We have all the late night hosts talking about trump

>we have all the late night hosts talking about trump
>all the political talk shows roasting trump
>snl keeping weekend update throughout the summer
>alec baldwin now a weekly guest
>we need some new material



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To be fair Anthony Atamanuik's Trump needed a venue to be showcased. And it's mostly improvisational as opposed to the scripted jokes of late night and Baldwin's cheap schtick. In that way it embraces the absurdity of the administration instead of mocking it which is much more palatable since we all know that Trump is a loon and everything is shit, which is why all the comedy about him so far has felt really tired and forced. This looks like a breath of fresh air to me



Sup Forums double standards, everyone.

>Cannot go a single commercial break on comedy central without some mention of Trump
>Mention that comedians really need to move on because they are all using the exact same material and after months of nothing but Trump jokes it's starting to really get old

>LOL Sup Forums

Drumpf kino

>be the most unpopular president in history that creates a new controversy every day
>expect no one to talk about it
Fuck off back to your Sup Forums safe space

Who are you quoting?


Are they still riding on trump jokes. Regardless of your political opinions it's just poor comedy at this point.


The difference is that the people doing it now are completely different from the people doing it before.

You know, by being part of a gigantic media conglomerate that can reach to everyone in the world instead of a single guy's opinion

News flash, making fun of trump is always funny because he's such a baby about it. He's giving comedians material for years. You're just mad.

Why can NOBODY do a good Trump impression?

>he's such a baby about it

its pretty fucking pathetic. He shits on anybody and everybody but he can't take a fucking joke at all. dude needs to lighten up a little bit and laugh every now and then, it would be better for his image if he could take a step back and laugh at all of this, but no no, he's Mr. Serious Business.

so what's the deal with Drumpf? he's an orange but hates the colorful flag


>be the most unpopular president in history according to polls that have proven to be wildly innacurate and subject to personal bias that creates a new controversy every day that only reach headlines because the vast majority of all media companies openly support his rivals

Really cooks my goose.

This isn't even about politics anymore. This is about the entire comedy world being fixated on the same tired, overused source material. If every single comedian was telling airplane food jokes 24/7 people would be rightly upset, but if it's against DRUMPH that somehow makes it okay?

because you'd have to actually watch him talk for a couple of minutes and all these people hate him

in great countries like turkey or russia you'd be rightfully killed for making trash like this about your leader

nationalism is brainwashing

Because people don't want a good impression of him, they want silly faces and shouting because they think he's a fascist demagogue who yells and gesticulates at rallies like Hitler.


their trump guy is 10x better than alex baldwin. i wouldnt watch it though

will KKKrumpf kill himself out of shame?

who says yes to this kind of role? its so easy and stupid

This guy was supposed to be SNL's Trump until Baldwin cucked him and tried to steal his whole schtick. Him and another guy, John DiDomenico blow Baldwin out of the water.

I voted for Trump and I don't even care if people make fun of him. That's to be expected for any world leader.

My problem is that it's become nothing but Trump jokes EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. for MONTHS on end. They aren't even good jokes most the time, they are just LOL HE LOOKS ORANGE (even though I saw him in person and he doesn't look even a quarter as orange as he does on tv) or, worse yet, they make jokes at the expense of his voters. I can take a joke, sure, but when you spend months calling tens of millions of your countrymen drooling retards for cheap laughs, how do you expect them to take it?

only poltards would turn it down

>why would a no-name comedian want to star in a show that's guaranteed to be popular?
do you even read what you write?

lol u mad

Was nobody here a conscious being during the first few years of W Bush? This shit is bound to happen every time a dumb republican is elected

will disney ever make a Drumpf toon?

>ebin YUUUGE maymay
XDDD killer Drumpf BTFO

It's a good impression.

To be fair, that was making fun of sitcoms more than anything else. Also while Dubya was depicted as an idiot, he was likeable and endearing. Underrated show.

