>"Nolan doesn't make any good ki- Woah"
"Nolan doesn't make any good ki- Woah"
Nice digits
This movie is laughably bad
I had to turn it off when David Bowie came on screen as a Dr. Frankenstein Nikola Tesla after being introduced by Andy Serkis playing fucking Igor
The 'conversations' Christian Bale had with his wife earlier in the film were so inauthentic and robotic feeling that I legitimately think Nolan is an android still learning to replicate human emotions
It was ok.
If I teleported you, would you die?
I just watched this five times consecutively. I'm now convinced that Borden never met Tesla
Tesla is in dire financial straits, sees how gullible Angier is, and decides to con him out of some money. Tesla and his manservant manipulate Angier in a long con. They take his money and give him a meaningless light show with the Tesla coil. When Angier gets suspicious, they use a cat to lead Angier to the collection of hates in the field - all placed there by Tesla & co to trick Angier into believing that the machine duplicated them. After Tesla gets all the money he can out of Angier, he gives him the (useless) machine.
Angier realises he was conned and decides to try the same swindle on Borden. If Angier could con Borden into thinking an illusion was real magic, that proves Angier's superiority. He plots extensively, having lifelike dummies in tanks created, the "hats" of the routine, in the hopes that Borden would follow the trail as he did and draw the same conclusion.
When Borden is in gaol, Angier tries again to convince him by manufacturing a diary to support the story. Borden never buys it; he's too canny, and through the diary he sees how Angier was working the con.
When Borden's twin shoots him, Angier finally realizes the simplicity of Borden's trick. Angier considers trying to continue the con (imagining a story of him shooting a duplicate) but realizes he is dying and has lost, so he reveals (this is key) how his goal was always to make the audience believe in the magic and try and forget that it was only an illusion.
The whole movie was structured like a magic trick.
Contrarian just to be contrarian because it feels so good.
Interstellar is the best film he's ever made. I always kinda made fun of him in the past, but that one shut me up.
It's not flawless, none of his films are. But it is fucking great
I like The Prestige, too, but the flaws run much deeper in that one. I agree with that the whole dynamic/arc with Christian Bale's wife pretty much ruins the film
My favorite movie ever. Everything they say and do in it, it's just pure perfection. And the lessons it provides
>Sacrifice... that's the price of a true trick
>That's how he can do it... he's always pretending
Nolan is a purely adequate director with some aspects that delve into absolute shit, particular in writing, dialogue, choreography and editing
Masterpiece. Contrarians fuck off
Love this analysis.
It would be nothing personal, kid
This is all speculation that isn't in the movie. You can't make shit up like this when it's evident in the movie what is actually happening.
This is fan fiction and hardly an analysis.
Also, I'm about to blow your fuckin lid right now. Why was Borden in prison? Because Angier died. He was a dead body on a slab at the morgue. That was a clone.
I can't believe you missed that crucial point, damn, man. You almost thought you were so smart.
>people who think this is science fiction
>he believes unreliable narrators
Get on my level before you respond to my posts.
He is in prison because Angier was found dead you fucking idiot! Then Angier shows up alive.
You are seriously a fucking dope.
>he believes unreliable narrators
Get it through your thick skull, you don't understand what's happening here.
You make no sense. Absolutely none. Who is the "unreliable narrator" that is telling the story?
You have no proof about what you're talking about. It is shown in the film exactly what happened and you can't refute that with fanfiction.
Borden is in prison because he was found with Angier's dead body. Angier then shows up to have a showdown with Borden's twin brother and is killed. There is nothing else to understand. Is Michael Kaine bullshitting the whole story in your stupid mind?
Don't be so butthurt that you never, ever mentioned the reason Borden is in prison in your fanfiction and that I threw it in your face.
>he can't detect unreliable narrators
Wow, did you even pay attention?
You're repeating yourself and not giving any information. Just shut up. GIVE INFORMATION.
Not him but why was he in prison then?
Steady, gentlemen
He won't answer so he doesn't know. He will keep saying this unknown unreliable narrator isn't telling the full story.
