Is italian diaspora objectively the worst diaspora in the world? Who here is one?

Is italian diaspora objectively the worst diaspora in the world? Who here is one?

Yes, of course. They are entitled and annoying as fuck .

americano grasso lmao, solo parli cazzate e sei nero come mierda

obnoxious faggots

what are they like in brazil the northern ones? Same as US? I heard the northern ones are arrogant.

X-americans are the problems, not italians, not the irish, not germans, etc

>Who here is one?
I am
half that country is filled with elitist pricks. The other half is chill.

Maybe, but even in your own country they try to distance themselves from "other" argies.

they build factories, metallurgic industries and became rich as fuck, we love them a lot. You can see that in the olympics when the italian team enters the stadium everyone roars

t. errone

Yeah, they do, I admit it

They aren't argentines, 'they've descended from the boats'

t. 55% Italian who can't even speak the language

yeah because you got the (((venetians))). Be ware of them, watch out.

nah, they came here long ago and they have integrated just like everyone else. We are a catholic country overall

Shut up Goblinoid

>half that country is filled with elitist pricks. The other half is chill.

You're literally the least qualified individual in this thread to express any opinion on Italian society(ies), don't be "that american".

This is not a slight against italians, I'm talking the diaspora.

People with Italian ancectry blend 100% with the rest here. It was rough for one generation in the 30s-50s, but that's pretty much it


You Medigan INSECTS wish you were Italian. The most powerful and important race on planet earth. SHEER JEALOUSY is all you feel when you think about not being born Italian and so you froth at the mouth, spitting lies about us being Arab or north African or whatever non white population you project. All you snow/ sandniggers need to be brought back under the boot of the ROMAN man.

well no shit

well REAL italian-americans are cool but many of them are spics, middle easterners, albo-romanian in denial with fake italian IDs bought in EU. There was an article about it

what do they do to be bad? i would shit on your food but that would be it
no actually
you are trash lol i would bantz you all until you cry
so i guess you wouldnt like me

Calm down, italians are not known to be good at bantz, you take it too seriously and get angry.

The EU did not exist in the early 20th century when many italians immigrated, but what you said was right many non Italian subhuman want to be apart of the master race but they are inferior arap, spic, or rumeno scum. Identifying these people is important so they can be called out for the frauds they are and sent back to thier quarantined shitholes

his bant was pretty solid 2bh

you mispelled americans

shut up nigger, when Italy uncucks itself subhumans like you will be shipped off to Lydia or Ethiopia that you belong to

he did it again

Please ship me a Lydia too, i'm so lonely..

Your right, Italy will uncuck itself because the glorious Italian people yearn to live free. Thier first order will be slaughtering Albanian subhumans like yourself and annexing the country and ethnically cleansing the Albanian people and re populating the country with Italian über mensch

The language you speak has no barring on ethnicity.

You are not Italian subhuman terronegri. Look at yourself filthy greasy obese mulatto filth.

>You're literally the least qualified individual in this thread to express any opinion on Italian society(ies), don't be "that american".
A lot of presumptions. I am acquainted with people who are well acquainted with that country so I know more than you people give me credit for.


I am 100% Italian and a son of ROME you Albanian parasite
>my non Italian subhuman ass is on FIRE

Sopranos alone erases all the sins they committed

That’s terroni subhumans likeyou are thinking about. They are mixed with nigs, turks, kikes and other shit. They absolutely deserved to be gassed
You are a nigger

>my alboroach ass is on fire and projecting his racial handicap onto other people

pedophile looking nigger. all terroni subhumans will be driven out of Italy

40% of Northerners have terroni background

do not feed nikita

Bullshit, historically the north were always the most populous one.
But 3/10 I guess made me reply

t. Cucked by swarthy neopolitalian boy

>tfw descended from north Italians but have brown eyes + hair

bullshit and those are not Northerners. Gassings soon
what are you doing here subhuman slavshit? get back cleaning toilets and selling burritos

Every major city in the north is full of terroni bulls

i appreciate your enthusiasm but why are you so aggressive? you are dealing with subhumans, they deserve your condescension at best

pedo looking dumb arabic NEETS?
The scum. The scum never changes

>he turns his back on his italic brethren
I Fuck Albanian pussy for fun. Your women's are prostitutes

terrons are cattle, why should i consider them my brothers?

They speak the same language, drink espresso and talk with hands. They are your kin folk. You have more in common with them than niggers and sandniggers

they are unable to speak italian more often than you would think
i dont want them to be genocided, nor remove their italian nationality, but they are not my brothers
unless it's for scamming a foreigner, then yeah even a terron can be a friend

I don't know. I never met one.
But real Shitalians from Shitaly are fucking niggers so figures.


non-Mediterraneans are genuinely subhuman

*Non southern Europeans


They're probably the worst European diaspora after Yugoslavs. Perhaps tied with Greeks.
Pretty much all non-Euros are far worse, though.

a) she was a whoowah
b) she hit me

fuckin ralphie

Butt hurt lil anglo celtic peckerwood is SEETHING

Now you know how Canadians and the French act towards us. Despite the colossal contributions towards humanity we have mustered.

It's annoying and undeserved.

Benson Hurst is populated by Chinese and Muslims now. The Italian American population is pretty much completely gone