I seriously doubt any comedic show about a Trump Whitehouse would have any nuances about the television genre itself, and only be about the antics of the man himself; which admittedly is a rich subject, as mentioned in this thread, is already played out.

I think it's more that it's getting old already. Being a celebrity businessman and now a professional politician holding the highest office on the planet, nobody deserves flak more than Trump, but that doesn't mean comedy can't take a break and make fun of other things once in awhile. But good job being a kneejerk faggot who projects anytime someone bitches about something.

I'll probably get crucified for this, but Jimmy Fallon's is alright. It's too bad he can never not break the 4th wall and giggle too himself whenever he does any impersonations (or any comedic delivery for that matter).

>Trump, the man who beat almost 20 seasoned career politicians at their own game, including the Bush and Clinton families, to take the most powerful position on earth despite a unified opposition from almost the entire established political world both at home and abroad
>Dumb because his haircut looks kinda silly and he got a spray tan at some point

that's a pretty good impersonation
i'll probably watch, might be funny

protip: people might stop talking about trump if he didn't do something outrageous on a twice-weekly basis

he won because le kekism xD



yeah but he's dumb because he lies and doesn't have the same opinions as me

Nah just dumb because of how he talks, like W Bush. Inarticulate people are goldmines for lazy comics. Them being in positions of authority and respect means the jokes write themselves.

I'm telling you crybabies. This shit is nothing compared to what we went through with W Bush, and if you can't remember that then you probably weren't even old enough to vote this election so who gives a shit what you think

>we all know that Trump is a loon and everything is shit

That's not even close to true, and this guy's impression is terrible. Trump looks and sounds nothing like that. But all these salty cuck tears are sooooooo worth it.

What are you talking about? That voice is spot-on.

It's terrible. I wouldn't even know he was doing Trump if you didn't tell me.

did you faggot Sup Forumstards when the media trashed bush too? no thats right you weere probably too young to remember the bush administration. kill yourselves, the media has ALWAYS been left leaning except for FOX """"""""news""""""""

btw drumpftards, i thought you said drumpf wouldn't start WW3 and that Hillary was a warhawk, why is drumpf going back on all his promises, he SHAT all over obama for bombing assad. right wing retards are hypocrites much? LMAO. BTFO.

It' pretty bad, dude.

not sure if bad bait, or legit has never heard trumps voice before.

I wouldn't mind it but comedians act like Democrat's shit don't stink and white knight the shit out of their presidental candidates.

fake picture. Shit opinion.

this desu

You need to get the fucking liberal cum out of your ears, Trump sounds nothing like that. Trump is the best public speaker to be elected in decades.

>using drumpf unironically

come on man

>mfw even Korn made digs at Bush

>drumpf insults obama for bombing assad
>then proceeds to bomb assad and cause a war with russia


EPIC JOB DRUMPFKEKS. SHADILAY xD. the only upside to all this is knowing that right wing retards looooove war and will naturally be the first to sign up to die. and the ones that don't go voluntarily are probably uneducated, unemployed 20 something white males so will be the first drafted to fight and die. desu thats pretty cool of drumpf, to lead the war that will wipe out all the right wing retards in one fell swoop.

>He's dumb because of how he talks

So with that logic, Stephen Hawking must be even more dumb because he talks REALLY dumb.

Also, if you haven't noticed, Republicans have changed, as political parties often do. Republicans in Bushs day were all about being "principled", or in other words, so passive and non-combative that they let leftists shit all over them constantly, which is exactly why it has become a social norm to call Republicans dumb inbred hicks and have nobody even bat an eye.

It's not being a crybaby, it called actually standing up for yourself, something cuckservatives have forgotten how to do.

>4D chess move
>controlled opposition
>cut a deal with the neocons

take your pick, his hand was clearly forced by the puppeteers, but this is unlike any other act of war.

you can't compare this to Bush being mocked because that was different in the sense that Bush was one of their puppets too. They may have mocked him out and shit but at the end of the day they didn't fear him because he was under their control. The obvious lefty media has never been so obvious and boldfaced as it is now and under Obama.

