Redpill me on her, Sup Forums. Are the rumors about her true?
Redpill me on her, Sup Forums. Are the rumors about her true?
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go on. wanna heard stories
Dan is innocent actually.
What rumors
that "she" has an 8.5 inch dick with balls the size of chicken eggs
Rumor is that at a massive frat party, the football team and their rich daddy friends drunk gang banged her at her freshman year. They fucked all her holes for hours, lots of guys came inside her that night. When they finished with her, she was passed out wasted, leaking cum for all her gaping holes and bone-white all over. That's why they called her The Ghost. Big rumor at USC campus for years. Probably it's just a urban legend like the Clara Bow gangbangs with the USC football team, but who knows for sure. After Dan Schneider had his way with her, everything is possible. Probably the poor girl is totally fucked up after Dan the Man defiled her since so young.
that fat shit been tooling her up since she was a kid, oh ya and then there is that football team thing...
About that guy nobody knows his name? Not sure.
About her being a heroin addict that loves being a frat slut that snorts cum and heroin? Yes, it was proved but hijacked, you can't post proof without getting shat on by mods/janies no matter the place.
Her career is over allthesame, pretty much as each and every other child that worked for them, the only somewhat smart girls that worked for nickelodeon and that other guy were Ariana, Liz Gillies and the half-latina.
What was his name again?
Holy shit is that Michael Jackson?
>Dan "The Man" Schneider
>Dan "Thick as Can" Schneider
>Dan "Hold her tighter she is a fighter" Schneider
How so? What proofs do you saw?
You know the rules, jealous femanon. Tits or GTFO.
>heroin addict that loves being a frat slut that snorts cum and heroin?
I want to believe you so mad, bro. Stories you heard?
Really happened?
She’s got good lips for sucking.
Do you think Miranda really sucks so many cocks at college?
>Dan "Hold her tighter she is a fighter" Schneider
>Dan "Hold her tighter she is a fighter" Schneider
Does she have nudes?
Read the review of her movie 3022, and not sure, but looks like she is not naked. Sorry, bro:
Zero references about her and her character at the review. And she is like one second at the trailer, so probably she is only a few minutes at the movie.
>be Miranda
>go to Halloween party as Wonder Woman.
>get drunk and high.
>meet chad 1 and chad 2 (no doubt looking like Greek gods)
>drunkenly flirt and mention you have a fantasy about let’s say going to Paris to see a famous tower.
>chad 1 & chad 2
>three of them leave and go to chad 1’s dorm.
>cunt, cock and coke are abused for 2 hours straight.
>she has fun.
>one chad takes a rest and send a txt blast out
>”Wonder Woman dtf at chaddorm 1”
>the hours go by and between 20/25 chads turn up.
>they feed her booze, molly and coke from the bag like they are feeding a horse
>ten hours later chad’s tire.
>Miranda is so rekt and covered in cum chad 1 has to carry her home.
>she needs threes days to recover.
>the usc ghost was born.
What a surprise, nobody posted the college pasta.
we need prooooof
props for updating the copypasta
>you will never be in a gang bang of Miranda with a massive group of fratbros while she's loving every second and every inch of every cock inside her all night
why even live ;_;
Potentially. A few college football guys got in trouble because they were sharing the pics of some "event" featuring a former child actress. Evidently it was shocking and the girl was pretty well known, but her identity in those supposed pics was not shared at that time. The rumor is Carly, but personally I believe it was more likely to be Amanda Bynes. She's had a personal, self-destructive, drug fueled spiral that was pretty well known.
Cat posters KYS
>at that time
When? It's pretty easy to know, because if it happened before 2012, girl was Amanda Bynes. If not, Miranda.
I don't remember the date. This was some article I read within maybe the past 4 years? It was mostly talking about how the football players got in some sort of trouble for it.
Sadly, Amanda was "unfuckeable" for years, so Miranda probably.
>some "event" featuring a former child actress
gang bang event?
nah, i got nothing as useful as sauce, tried to look it up but only got bullshit.
Supposedly. The article was vague about what exactly was being shown.
And you mean to tell me that not one of these so-called "Chad's" took pics and has kept his mouth shut all these years???
College fraternity parties are well-know by their orgies and gangbangs. Especially at USC. And you never see a single pic or vid. They are pretty secretive about, because if pics or vids are shared, no-girl (nevermind someone famous) will participate again at their private fuck-parties.
