I'm a trans individual who has been on Sup Forums for years...

I'm a trans individual who has been on Sup Forums for years. I've yet to see any definitive proof that anything which is largely accepted by the trans community is bad for them, and I'm here to address these issues.

Let's get a hot topic out of the way first: gender reassignment surgery is as necessary for individuals experiencing severe gender dysphoria as chemo would be for a cancer patient. Yes, some people still unfortunately kill themselves. But, every single person who undergoes surgery who doesnt is a person whose life is saved. It is not cosmetic, it is life saving.

Secondly, estrogen is not bad for your mind or body in any way as an assigned-at-birth male. There is zero scientific evidence that it is. This is baseless and only serves to scare people away from taking the medicine they need

Third: it can be "too late to change". I am 37 and I only began hrt 5 years ago. Within two years I was visually passing and now my voice sounds indistinguishable from any other woman's.

Finally, that it is bad for children to transition. Most children have no issue with this and think it's cool to know a trans individual. And giving children estrogen does in fact make it easier on them psychologically to go through their lives as a woman. There is zero evidence that any child has experienced adverse effects growing up compared to non-trans children.

I will talk to anyone about any of these things. I'm just sick of seeing baseless bullshit spewed about us on this board. Seeing that stuff early on in my transition made me think about some things I never want to think about again. And anyone who posts pictures of girls who are having trouble passing is participating in psychological abuse.

Tl;d: Grow up and face reality. You don't have to like me but everyone deserves respect.

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shut the fuck up

Here's a pill that will probably be even harder for you to swallow than the "transphobia": no one here really gives a fuck about you or any other mental patient who thinks they were born as the wrong sex.

Have a nice day.

nigger faggot buzzfeed sleeper agent.

Hahaha classic

You are telling us to grow up and face reality while at the same time you're against giving children the opportunity to grow up and face reality by changing their "gender" before they even know what it really means to be a male or female.

>gender reassignment surgery is as necessary for individuals experiencing severe gender dysphoria as chemo would be for a cancer patient
Stage 4 cancer here, fuck off with your dumb analogy.

MODS, please ban this gay spammer


Fuck of Kike, nobody *deserves* respect

Why do you think you should be treated like normal people? What gives you that right?

>I've yet to see any definitive proof that anything which is largely accepted by the trans community is bad for them
Trans members commit suicide at a higher rate after gender reassignment, your experience does not equal everyone's else's.
Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5649411/

>> estrogen is not bad for your mind or body in any way as an assigned-at-birth male.
Males natural produce estrogen in the kidneys. Estrogen reduces the risk cardiovascular disease, while testosrone increases the risk of prostate cancer. So your correct
Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1477638/

>> Finally, that it is bad for children to transition. Most children have no issue with this and think it's cool to know a trans individual. And giving children estrogen does in fact make it easier on them psychologically to go through their lives as a woman. There is zero evidence that any child has experienced adverse effects growing up compared to non-trans children.
Provide evidence for this please

>Grow up and face reality.

Pretty hypocrite if you ask me.

May I ask which, not op, just curious.

Ah I see that I did there fuck...
Still loling though

lmao faggot

Trans rights are human rights. Anyone that says different is a bigot.

>mutilating your body is as necessary as chemo for cancer patients

You know what, I believe youre right. we dont need you guys breeding anyway

Fucking this. I don't give two shits about a grown adult changing their gender. We don't consider children mentally capable of voting but they can make a life alerting decision like changing their gender?

Transexualism is not natural, it is forced.

Romanticizing a mental illness isn't the next step in human development, if you were preaching this to a grown adult they would tell you this and you know it.

Thats why you people target children because they are physically and mentally vulnerable when young.

Do yourself a favor, an hero so this shitty fad dies faster.

Second, i dont really care if your trans or not. I only care when you bring children into it.

Rare type of sarcoma, agressive and doesnt respond well to any line of chemo ive had. at least radiation does a small amount.

> because they are physically and mentally vulnerable when young.
lol, sounds like religion

currently teaching my nephew how to bully gay kids into suicide. Any tips?

why the fuck are you posting this here and not /lgbt/

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness which needs treatment.
Gender reassignment surgery is you feeding the delusion, and is maybe the worst thing for a dysphoric person

no need. gay people surround themselves with such hilarious levels of fakeness that they end up killing themselves sooner than normal people

Because OP is fag trans

>lets keep teaching children to loathe themselves and their bodies for the rest of their lives and live in constant doubt on whether or not they have done enough multilations to themselves

>lets force the idea that you're not you, and you should be different because thats not going to end in a total shift in someones psyche, especially when theyre young

Fuck off faggot, you people are vile and disgusting.

You unlucky madlad, fuck if I had wealth I'd help pay for your costs.
I can only give you my hope though which is as useless as your line of chemo.
Hope your surrounded by family in your last days user and pass on not in too much pain.

wow i love Sup Forums what a great site yep this is a great thread with no problems whatsoever

Slow your roll. I'm not OP and definitely not trans. I'm saying that changing gender on a kid is the same as child abuse.

Yeah but the difference is that I can put a Bible down at a later age if I woke.

