Unironically if I crush up a caffeine pill into a powder and snort it, would it be more effective than taking it by mouth?
pic related thats the brand
Unironically if I crush up a caffeine pill into a powder and snort it, would it be more effective than taking it by mouth?
pic related thats the brand
why? what are the side effects?
Be very careful with that stuff, they almost killed Ozzy. Out of all the drugs and alcohol it was caffiene that almost killed him
your nose will just fucking itch and hurt from energy powder in your nose, and no not like cocaine at all
ive done this several times for a long time
dont do it with those
they clog up your nose, they are pure filler
I used to do it with 300 mg capsules id order
its not worth doing it do, its just fun to do but it barely works
in my experience it feels like caffeine but shorter lasting and with less anxiety, probably because you are not absorbing as much if any. it might all been the placebo effect all this time
i've taken 2 at once earlier today, and i took another one about 5 hours later. what is the max somebody should take?
yeah, i get that it wont be like cocaine, i was just curious if it would lead it to my brain faster or make it kick in faster/better
You're better of crushing it and swallowing it or putting it into a soda. Tastes awful but absorbs quicker
Just smoke meth
If you want too get the most out of them, mix them with THC pills.
I take 45-50 mgs of THC with a 200 mg caffeine and I'm fucking flying for at least and hour and a half.
It's really good if you have music to absorb yourself in.
Google it retard. This stuff can be dangerous
400 mg I think but as long as you are not doing more than a g for day its fine
be careful, ive been drinking a lot of coffee everyday for like a couple months until I couldnt feel anything unless I drank 3 cups of coffee. and when I stopped I had an awful withdrawal, I couldnt get out of bed for like 2 days
>crush between 2 spoons
>pour a little bit of soda in the spoon with the crushed pill
>take it like a shot
If done properly it won't taste like anything.
(That's how my girl and I used to do oxy)
Ironically, you use words you don't know the meaning of.
like with a syringe?
This, and even if it was pure caffeine it would not be so active being shoved up your nasal cavity
Dont do it. I tried years ago to see if it would work. Fucked my nosey up and gave me a massive headache. Stick to coke. Coke rules.
Put in your ass...not even joking
Do you even know what ironic means? Retard alert
Coffee is pretty good
Congrats on being the biggest retard I've come across today on this site.
Not really. You only skip the initial metabolism by getting it into the bloodstream. That's why there are small pieces of glass in coke.