Circumcision is better, it makes it look bigger and angrier and threatening

Circumcision is better, it makes it look bigger and angrier and threatening.
It increases your testosterone and aggression and manliness.
Women love it more and you have advanced sex powers from it.

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Circumcision is institutionalized child genital mutilation and should be criminalized. Circumcision advocates/defenders are evil.

both are partly true

>advanced sex powers
Wizard dick


It’s ok to be mad that your family paid a pedo to take your best sensations from you.

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You fucking idiot


Prove me wrong.

Shut up mushroom dick go get some lube to jerk off

>Circumcision is better, it makes it look bigger and angrier and threatening.
Circumcision is worse as you lose more than you gain. I can pull my foreskin back and now I look exactly like you. Also "angrier and threatening"? Wtf
>It increases your testosterone and aggression and manliness.
No, it doesn't, you're full of shit
>Women love it more and you have advanced sex powers from it.
No, generally they don't. I've met one girl out of the 70ish I've fucked that preferred cut dicks and she still took mine regardless. Advanced sex powers???

I think you're retarded. You may have received a lobotomy with your circumcision.

>Circumcision is institutionalized child genital mutilation
This is literally unironically and unequivocally true.

I have a circumcised dick but there's enough skin that I don't need lube to jerk off. Anyone else like this?

mkae your foreskin stretch out like this lizard's neck frills

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>Circumcision is worse as you lose more than you gain. I can pull my foreskin back and now I look exactly like you. Also "angrier and threatening"? Wtf
It makes your head bigger as you age and as you get harderd and harder. Your head is smaller. It looks threatening and angry when its bigger and angrier.
>No, it doesn't, you're full of shit
This is proven scientific studies facts.
>No, generally they don't. I've met one girl out of the 70ish I've fucked that preferred cut dicks and she still took mine regardless. Advanced sex powers???
You must be foreign
>I think you're retarded. You may have received a lobotomy with your circumcision.
Maybe you are for the way you think of not facts but of anti facts.

Only thrid world shithole women prefer some worm looking cheese dick.

I cant say its better. But some people have gotten cut after sex they would be the ones to ask. But no one wants cheese dick. You feel just fine. Women love it. Fags enjoy cheese dicks from what Sup Forums says.

You fuck girls in their 70s.

When it’s soft does it cover the head?

Cut since baby, never NEEDED lube mostly stroked without since it's not an issue. Every kid who had a sand-worm was heckled (especially on Penis Inspection Day), not sure whether or which is better but every girl I've been with says my dick is fucking sexy looking.

Thankfully not.

>Penis Inspection Day
Wtf is this

To inpsect whether your penis is circumcised.

I'm Jewish and I enjoy circumcision.

ok boomer

Kek that's how I read it.

Or he fucked a girl in the 70s

in the 70s yes I fucked a girl

Maybe for some people, but there is no excuse for doing it to babies and children, except legitimate medical reasons

Sure.. Give me your mom and sisters #’s..

>it makes it look bigger
1. it doesn't
2. it makes it smaller my volume and mass

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Sort of, what do you think? Not homo

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yeah same
it's the best case scenario of being cut

True that bro. I didnt realize how good I had it until now.

Imagine cutting part of your dick off just because you're too lazy to shower.

Why's there white hairs on your dick?

imagine cutting part of your kid's dick off just because you're too lazy to talk to them about basic hygiene

I’m uncut and It’s hot to think about all the cut guys my fiancé has been with.


Imagine making your kid's a living hell for the rest of there life because you didn't cut their dick.

Has to be foreign from what I heard most women prefer cut they say uncut looks gross

Theres not... it that what you see?

No he said he fucked a girl in the 70s meaning he's had a 39 year drought

White hairs on your headd ick.

Micro penis kek

imagine being such a massive narcissist that you cut part of your kid's dick off just because "his should look like mine"

Flaccid dick. I also just sent the head

That's the way uhuh uhuh, I like it uhuh uhuh.

Enjoy your JewDick®™
Real men have not been mutilated.

you got it exactly the wrong way around kike

The Jews are the ones who are anti-circumcision.

Only reason to get circumcised is if you can't keep yo dick clean.
Don't need it to last longer if you ain't a 1 pump chump

Women are more submissive to a circumcised dick.
Dirty dicks are like dirty diamonds.

>advanced sex powers haHa

It makes you angrier and posses your dick to be bigger and more aroused.

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