He probably won't even say why Borden's daughter is with Michael Kaine in the beginning of the movie because her father is in prison. And the reason his daughter is with him is because Kaine is against Angier at the time so he is helping the twin brothers.
I'll give you information in just a second. I'm creating a post in notepad right now that is going to fucking destroy you.
Wow, thanks for answering for me. I was about to answer that post myself, but you stepped in for me? You must be REALLY insecure.
Just wait. You're about to be really embarrassed.
Lol, more fanfiction? If it is fanfiction and a bullshit analysis then I am NOT reading it. So you're wasting your time.
You will give me no proof that is in the movie. You will only give me some awful analysis.
I'm giving you more information to put in your fanfiction that you forgot about. The important parts of the film that you completely will look past. Keep typing away your ANALysis, ya shit for brains.
Probably one of my favorite movies. It has the three comfiest actors. Bale, Jackman, and Caine.
Couldn't the dead Angier been the drunkard double from earlier? Angier could have just killed him to continue the con.
I just watched this five times consecutively. I'm now convinced that Borden never met Tesla
Tesla is in dire financial straits, sees how gullible Angier is, and decides to con him out of some money. Tesla and his manservant manipulate Angier in a long con. They take his money and give him a meaningless light show with the Tesla coil. When Angier gets suspicious, they use a cat to lead Angier to the collection of hates in the field - all placed there by Tesla & co to trick Angier into believing that the machine duplicated them. After Tesla gets all the money he can out of Angier, he gives him the (useless) machine.
Angier realises he was conned and decides to try the same swindle on Borden. If Angier could con Borden into thinking an illusion was real magic, that proves Angier's superiority. He plots extensively, having lifelike dummies in tanks created, the "hats" of the routine, in the hopes that Borden would follow the trail as he did and draw the same conclusion.
When Borden is in gaol, Angier tries again to convince him by manufacturing a diary to support the story. Borden never buys it; he's too canny, and through the diary he sees how Angier was working the con.
When Borden's twin shoots him, Angier finally realizes the simplicity of Borden's trick. Angier considers trying to continue the con (imagining a story of him shooting a duplicate) but realizes he is dying and has lost, so he reveals (this is key) how his goal was always to make the audience believe in the magic and try and forget that it was only an illusion.
The whole movie was structured like a magic trick.
Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering.. is there any more movies with this 'repeating the same day' theme? Not as good as Groundhog Day for sure.. but gimme some suggestions. I love time travel movies .. and this theme is sort of time travel ..
>not reading Christopher Priest
Truly the plebest board
Could have been, but no proof of "could it have been?"
Angier falls from the floor into the tank after presenting the trick. They never wanted the drunkard to talk because it would give him away. Angier falls into the tank, and reappears in the audience in the balcony. There's no time for a switch.
Just opened notepad.
Shut up..
I don't know what the fuck are you planning but it's gonna be great. Please don't bail out on us user
I meant the time when Borden sneaks backstage, Angier doesn't appear on the balcony. The dead Angier placed in the tank and ending up on the slab could be the drunkard from earlier.
Maybe he has some elaborate rail system that transports him in seconds to the balcony. The one time he knew Borden would get backstage he kills the drunkard to frame him.
>I just watched this five times consecutively.
No you didn't
Yeah he did.
What're you his boyfriend?
Not sure if bait, or you got tricked into thinking a GOAT soundtrack, incredible visuals, excellent acting, and original screenplay was actually good. Back to Plebbit.
Just created a new file in notepad.
Jesus, you are a lazy fuck. Do it faster, I want some fresh pasta for dinner
it's his worst movie after interstellar
Just outlined the first paragraph. You're done
Oh, I'm not the guy you were arguing with. I'm just an insanely curios bystander
This is one of the greatest movies of all time. It's so god damn good in every aspect. Also highly rewatchable. Most certainly his best film. In all honesty all his movies excell in some way. Every Nolan film because some sort of essential part of whatever genre he's making a movie in. I dunno man. Maybe I'm just a plebbit fanboi but his movies are great.