ITT: Predict which USA state will have a mass shooting today.
ITT: Predict which USA state will have a mass shooting today
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Sweden. The refuge with the hand grenade!
It doesn't happen that often you turd.
The one this discord is for
This is an easy one.
A blue state
>arguing with eurotrash
Jesus fucking christ sweden. get your shit together
Hopefully California again so they realize their #1 strictest gun laws in the nation still do nothing, and it isn't a legislative issue.
this is an anti-american thread!!
stop making the fun of europe!!
Shouldn't these kids be at school?
>>arguing with muttrash
fixed and you are welcome
Depends how bad dems are going in the impeachment hearings
they aren't going to realize anything. California has reached a point where they benefit from the death of innocent people. Everytime it happens all the politicians there scramble to preach more gun control
It's a - "Too many dumbasses have or can easily get guns" issue.
some child abuse is more equal than other child abuse
>they benefit from the death of innocent people
Why would Democrats do this?
I think it's a mental health issue.
for them sorosbux
So politicians are the first to be removed off the “allowed to have guns” list.
But i thought they were for the working and middle class?
how dare you!
I'm generally Libertarian on most things, but lately I'm starting to see the reality of gun violence... America has statistically the highest amount of gun crime per capita than any other Western country... I know, "correlation doesn't equal causation." But COME ON. Clearly gun violence is the result of easy access to firearms. If not, WHY is it not happening in other Western countries?
rolling for Los Angeles, California, maybe some nigger doing his business like always!
Actual freedom comes with a price, I'd rather there be random "mass shootings" (the criteria for this term needs to be changed) than the government hold all the guns. UK citizens can't even own knives.
give it a few years and a single suicide with a firearm nearby will be called a "mass shooting"
>Ghetto black people and culture
I wonder if you'd be saying the same thing when it's YOUR 13 year old son/daughter that is the one that is dead... People like you are the reason I'm ashamed to be American... The irony of that statement is fucking palatable.
People like you would see us under the rule of a tyrannical government because of your feefees. Fuck you, you don't deserve to consider yourself an American.
Yep it's another sensationalization by the media/Dems. What a time to be alive.
dude from the office?
aaayyy LMAO actual violence has been in decline for years now. I wonder what the MSM is going to do when mass shootings completely dry up. Maybe they'll start legitimately staging them themselves.
Where in the western world, where there is gun control, is there "tyranny?" Is there tyranny in Denmark? In Canada? In Sweden? All these places have serious gun restrictions and limited access to firearms, and they aren't being ruled by some fascist dictatorship... Give me a fucking break. You're a paranoid schizophrenic ass clown who's holding on to an ancient document and treating it like it's the word of God. Move the fuck on with your life, get help.
does denmark canada and sweden have a second amendment?
The point is that they are at the mercy of the literal military because they have no 2A you buffoon. Do you remember how America even became a country and how the colonies were at the mercy of the Crown?
A state run by Democrats
Protip: When arguing with someone online try to remember that eurotrash don't post with the intent of speaking on normal terms. They simply dislike america and have no other means of entertainment as everything else is illegal.
Heres two common things you'll find in a gun control thread on Sup Forums
>I live in the US and own guns BUT guns are bad
>You can't fight the military youre just crazy here in sweden we blah blah blah...
HA. No, if you even mention a thought of more liberal weapon laws in Sweden you become radioactive.
t. Swedish
Yeah. Great freedom. Die at school before you can get a driver's license. Shitty education possible outcome poverty or death. No step on snek. Red white blue cloth forever. Sparkles and rectangles best cuntry on flat earth. Jesus bless the u and s
in an alternate reality KIA makes guns with hard to pronounce names
>hurr durr america bad!!
The population is the military. No corporal swede is going to shoot up a town of unarmed villagers because orders.
I'm not European you fucking retard. I'm an American, I live in Rhode Island. I've always been a Libertarian, but it is blatantly fucking obvious that a country where guns are easily accessed, tend to have astronomically higher rates of gun-related homicide...
Hurr durr america great again. 380 million fat faggots circlejerking their guns and burgers
sure bjorn. Do you drive your Skoda Pickup Truck 40 Hectares to the local Aldi like all americans?
New or dirty?
get some new material bjorn
All good man. Not a bjorn. I own a semi auto pistol. But would absolutely give it up. I dont hang my hopes and dreams on a gun. I can play the long game and watch the us circle the drain while their kids murder each other like jungle savages
>Heres two common things you'll find in a gun control thread on Sup Forums
>I live in the US and own guns BUT guns are bad
Ottawa China
Walmart - pick any
Blatant lies.
Dont live in the us either. Visited a few times. Hopefully the population eliminates themselves without destroying the surroundings and mexico and canada can kinda meet in the middle. Maybe without the US meddling in everyones affairs we can all go after Russia and China and move on
Gen4 Glock 22. I know. Glock. But whatever. Also the rest of the world doesn't really care about your school shooting epidemic. We just question the morals of a population that watches it happen weekly for a decade and does literally nothing to fix the issue.
