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nihilism or slapstick comedy

sacrifice means nothing to the great Chinese machine.

movie name?

True Detective S1

Metal gear solid the movie.

Skull island
he ends up blowing himself up for nothing

Probably the most retarded moment in the movie second to the bitch trying to lift the downed helicopter off the giant thing.

kong skull island, its garbo

What was the tone of this supposed to be?
Was is comedy? Was it supposed to be touching, heartbreaking, disheartening? I laughed when it happened but some people turned to me and scowled, so was i wrong? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE?!

>Bitch trying to lift the downed helicopter off of the giant thing

Kek what?


Kong you flid

You didn't watch it, huh?


>korean subs for buffalo

can buffallo speak koreyanne?

Why does the CG look so bad?

I noticed that too as soon as they showed the deer when they first get to the island. They must've spent all the CG budget in Kong. Probably my one gripe with the movie really.

>Not posting the webm

I think the tone was supposed to just be "Oh fuck."

It was a shallow movie, it never tried to be anything more than that, which is why I enjoyed it. It's best not to view it with the lense of a movie that tries to provoke strong emotion.

That being said, it's weird that people felt so emotional about it as to scowl at you. I don't understand it either. Also I laughed too.

it was only supposed to make money. and it did. So we'll get another 10 shitty movies

its like transformers, i guess, without the immature jokes

it only exists for the post credit scene

Poor Eli was always getting fucked

Because it's a purely cgi construction shown at close range on broad daylight

>final sacrifice

>monster blows him the fuck out


>a giant fucking buffalo couldn't manage to get out from under a light as fuck Huey tail

You are not aware of it yet but this is precisely what killed everything worthwhile, thanks I guess for a milisecond of a chuckle at the expense of a whole industry

it's supposed to be like this:

>sacrificing soldier stops, pushes out grenades
>reaction: :/

>you think he's going to slow down the enemy, while red dot thing in the eye soldier is crying and trying to save him
>reaction: ;)

>he fails
>reaction: ;/

but kong also looks shit

He had nice hair

It did mess with my expectations. I thought I would get pic related, but nope.

Kong, fucker gets batted out of harm's way and dies for nothing.

What Monster Hunter episode is this?

>that Godzilla growl at the end

I am fucking hype.


>LE explosion for HE devices

Every fucking time.

anyone got this in moving pictures?


Totally reminded me on that comic somebody drew. See gun in his glasses and then shooting people.

CG should look better in daylight though, where the lighting really helps

thanks man

Even better because it was so unexpected. That roar sends chills every time I hear it.

>It ain't me starts playing




Pacific Rim(job)

I always thought this was meant to be Putin

Fucking hell you just reminded me how disappointing The New Frontier animation was.

>mfw the boat was called The Gray Fox

just stop trying to make this movie happen, guy