Look at their fucking caked faces. They’re so disconnected from the real world...

Look at their fucking caked faces. They’re so disconnected from the real world. You’d think in the age of internet and social media you’d attain some form of awareness. These fucking dykes and bimbos and their multi-million dollar networths, going around wasting resources and funds just to push an already rotten and abused feminist agenda. Yeah we get it, women can fight and shoot guns besides pissing sitting down. Nobody gives a fuck you idiots, even women don’t give a fuck which is why trump is in the office in the first place. You’d think if feminism was such a huge success women would have put hilary in the office. Get a fucking clue you stupid bimbos, conservatism is on the rise again, your 50 something year old movement is rotting like a halloween pumpkin still out on the porch on christmas. Fuck off and use your money and bodies for a worthy cause you coke snorting alcoholic carpet munchers

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Other urls found in this thread:


sneed lmao

They're just women, no need to be scared of them

Have sex.


I want to breed the mulatto.

I'd like to take off my clothes and have them play with my benis until I coomed hard.

Based & thotpilled


I want to fuck Elizabeth Banks while I tell her how badly her movie flopped and that the only thing she's good for is being fucked.

Elizabeth Wanks looks like she's a proud "catmom" showing off her 3 favorite pets

I’d like to give them the old in out in out with a bit of the old ultra violence

Claiming blondie on the left.

These bitches are retarded.

get this hothead outta here

OP, you’re correct and I hope one of the worthless cunts reads that.

Bowie will get #Canceled someday/

nice buzzwords amerisharter

I find that people that make hand signals during a photo are very insecure. They are not comfortable in their own skin. It's a sign of weakness.

I have nothing agains any or them or the wahmyn agenda as a whole but the trailer just looked boring as shit. Straight people fon't want to see dykes. Also they somehow made the Jasmine chick ten times less attractive than she actually is.

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>*pins you down*
>"Apologize RIGHT now white boy or I'll beat you up for talking shit about our movie and our director"
What do

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based incel

She probably would get up after the first punch.

hmmmm my my ...


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if you're an attractive woman all you really need is eye makeup, it makes a huge difference.

I know one of Ella Balinska's close friends/cousins irl.

kinda crazy seeing someone you grew up with going from just your friend turning almost overnight into a sex symbol. good on her.

however, for me Naomi is #1

Imagine being summoned before them, ordered to strip, and they each take turns to mock your tiny penis. They cackle like witches, saying the meanest things you have ever heard; words so cruel they stab your soul like pins in a voodoo doll. The verbal lashing is so intense it brings you to tears. KStew says ''awww is the baby with the babydick crying?''

Disgusted by your sniveling display, they angrily take turns kicking you in the balls. Elizabeth shouts ''STOP FUCKING CRYING, BABYDICK. WE'RE DOING YOU A FAVOR! NO WOMAN WILL EVER WANT YOU.'' She kicks even harder.




>small pouches attached to the boots with straps
Now this is some 90s comics tier shit

Reminder that we respect women here on Sup Forums

Is there a more incel post? Oof

OP is based and redpilled and not a faggot for once.

This is true, The shills will be attacking in full force in this thread.


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based and redpilled. all the angry comments here just shows us how reddit infected the board ist

stay mad liberal dibshits

Don't @ me



Damn that would feel great on my butthole

... he types from his gamer PC, bending forward his limp, weak fridge body on the gaming chair his mom bought him for applying for that job at Burger King once.
Oh, how he longs for the the touch of a real woman. But fuck them! These entitled roasties have the nerve to point out the dried cum on his MAGA shirt? They have the nerve to point out his spaghetti arms and recessed chin? Animu waifu would never do that! And again another day ends. A day of not having a girlfriend and being an unfuckable parasite genetic dead end that hasn’t achieved anything. All because of niggers, spics and kikes and farway grand conspiracies of course not at all because of his own failure. Another day of posting on Sup Forums, another day of forcefully smiling at Jamal, his mother’s new boyfriend.

this but unironically

God I wish they did this to my little 7 inch dicklet.
Then they would lock me in chastity, take turns pegging me and make me lick their feet for being a misogynist pig.