Not the same as undoing estrogen induced emotional instability and tits, or even worse, reassingment operations.

>Tl;d: Grow up and face reality. You don't have to like me but everyone deserves respect.
Lol you earn respect. Enabling mental illness is something nobody should respect

Trannies are just degenerate perverts who get off on bringing others into their roleplay, never see a trans M>F who doesn't identify as a whore.

its being raided by gays, trannies and reddit for some time.

gookmoot and our mods refuse to do anything

No need, Insurance has paid me a sum to live comfortably until things eventually go south. Ive got all the support I need.

Its kinda like this yes. Sad as it may be, once youre born theres physical differences in your body that will never match the mental state when you have gender dysphoria. There is nothing physically wrong with your body, its not a physical disease that you can 'cure' by faking body parts.


please ban this gayspam thread

lol, this is Sup Forums fuck off with this mods shit. I would rather this type of shit than the 40 other boards fill of porn.

mods and gookmoot are in the pocket of the globohomo agenda

its a coordinated effort

This XD... love this user.

Happy to hear then. Wanna be pen pals?
Late stage friendship is best stage friendship.

Exactly. The USA is undergoing its biggest mental health crisis ever. Everyone agrees its and issue and needs more funding and treatment centers, yet this fad is pushed so hard for acceptence.
People need to pick a side. You cant be for trans rights and be for good mental health. Theybare litterally opposing items.

>Finally, that it is bad for children to transition. Most children have no issue with this and think it's cool to know a trans individual. And giving children estrogen does in fact make it easier on them psychologically to go through their lives as a woman. There is zero evidence that any child has experienced adverse effects growing up compared to non-trans children.
I fully concur, we need to start raising all boys as girls. It's the only way to bring peace, harmony, and passable traps to the world.

Do you happen to live in Texas?

All I heard was that your a major faggot, convince me otherwise or you and the trans community will forever be faggots.

we get it you're human end of story.
Won't i don't get is why are you and your community are trying so hard to influence such behavior on children.
by doing this you're robbing the child of their childhood thinking about issues they really shouldn't unless they willfully are interested in the subject.
I also don't get why your community want to try and make pronouns a legal thing. you're all legit being fascist asf with this.
Why can you not just accept some people just will not see if your way? It makes 0 sense to a lot of people that aren't part of the community.
It's like a group of mystics trying to explain hidden principles in the universe to a scientist they will almost never understand no matter how open minded they are.
also why does your community rely on ad hominems and cold shoulders when we try bring up brutal valid points? like the suicide rate and chromosomes?

because they aren't human

I dunno, tbh im quite antisocial and pretty uninteresting as a person, especially since most of my life was kinda dropped when i was diagnosed.
Nope, Ausfag. At least the $30,000 of Radiation, $12,000 of scans and $8000 of medication was all subsidized.

You provided a link to a paper on BPH. No real discussion of the role of testosterone and cancer. Saying testosterone causes heart disease and estrogen is protective of it is mixing correlation with causation. Additionally there are other benefits from testosterone we are only now being able to see including effects on cognition. Also it’s made in one of its forms in many nongonadal places - the Kidney isn’t one

I bet the tranny that posted this bullshit is that ugly tranny cunt Mish

Pretty long lasting "fad" huh?
Wonder how many other fads have lasted since the beginning of history.

many religions as another user has said.

Attached: 1249565132539.gif (300x225, 105K)

>everyone deserves respect
No, you fucking knob. Not sure how badly your parents fucked up raising you (though you being trans is a pretty good indication) but respect is earned, not given.

Transpeople are on the forefront of human evolution. As transgenderism becomes more commonplace, transhuman ideas will be allowed to be tested within the general population more easily, which could (and probably will) lead to the development of technology that makes human suffering a thing of the past. It's a natural progression, everything you hear and see about transpeople is just natural evolution of society, there's no need to be disgusted or appalled at anything that's happening right now, it's all just natural. I'm expecting great things in the future. I would join the transpeople myself if I could pass, but I know I wouldn't pass, and getting ahold of the necessary medications would be nearly impossible. There's this thing called "autogynephilia" where a male will fantasize about being the woman in a sexual scenario, a common fantasy of mine. Some would argue autogynephiliacs are not actual transpeople, saying that autogynephilia is just a fetish and not a valid reason to transition. I would say autogynephilia isn't a fetish, but instead an intrinsic part of a person's personality. I'm not convinced that AGPs can't be trans, if you consider the term "transhuman" and not just "transgender"

nice dubs. Technically they are and simultaneously are not unless they identify as male or female.
Humans are only male and female and if you can't identify as either you are:
1. deep in a fad/trend and don't want to leave
2. Fail at logic and understanding something simple.
or 3. you're trying to hard to be unique thus you're just a snowflake.

>That spelling
>That grammar
>Calling someone else a faggot
Least they're not some illiterate nigger.

so what if someone doesn't feel like you deserve respect and treats you like shit?

That doesn’t make me want to fuck them . . .