>Trump is the best public speaker to be elected in decades

W Bush was the origins of political shitposting.


what did drumpf mean by this? was war with russia part of his plan? what kind of chess was he playing? did putin win?

The media didn't trash obama even though he won the nobel prize for Drone striking so many Libyans

At least Stephen Hawking can speak in complete sentences. I actually think it's impossible for him not to. On top of that he can actually communicate his thoughts, which is a shocker.

Funny voice != inarticulate


And somehow this is inarticulate?


are you implying trump is a good leader because he won the election? that only implies he is a good salesman. his performance since taking office proves he is not a good leader.

>Reading from a teleprompter
>Awkward unnecessary cuts to hide the fact that he can't even pull that off


>look how good he reads from the telepromter, something he had to previously read like 8 times just so he could finally understand it. please love him as much as I do !!!!
ain't giving views to your Daddy

This was a lot better when it was Bush. Except for that cartoon Lil Bush. Basically, That's My Bush and Will Ferrel were funny and this is tedious and uninteresting.

How can anyone sit there and even grin at these tired jokes? I mean the only satisfaction I can imagine anyone getting from these jokes is if they voted Clinton, because I'm sure most non-partisan people are sick to death of hearing about Trump. I'm not American but I'm sick to my stomach at how our own media is obsessed with the man. They jumped the gun too early, didn't even wait until he was in office, they rolled out the Trump train and it got old fast, like a ham in a hot summer's day. Fuck anyone who actually enjoys this shit.

You people are literally parodies at this point. Do you have any self-awareness. I hope this post is a troll.

>Those youtube Vlogger jump cuts



The problem isn't the comedy it's the president, I don't blame comedians for using similar material on the same retard, the nation is really fucked up right now with this presidency and laughter is usually a coping mechanism so let them make the jokes only someone petty would get butthurt over them, I voted the idiot in and even I laugh at this shit it was the same with Bush like people have pointed out,

some of you sound like irate muslims
>they made fun of something I feel represents me but is not a direct insult to me better KILL them!
except you idiots just call people fag, shillary, cuck or whatever instead of bombing them, when did millenials become so thin skinned?

>this is tedious and uninteresting.

Which is because the actual Trump is such a human garbage fire that comedians couldn't possibly hope to compete. What the fuck are they going to have him do, rape a puppy on air?

>are you implying trump is a good leader because he won the election?

No, to suggest that would be to move the goalposts.

Someone said he is dumb. I proved he is not dumb by virtue of defeating every other contender for the presidency despite the fact that his opposition had significantly more funds and political experience.

Disagree with him all you want, but he obviously isn't dumb.

I hope they bring in Sanders as well. Good stuff.


>military posturing
>its literally nothing

b-b-b-but I thought Donald and Pootie where bff4e's? I thought Putin hacked the election for Donald to win so he could control the USA through a stoopid puppet?

so much for that false narrative, eh?


It likely is, Sup Forums is a pretty edgy board and the people who cried racism were told off as the Redditor faggots they were, now anons are putting up some anti-edge shtick because normalfags are getting more annoyed at the PC and limo liberal crowd.

Remember how awful Obama would stutter and stammer despite reading directly off of a teleprompter and not even trying to hide it?


>This is a good speaker

Donald Trump is the most embarrassing public figure of my lifetime and for some reason idiots saw fit to vote him leader of the most powerful nation on Earth. There's a lot of material there, lighten up and learn to take a joke.

>still shilling for cheeto benito

lmao even Sup Forums can't hide their embarrassment and regret anymore

>relationships can't change
>if you get cheated on you're supposed to take it and go on as if nothing happened

It's not hard to believe that the hacking was colluded and Putin got what he wanted but when his puppet got out of line (syria strikes) he lost interest

A narrative could also could be spun that Trump did this on purpose to deflect (like hes been doing for this past 70 days ) to make people think there are no ties because he attacked Russia/Syria

I can gurantee you if Nixon had time he wouldve pulled the same shit but back then people were less bi partisan and didn't have fuck up loyalist like Nunes fucking the judicial and investigative process up.