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yes YES! deliciously superfluous pockets my dear!

I feel like she could convincingly play a female action star, plus she's fairly attractive.

I hope this movie doesn't prematurely end her career

She seems very unlikable in interviews. No was she could be a star for the masses.

>You’d think in the age of internet and social media you’d attain some form of awareness.
Nah, normalfags aren't any better than celebrities or even your average autist.

They tried after he died.

I bet I could make a box office movie that grossed more than that, women are just trash at everything. Stick to taking dick and making sandwiches sweeties ok?

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>just your friend
but her mother is famous in your country

by sitting on your ass not making anything you've already grossed millions more than her

Yes I suppose I have grossed more than -$42 million when you think about it.

I still don't get it

gosh i sure do hate women almost as much as i hate minorities

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The only correct response, reallly

Why do thots do the two fingers up thing? That's the bong version of the middle finger because of English longbowmen.





banks is an annoying cunt but it's sad for the other girls that mommy looks better than all of them

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Has no one really learned Charlie's Angels is a dead IP that was never going to gain any traction?

Watch them try again in 10 years and it'll flop again.

So has anybody seen this movie? Is it hilariously bad or is it simply a bland “probably money laundering” type of movie?

and they're somehow shocked when this shit flops.

>because of English longbowmen.

Fake history. Footsoldiers like longbowmen were just murdered when taken prisoner. They wouldn't bother cutting fingers off to stop them using bows, they were just killed. Only the obviously rich were taken prisoner, because they could be ransomed.

I always had a thing for Elizabeth Banks

I'm so glad I live in a country with such a small minority population, I haven't seen a single one in more than two months. And the one I did see was a tourist.

I hate to live in America and see non-whites every day. At most I only see them when I turn on my shitty American television.

You seem angrier than them, user.

i want to grind my pp on their faces

Double fake history, it was considered barbaric to murder prisoners of war.

I think sneed works like sage on other boards? stops the thread from being bumped. formerly chucks

The story I heard is their king told them that's what the French would do so they held them up as a taunt.

2, 1, 4, 3. It's pretty obvious really

Probably the hottest 45 years old woman I've seen

I still like Elizabeth Banks even if she's been saying some incomprehensibly stupid shit lately


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Eh I've never paid much attention to her outside of her acting. Maybe she's always been a complete dumb shit. I still think she's talented

Very based. Degradation is the thinking man's fetish.

All feminism bs aside, Banks has really beautiful feet

Fucking cringe. Is there anything worse than acapella-tards?

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It's basically an auteur movie, with EB being writer, director and producer. I really do think it's an actual passion project.

A man of taste, I see.

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those "acapella" faggots that just sing a chromatic scale and then pitch everything up and down and loop it 50x for a "one man" acapella video

they need to be shot like dogs

Kstew is so hot still. How does she manage to look like a butch dyke but be completely hot at the same time?

She isn't and she doesn't. You're just gay famalam.

Why aren't they ladyspreading?

The faces this fucking cunt makes are on par with Jim Carrey.

This. Imagine if Kstew and Emma Watson made out

I just fapped to a pic of a hot girl I met once
she wore a tank top and small shorts and was curled up on a sofa

are you blind or just very ugly yourself? she looks like a damn drug addict, just because she looks approachable to you doesn't make her pretty

Have sex

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Girls and amputees don't belong to a historical video game, this isn't Fortnite with tons of bizarre character cysyonu
Star Wars is cancer
Idris is based
Feminists are no better than commies

what's this trap's name?

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Stewart Kristen

Who would have thought 10 years ago Kristen would be the ugliest chick here

You'd go for horse face skeleton first?