Chad credentials being seriously called into question
shame. i want to read it
Rumor is Miranda was fucked horribly in a massive gangbang at a frat party at her freshman year at USC. Prob Dan Schneider defiled her beyond repair.
I'm well aware of what happens at frat parties. I am a frat guy and graduated from UF (Go Gators!).
There is always a snitch! If it was 2 or 3 guys...maybe. But you're claiming 25 dudes and their way broski
Yeah I do too now. I can't find it anywhere.
Are you a fratbro? Well, just imagine pics of a private fuck party at your fraternity are shared. And just imagine what will happens at your next party.
Apparently she was fucked for almost 12 hours straight and she had so much cum in and on her that she was unrecognizable.
Plenty of pics have been shared. Bitches are dumb line up at the door, they don't care what the rumors are, they all want to party with D-Chi!
Holy fuck that got me
>If it was 2 or 3 guys...maybe. But you're claiming 25 dudes and their way broski
So, that means all the orgies and gangfucks at your frat have been posted on-line? Do you care to show pics or links?
There is a posters count, samefag lol
Are we talking about university of southern california or university of south carolina? Also does that orgy thing apply to girls dating someone already or no?
You are one dumb son of a bitch....
Don't be so mad, bro. I was mocking you because you weren't telling the truth obviously lol
This thread is cringe.
Miranda Cosgrove is a Hollywood actress. Los Angeles, California.
>Also does that orgy thing apply to girls dating someone already or no?
Good question. No idea.
Go back to your trap or pedo thread then.
Alright. Cuz i knew a girl who went to a lot of frat parties amd i had heard rumors about her being involved in gangbangs. But she has a bf now and i dont hear anything about her at all
You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
Drugged or not, extremely few bitches can take 25+ guys gangbanging her for 12 hours straight and not require serious medical care.
Have fun with your lol fantasy, broski!
>extremely few bitches can take
Do you know it as a fact?
No, you are now redpilled
You are right, but if rumors are true we are talking about a girl "trained" by a old Hollywood producer to enjoy brutal abuse since she was really young. It's possible.
We want prooooof pleaseeeeeeee.
>tfw he copied my pasta
Thanks pajeetanon ;).
Hey, what's up, weirdo. What do you expect of 3022, sex scene or nothing?
Her lips are perfect.
Unrelated question.
Were more pics of Mia leaked besides the original leak?
You guys are seriously arguing over a Sup Forums sick/weird fantasy pasta that never happened. Let that sink in.
the college gang bang thing? No. It's a Sup Forums meme.
The got raped by Dan like everyone else on live action nick shows? probably
t. never been to a college with sorority girls
Yo are so vain.
I bet you think this thread is about you.
And now you are too! YW ;)
I tend to believe the Miranda USC gangbang rumors. At the very least something like that happened.
Let's be real for a second.
>Hollywood slut who got roles with the casting couch crap being a big slut at college
very probably
>Hollywood producer being a rapist and a pedo
totally probably
>weirdo, you know me so well.
Hey user, truthfully I don’t expect anything and if there is it will be her getting changed or something. Nothing like Sup Forums are expecting that’s for sure.
That's how college rumors works: Maybe she has a crazy night with a few dudes, and next day fratbros said she was fucked by the whole fraternity ;)
Calm down C, it’s fun to watch them sperg out.
Fuck, fags, how you know so fast when she is posting here?
The gift of autism
Have faith, my friend. We are gonna see her tits soon. The wait is almost over.
This thread is literal autism.
When she is gonna do a bikini photoshoot, by the way? Hell, I'm not even asking about nudes.
Welcome to Sup Forums. First day here?
who the fuck is Mia
Miranda's close friend and D-list actress.
Nigga I been since b4 the pool was closed...
Her? Looks like a tranny that has no tits to me.
Just look the catalog. That's the most sane thread at Sup Forums.
she looks like the type to land on the casting couch.
You better not lie to me, faggot.
>Calls out retarded iCarly goes to college and becomes "The Ghost" thread
>immediately newfag
Maybe user, but we know she is to pure for that. I just want to see the movie now been talking about it that long.
Soo...he was behind that
That's the first review I read about the movie, and looks like she is so little at the movie:
Don't worry, review is made by a old woman, all we know why she doesn't want to talk about a hot young chick, she just talks about elderlies like her.
You just read that in my voice, ha ha
Lmao fuck off faggot she’s like a 7, 8 tops