that feeling.

“Many of us felt that we had plenty of character. There was a tremendous urge to cease forever. Yet we found it impossible. This is the baffling feature of alcoholism as we know it – this utter inability to leave it alone, no matter how great the necessity or the wish.” - the big book

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Because life drags on and on and is full of disappointments and pain.

based Dr. Rockso

I feel you. Nice quote to pull out of the book too. It is as true as it gets. In my own words, I say: "I cannot imagine my life without ever again taking a single drink. Perhaps going long periods in between time, or maybe cutting way back. But NEVER doing it EVER again?... The sad thing is, the thought of that bothers me. And I can't tell you why." As much as I want to never do it again, I confess that the very thought of never touching a drop again is almost distressing to me. That is messed up and I know it. But, it's just the truth.

Ok dude

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What? Did I say something that ruffled your feathers friend

>I confess that the very thought of never touching a drop again is almost distressing to me.

“Men and women drink essentially because they like the effect produced by alcohol. The sensation is so elusive that, while they admit it is injurious, they cannot after a time differentiate the true from the false. To them, their alcoholic life seems the only normal one.”

it's not an easy road, but sooner or later, and likely sooner than you're expecting, it'll be the only road if you want a decent life. it'll be up to you to turn that decent life into one you can be proud of. hopefully one day you'll find that there's a great number of people out here rooting for you. we've all been there. i remember not being able to imagine my life without alcohol. and ultimately not being able to image my life with OR without alcohol. it's an incredibly deceitful foe.

Gtfo with that AA bullshit.

You are the one that should go away buddy. And maybe think about getting a life, and then getting it in order. If AA works for some people, then let them have it. He was responding to me and not you. What a waste of time to tell someone to leave on an anonymous website. Don't you have something else to do? Are you really this bored? Turn on some music and move your legs. They're gonna clot with you sitting on your ass all day.

He’s just trolling
Not bad only 1 or 2 shit posters in a thread about alcholism

How much weight have you lost? I was thinking of quitting to lose weight

Backbone of America. Guys like you are the real hero's. Thank you for your service

Absolutly bad ass