I'm a trans individual who has been on Sup Forums for years...

I'm a trans individual who has been on Sup Forums for years. I've yet to see any definitive proof that anything which is largely accepted by the trans community is bad for them, and I'm here to address these issues.

Let's get a hot topic out of the way first: gender reassignment surgery is as necessary for individuals experiencing severe gender dysphoria as chemo would be for a cancer patient. Yes, some people still unfortunately kill themselves. But, every single person who undergoes surgery who doesnt is a person whose life is saved. It is not cosmetic, it is life saving.

Secondly, estrogen is not bad for your mind or body in any way as an assigned-at-birth male. There is zero scientific evidence that it is. This is baseless and only serves to scare people away from taking the medicine they need

Third: it can be "too late to change". I am 37 and I only began hrt 5 years ago. Within two years I was visually passing and now my voice sounds indistinguishable from any other woman's.

Finally, that it is bad for children to transition. Most children have no issue with this and think it's cool to know a trans individual. And giving children estrogen does in fact make it easier on them psychologically to go through their lives as a woman. There is zero evidence that any child has experienced adverse effects growing up compared to non-trans children.

I will talk to anyone about any of these things. I'm just sick of seeing baseless bullshit spewed about us on this board. Seeing that stuff early on in my transition made me think about some things I never want to think about again. And anyone who posts pictures of girls who are having trouble passing is participating in psychological abuse.

Tl;d: Grow up and face reality. You don't have to like me but everyone deserves respect.

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there was a thread just minutes ago with the same text


there it is

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quite frankly, I have always been accepting of gay and trans people but they have generally pissed me off and come across as very difficult and angry people. I would say things that accidentally sounded offensive and despite apologising, would be insulted and labelled. They even ironically labelled me as being against them because i am french canadian and this cultural group has a certain reputation for being a littlebit more backwards vis a vis these issues.

My biggest recommendation to all trans and gay people would be to realise that people aren't perfect and that just because we aren't familiar with your talk or however you want to be called doesnt mean we hate you or aren't willing to learn.

Yes this. Kys OP

Suck that cock harder faggot.

You dont give heroin addicts heroin to cure their heroin addiction. The same goes for these faggots, they need not to cut the dick, they need to go see phychiatrist and try to cure their mental disorders, discover God go to church

Fuck you mean? Respect is something you earn. Genderdysphoria is a mental illness, so you should treat it like one. Children aren't mentally capable of making those life changing decisions.


Whatever the medical necessity for surgery, there are a lot of drawbacks. It sure seems to me that the more social acceptance that gender fluidity gains in larger society, then the less need there will be for trans people to get themselves cut on.

Trans are binary, the fluids are nonbinary as far as I am concerned

got bored after 10 seconds of reading this /pic related/ have a free bump

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>necessary for individuals experiencing severe gender dysphoria as chemo would be for a cancer patient.
No it isn't. Gender dysphoria is a product of a fucked up mind and can be healed without literslly chopping your genitals off or ingesting hormones.

Transgenders are not women in men's bodies. They're men who have been so fucked up by their parents that they don't know how to be men. Your dad wasn't there for you. He didn' t help you separate from your mother. You're unironically a malignant mommy's boy and don't need to cut pieces of you off to fix it.

Not into that type thing sodomite. Kys

What in the actual fuck. I looked at this thread because of this video. That's almost as bad as tubgirl. Are there more videos like it?

stale b8

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only got this one from some time back. but yeah, ill bet there are more user.

Oh this is a pasta....really bad pasta.

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Do you think trans women should be allowed to compete in women sports?

What are your views on parents choosing to transition their kids as young as 13?

Plastic surgeons now advertise on Sup Forums? Desperate times.

This pussy left the conversation

B8 as fuck but here I go

>>Let's get a hot topic out of the way first: gender reassignment surgery is as necessary for individuals experiencing severe gender dysphoria as chemo would be for a cancer patient. Yes, some people still unfortunately kill themselves. But, every single person who undergoes surgery who doesnt is a person whose life is saved. It is not cosmetic, it is life saving.

No, cancer will kill you as its a diagnosable disease. GRS is an elect process that merely puts the mind at ease. It's nothing similar. KYS

>>Secondly, estrogen is not bad for your mind or body in any way as an assigned-at-birth male. There is zero scientific evidence that it is. This is baseless and only serves to scare people away from taking the medicine they need

If it were suppose to be there it would be, when you just fucking put shit where it hasn't been all your doing is spitting in evolutions face. Also if you wanted a girl have a girl - a baby is a mindless sack of flesh until its made 25 years.

>>Third: it can be "too late to change". I am 37 and I only began hrt 5 years ago. Within two years I was visually passing and now my voice sounds indistinguishable from any other woman's.

This makes you sound like you have a mental illness.

>>Finally, that it is bad for children to transition. Most children have no issue with this and think it's cool to know a trans individual. And giving children estrogen does in fact make it easier on them psychologically to go through their lives as a woman. There is zero evidence that any child has experienced adverse effects growing up compared to non-trans children.

That's because trans people appear to be like a fictional representation of a fairy - which children identify with. But ultimately making this argument only proves that your preying on undeveloped minds.

>>Tl;d: Grow up and face reality. You don't have to like me but everyone deserves respect.

No they don't, nor do you for your poor arguments.