When will we FINALLY get a black Batman?

When will we FINALLY get a black Batman?

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Batman is a billionaire.

What's the point of a black Batman, he wouldn't even need a suit to hide in shadows.

"There are already 7 sequels planned, sir."

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>character famous for always being in black
>is white



A..... Blackman, so to speak?

Not anytime soon. In the DCEU Jason Todd is dead and we know there could never be a black Batman that would go out at night without Robbin

>black person without parents
Problematic tbqhf

Is there such a thing as a legit billionaire black man with philanthropic and altruistic tendencies?

>A nigger dressing like a human dressing like a bat
Sounds like there is too many layers desu. Its a no to BatNigger, from me.

>Is there such a thing as a legit billionaire black man

yes, sure ther-

>with philanthropic and altruistic tendencies?

What's the difference between Batman and a nigger?
Batman can go out at night without Robin

But we already had one


Reported for racism

nice image
saved for spamming

can't disagree with them doubletrips



mein sides


Can't have both his parents gunned down if his dad was never in the picture

Batman is rich and rich black men don't exist

You did it was called Blankman

>tfw you nut and she realizes jet fuel cant melt steel beams

>rich black men don't exist
Nigger do you know how much Dr. Dre and Jay Z are worth?

They're pleb new money. Do you think they have any political influence?

Asian Bruce Wayne makes more sense than a black one.

They have billions of dollars. However, they're worth precisely nothing.

sounds scarily amoral.

Batwing /thread

>Not legacy money

Oh I'm sorry I didn't realise the house of Andre left Doctor 50mil

Hm wonder the reason behind that name

Put those goalposts back where you found them, asshole.

>he's a nigger.

>those trips of truth

Black men are worth nothing.


Don't need one.