"dominant hypotheses, the hormonal or dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hypothesis is most often invoked. It is clear that male gender (with functioning testes present at the time of puberty) and aging are paramount to the development of BPH"
BHP isn't well understood. There is correlation to testosterone and ageing, but again its not well understood.
estrogen source:
sci-hub tw/journalofsurgicalresearch.com/article/S0022-4804(03)00215-4/fulltext

People give each other respect?
In America? Where? Serious question.

We hate trans people because they try to sell us counterfeit goods and get mad when we don't buy it. You are an imitation. I like my goods original not some shitty knock off.

missing dot between sci-hub and tw if you want to look at it.

>Transpeople are on the forefront of human evolution
no they're not you trans people have forgotten hermaphrodites exist.
Hermaphrodites are at the forefront of evolution because they are both male and female, have the genitals to prove it and neither one underwent gender reassignment or took drugs to help them transition.
you're caught in a bubble of your own safe space there is no natural evolution of being trans because everything involved to transition is NOT natural from the drugs you take to the gender reassignment.
Trans people are legit just stuck fighting their brain and anyone who was/is at the forefront of human evolution wouldn't even be fighting their brain.

I think thats all in your head user, the boring part. I think your very intresting and would enjoy any conversation we could get into, long as it ant politics....
Those always get ugly...
I'm canadian. Yey for our health care systems.

That was a pretty good analogy.
However, don't women mislead men by wearing makeup to begin with?

Let’s be real op you are a sick fuck if you think children should have the right to “choose” that’s a fucking mistake they are children for a reason this entire “respect me I’m trans” bullshit is just that you want respect you need to earn it first secondly the facts are you and your community can’t even accept basic biology and the mental illness you and your people suffer from When you are trying to change your basic biology to become something you never will be you’re just lying to yourself to feel better about your mental illness.

Kill yourself nigger faggot

most of these people are missing something in their lives that the media has succeeded in convincing them is chopping their dicks off. I don't know what it is but most late teens are fucked in the head and feel like shits all wrong. I got taught thats just human nature and you grow out of it. I'm glad i grew out of it normally like countless other human beings before me. I look at these kids mutilating themselves while their "allies" breathe heavily and touch themselves.

Stoning faggots kek

Exactly, so what if they do?

Grow up.

and i never said that testosterone causes heart disease i said it increases the risk of prostate cancer. I also never said that it wasn't beneficial. Again, i just said that it increases the risk of prostate cancer.

>as necessary as chemo
Tits or gtfo you mutant

Not response that you quoted for.

Bunch of shit can cause prostate cancer.
Hell living can cause the cancer.
Being fucked in the arse can cause the problem.

But I have a solution. A final solution...

can we all agree that half of the fags here are nigger faggots and the rest are redditfags and retards and need to get the fuck off of /b

Thats right, ignore all my other points since fad is really the only thing your one sided kind can think up a rebuttal for.

Kill yourself faggot

If I ever see you I will fucking murder you faggot.

well not gonna lie shit is all wrong but it's hard to fight a system that is built to win no matter what circumstance.
I do agree that social media over the past 15 or so years has played a massive part on the kids of today let alone all of society.
All you have to do is have a lot of money and connections to media outlet sources, pay people a massive sum to report about an agenda you have in mind and just let humans do the rest. I feel a lot of shit humans are arguing over are from people enforcing an agenda to have the majority clash thus if the majority are busy annoying each other.
Those people who put the agenda there are free to go about as they please and cause more bullshit in the name of control and greed.
>inb4 conspiracy nut

How does someone make 3 grammatical mistakes in 1 hashtag?

>I'm a trans individual
stopped reading there ...

just go kys

Not everyone deserves respect.
Unless you are willing today you respect Hitler, Bin Laden, Mao, Kim Jong Il, and for you progressive types, Trump.

>ITT people who hate people for liking something they don't.

Trans aren't human, so the rights don't apply.

I much rather listen to people. Politics is something i never ever deal with. Hell i normally wouldnt touch this thread.

stay away from the kids

Someone who just woke up, and is texting on a phone that constantly try's to fucking autocorrect

Haha, agreed! I LOVE Israel. I couldn't support Israel more. Mental disease shmental shmisease

What does kids have to do with anything about being a faggot though?

Mental disease isn't an actual term. That would imply disease is something treatable. There's nothing to treat. You can't label it a disease if there's no way to treat it besides "Hey, stop liking what you like because everyone else doesn't like it"

Love how op and no other fag won’t touch this post with a ten foot pole
Truth hurts huh?

I don’t understand what’s so difficult to understand about this. Fucking children shouldn’t be transitioning

What do you want them to address though? It's a lose/lose argument when people would not be convinced even if they were to say facts. You'd ignore it completely because of your world view and beliefs.

being trans is like a white person wearing blackface

obvious bait

So you're saying that they shouldn't wear what they want to, they must wear what is socially acceptable and get in line like everyone else?

trannies and fags keep abusing children on television and using their mental disability as an excuse. kids are not transgender. kids should not get a mastectomy or doodlesnip.

stay away from the kids

But they're not doing it to insult anyone though. So your analogy makes zero sense.

I also believe I'm a squirrel.