Ivy Thread. I will post what I have but feel free to contrib00t if you have any

Ivy Thread. I will post what I have but feel free to contrib00t if you have any
Also found a few of her vids on YT:

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Did she actually kys or is that bullshit?

Attached: diaper.jpg (419x475, 53K)

Was this the piss girl?

Her story from what I understand:
She was the highest profile victim of the #pissforequality prank created here on Sup Forums. Ivy was the feminist woman that peed her pants on video for women equality and uploaded it to the internet. She was made fun of when the media took notice but her family quickly killed the media stories with lawsuit threats of defamation of character ect. She spent some time in the hospital recovering from a mental breakdown due to friends and family humiliating her, where she developed semi-incontinence. Now apparently due to more leaked images, wore diapers to control her bladder control leakage. Her mother 'forced' her to wear diapers due to her bladder control problem

She erased her online presence due to the constant harassment and bullying. She was harassed through social media, texts messages, and phone calls. Her extended family rejected her and her immediate family did not give her the support she needed
She eventually came back to the internet thru twitter She was harassed even more
She came here and posted she was killing herself
Basically she was bullied for peeing herself for feminism and she started peeing herself more uncontrollably after developing semi-incontinence because of it, which lead to depression and eventual suicide because she had no supportive role models in her life. Those who tormented her online and IRL drove her to try to kill herself

From what I have read


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See i read (on some website not here) that she successfully committed suicide. But have heard on here that she still lives..

I would have cuddeled her

Attached: Screenshot_20190818-064637_Instagram.jpg (1080x1070, 380K)

She is like Bigfoot. A myth

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Well i actually believe in bigfoot, too many ordinary people with nothing to gain from comming out saying they've seen the same thing. I think there are far too many accounts to say that there isn't anything to it.

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many sads bruh
Feminist or not, my instinct dominates. I would have loved to swallow her bodily fluids ANYTIME.

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Same here

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those look recent. I hope she's fine (even though a bit overweight, but I guess it's much better than dead)

Attached: gjkd3h36 (116).jpg (480x640, 264K)

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They're made by the ugly faggot in THIS picture.
Incoming truth from someone who was actually around when she posted on 8ch:
>posted pics of herself on Sup Forums, someone found a picture of her with a wet spot on her ass, told her to piss in a bag or gtfo
>she does, is instantly labelled pee-chan
>autistic newfag named sai/b/ot makes a board on 8ch about her calling it /pee/ where she begins posting
>sai/b/ot literally worships the ground she walks on, spergs the FUCK out at anyone who talks shit about her
>pays to fly her down to meet him where they hook up and have a long distance relationship
>she cuckolds him because he's ugly and obsessive
>he goes NUCLEAR and nukes /pee/ in a hilarious spergout
>spends the next however many years CONSTANTLY making Sup Forums threads about her, spreading lies that she needs diapers, did #pissforequality (it was a custom video she made for him that he posted to spread the lie), killed herself etc.
Meanwhile in reality Ivy met someone new and is married, last I heard she had a kid on the way and sai/b/ot is still autistically making these fucking pathetic threads.

tl;dr, the person making these threads is the ugly faggot in pic related, Ivy wasn't a part of #pissforequality, doesn't need diapers, and didn't kill herself, those were all lies spread by pic related

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