Never said he was. He wasn't on a teleprompter though.

For contrast, here is an example of Trump speaking off the cuff.

>Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes,
OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart
—you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if,
like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the
smartest people anywhere in the world—it's true!—but when you're a
conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that's
why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went
there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my
like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged—but
you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would
have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear
is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the
power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of
what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?),
but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it
used to be three, now it's four—but when it was three and even now, I
would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because,
you know, they don't, they haven't figured that the women are smarter
right now than the men, so, you know, it's gonna take them about
another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

Sup Forums actually hates trump now

Sup Forums is going back to being right libertarians/ron paulians

they should have never stopped

>embarrassing public figure of my lifetime
>Not Bernie "I cannot even finish a speech without being shoved off stage by fat sassy black women" Sanders
>Not Jeb "Please Clap" Bush

>campaigns on not intervening in syria
>claims that if Obama intervened it would be disastrous for the US
>intervenes in syria in exactly the way he said Obama shouldn't
>without the approval of congress, unlike Obama who at least consulted them
>h-h-he's not a liar, it's just super smart strategy


>"Let's just let leftists take all our rights away because stopping them would be too interventionalist"


>they should have never stopped

What's with the kosher ideologies?

and I'm telling you, we truly became The President Show. Many such cases!

>The country is pretty fucked up because of this presidency
But why? Are people seriously delusional about Obama's presidency? I mean "we" couldn't cope with Bush either but everyone can handle a democrat fucking up in office. I wish people would get over themselves and stop acting like they're in some oppressive regime under a Republican president.

>le I'll repeat what the mainstream "news" has told me to believe


>b-b-b-but I thought Donald and Pootie where bff4e's? I thought Putin hacked the election for Donald to win so he could control the USA through a stoopid puppet?

>Trump call's Comrade Poots before even notifying Congress to let him know to clear out
>Strike results in two deaths. Aircrafts deployed from airfield later that same fucking night.

Yes. Devastating. Surely this will result in WWIII, and not Trump heroically suggesting we lift Russian sanctions to avoid war. Clearly this means he had no connections to Russia. Except, of course, for all those connections to Russia we forgot about because he blew up an airport with nobody in it.

You don't know what libertarianism is, kill yourself my man.

>he doesn't realize libertarians are now into physical removal now

Leftists need to be physically removed from society, so to speak.

Pic related.

>spray face with orange paint
>bad blonde wig
>half ass impression
>libtards fw

The fact that every show has done this already has become the joke. I'm not upset that they're calling him on literally everything. I just wish they would put in more effort so it doesn't come out looking like shit, they've just gotten lazy

All these Trump impressions are getting really old. It's nothing more than
>hey, look, I'm silly!
>see how silly I am!
>hahaha I talk funny!
It's just repetitive at this point.


Yep, Trump is way more embarrassing than those two. I'm going to guess you weren't around in the '80s or '90s. Trump was a bad joke back then and he's an even worse one now that people elected him to power in the govt. He's been a figure of ridicule for a long time and he's always asked for the spotlight so I don't feel one bit sorry that he's getting his feet put to the fire. For a long time he was treated as a buffoon, only now we have to take him seriously. He hasn't reigned in his flamboyance at all, why should anyone else resist the urge to speak their mind about him?

If nothing else, he's the President. You expect people aren't going to make jokes about him? Every President gets mauled by Late Night shows and the media. It's par for the course and practically in the job description.

>le I'll repeat what Alex Jones has told me to believe



What are your thoughts on Pizzagate?

you're pretty retarded if you think its about politics and not about writers being lazy as fuck and shooting for low hanging fruit to appease sjw watchers to get a guarenteed viewership