What you fail to understand is that Americans are Highlanders. The more we kill each other, the more powerful the survivors are.
>watches it happen weekly for a decade and does literally nothing to fix the issue.
Dems won't let us.
thanks for proving your opinion on anything means jack fuck all. You don't own a gun you don't even own a function pair of testicles. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars. go be an autist on your own nations version of Sup Forums
>Glock 22
That explains it. You suffer from caliber identity confusion, which spreads confusion into other areas of your thinking.
Then trash your bullshit republic. Elect a 3rd party that will do something. For a population armed to the teeth to revolt against a government that doesn't stand for the people you are certainly biding your time
I dont give 2 fucks about you or your country. I laugh my ass off when you guys kill each other and cry about change and wail that nothing can be done then kill each other and cry about change and wail that nothing can be done ad infinium
ok but you guys need to stop terrorist bombings in your country first bjorn
I think hes talking about California.
>I don't give 2 fucks about Americans
>I just spend every waking moment obsessing over Americans
>i don't care about ur country ; ____ ;
>obsesses and spends hours on an american website
>knows more about a nation he hates than where he actually lives
It's the model number fag. Its chambered in 40cal. If i bother i would swap it for a 9mm. Cheaper ammo. Better recoil management. Similar stopping power. More fun. Put probably 10000 rounds downrange without issue. I only run winchester tho. Speer for a bit but i didnt care for it.
the disposable eurotrash opinion is strong today. Anyone know why? shit usually occurs when a verboten thing happens and they need to feel better
Why are you concerned with isolated incidents in my country when preteens are murdering each other in yours? Fix your country fag
HEY AMERICANS, when are you going to stop listening to these Eastern European idiots?
Russian can "A" "And" and "The" fucking tuckers.
you guys have a genuine problem that needs to be addressed bjorn.
K. Just here for the random good fap material. This thread looked like a fun roll to see what state buries a dozen youth this week due to gun violence. Did we have a winner yet?
Mass shootings only happen in White City's and Towns in Rural America.
Im so very happy and thrilled when mass shootings happen. When normies wonder why the shooter did what they did ots always focused on their mental health and not actual reasons. Bullies are coddled even when others die. People in America have gotten so rotten and bad they will never stop making others feel terrible about themselves. You hear about abuse, you feel bad, you say this should stop, you continue bullying and abusing, and jee I wonder why this happened again? The only rational thing to do to these types of people is kill them. Don't ask for forgiveness don't try to reconcile. It is futile. Thats why I love when that kid who was abused gets the last rights of blowing holes in all their shitty faces. Its a never ending cycle but it always ends well in my opinion
>It's the model number fag.
Errr yes, I know.
>Its chambered in 40cal
That's the point. .40 is for indecisive, confused individuals.
>If i bother i would swap it for a 9mm.
Now you're talking.
this is why the bjorns are mad. Not too sure what happened in norway or the other of the 3 euroshitposters
It will be. When was the first american massacre at school? How many since? No ideas yet yankee? Just let it play out a bit. The lobbyists and politicians are thinking about you. I'm sure in another few decades things will turn around for you guys. Thoughts and prayers tho!
Its like you stole that rationale from Dana Loesch, herself.
>It will be.
it won't. Thats what happens when you surrender your nuts to the germans. You guys need to accept more refugees
Maybe because in the past few years whites have been treated worse than niggers?
>USA state
>saged for euro grammar
Sorry. Had my back up a bit. This thread is devolving. Got a fire sale 40cal and jumped on it. Seriously looking to go for a 9mm and not sure if I'm going to stick with the glock. I was thinking an m&p, i like the composites.
hey i'm black you can't point out what i steal you racist.
I think recently one of those euro states just got listed as the child rape capital of the world.
Kant meme your way out of this herr amerikan. Any new kids get their first pimples and gsw in the same year yet? We have a winning state? I hope its Louisiana. Then i get a BINGO!
ok bjorn enjoy getting raped or blown up or abducted and sold to the middle east
It's not a prediction if you are planning to do it.
Probably wont happen this week. But you know what will? A guaranteed class of 2023 graduating with a few less students due to a school massacre this week. Great material for a valedictorian speech.
Remember the fallen. They died for your 2nd amendment. Preteen heroes of the constitution. May american jesus bless each and every one of them!
you seem angry
>autistic european screeching continues
Detroit isn't a state you fat American idiot
Is it upsetting you that we are rapidly coming up on the next instance of youth mass murder? How can you guys stomach putting such young people in the ground? I'm not mad at all. Not my country's next generation of leaders being mowed down while figuring out algebra. It's yours. Fix yer shit and stop whining about people from other countries shaking their heads at you. Only country in the free world with a school shot up every week is yours.
Whyppl should be they been treating everyone like shit.
Maybe Whyppl should be nicer to everyone.