All wanted to be filmmakers

>All wanted to be filmmakers
>Got stuck being film reviewers

Even when they try to make a movie it always comes out as garbage, you'll think people who criticize movies as a career would be good at making them

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah who'd have thought it's easier to find a flaw in another's work than to do it yourself

when the works in question have multi-million dollar budgets

I wonder if filmmakers are any good at film reviewing

Uh, dunno who the others are, but, Doug Walker has directed multiple, complicated, feature films.

>you'll think people who criticize movies as a career would be good at making them
You don't see them reviewing Citizen Kane

Those who can, do. Those who can't, critique.

Sure he has.

Exactly. These guys review shit and act like they're fucking geniuses because they can find the flaws in movies made for children and teens, when they're in their 30s making poop jokes.
The most challenging films these fucks will even approach is some Oscar-nominated stuff like Boyhood which they will meme at instead of really dissecting. Ywn see RLM tackle Kieslowski or even Haneke.


>Sup Forums wanted to be film reviewers
>got stuck making fart and feet threads

YMS didn't want to be a filmmaker, he wanted to be a rockstar. Hell, he still wants to be a rockstar. He has an album coming out this year.

The only one of those faggots who isn't a filmmaker is the same disappointing dogfucker that made this thread

Do you have any proof that YourMovieSucksDOTorg wanted to be a filmmaker? As far as I know, he didn't study film or try to get into the film industry.

RLM's failures come from budgetary restraints.

Doug Walker is simply a talentless hack who should still be working at radioshack.

I know radioshack went out of business, he should be a property manager for one of their abandoned buildings. Away from people he might try and tell jokes to.

Best of the worst: Kickassia, Suburban Knights, To Boldly Flee, Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie or Space Cop?

>RLM's failures come from budgetary restraints.
RLM's failure comes because they are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos.

I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.

They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.

They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.

Please, Sup Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.

I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.

Shut the fuck up you meagre furry cunt. Your content does not qualify as television or movies

Space Cop > Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie >>> Kickassia > Suburban Knights >>> To Boldly Flee

Space Cop and Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie are bad but at least some actual filmmaking went into them. Doug's movies look like YouTube videos made by a high school kid.

So you don't have any proof?



Like clockwork. Has this copypasta successfully become a meme or do you autistically post it yourself every day?


Feel the same way, there have been many great movies made with little to no budget, this losers hide behind the veneer of irony to make half assed no good shit, their insecurity is really sad.

What did he mean by this?

Name some great horror or sci-fi hit from the last 10 years that were made for under a million dollars?

>you'll think people who criticize movies as a career would be good at making them

Not really. If anything it would make them less likely to be good because they build themselves some weird safety net of delusion thinking their film won't be shit because they know all the mistakes to avoid. Also most of them don't even provide any insightful criticism it's usually just nitpicking which anyone can do.

Space Cop. But Space Cop is RLM's worst film.

RLM LITERALLY did tackle citizen kane in a lengthy section of the Star Wars Episode III review.

AVGN is by far the most important of the 5

Is that suppose to be his love interest in the movie?

I could come up with 1 and a half

Primer 2004 -7k budget ABSOLUTE KINO

Monsters 2010 -500k budget Gareth Edwards best film. I found it mediocre at best but pretentious fucks seem to like it.

Those flaming piles of garbage invalidate any claim he has ever made of being a critic.

Wow, this.

I was a big fan of Mike back in his Plinkett days, but my interest in him has faded over the years. Something about his attitude just began to bother me.

Your post sums my feelings up perfectly. Thank you.

it's hard to believe that the guy who made the Plinkett reviews is the same guy who sleepwalks through Half in the Bag


*slide whistle*

Why work when you can make 100k/year delivering poop jokes for fifteen minutes a month.

AVGN invented an entire genre of reviewing

It will never be surpassed


Irate Gamer Movie when?


still waiting for that female perspective on the site


how did she tolerate James's thoughts on the Ghostbusters remake?


Was it KINO?

12 inches

My "review" of Reddit Letter Media

>posting in a friend simulator thread
>idolizing an aging group of youtube vloggers from Milwaukee
>he gives his real-life "friends" money every month

>an unemployed construction worker, the trick monkey fraud of the group. knows two tricks: forced laughter and becoming violent. brava, rich! brava!

>a failed viral marketer with an ugly wife and children with terrible names ('myson packard?'). he knows he's the least popular cast member and desperately tries to fit in by making fun of reddit on stream

>an over-the-hill "director" weighed down by his talentless friends. only makes "ironically bad" videos because they're immune to criticism. his latest production 'Space Cop' hasl exposed him as a fraud and proved a spiritual and economic disaster. he will eventually go the route of orson welles, balloon up to 500 pounds and die at the ripe age of 50.

>the curdling definition of a parasite. ditters on her phone while the men do all the hard work. got caught buying jewelry with actual Patreon money.

>the only cast member showing any self-improvement or growth. still has a long way to go, but has already outgrown RLM.

I like how Reddit Letter Media is a company founded upon criticism, insulting and berating others and their works, but HEAVEN FORBID that anyone criticize them! They'll even ban you from their stream if they catch a whiff of dissatisfaction. It's amazing how creatively lazy the group has become. They were better when they were a starving group. Now they can sit on their fat asses, drink beer and make fart jokes while you throw money at the screen. Amazing.

his love interest in real life

No fucking way. That's his wife? WHAT WAS HE THINKING?!?!?!?!?!

These men are pawns!

James is barely even a reviewer, let alone a film reviewer. He's had a career making short films for ten years now

Should've just directly quoted Denzel

Did he marry a female version of himself?

gotta have money to make movies or find somebody to finance them. NONE of these guys have any money or can find anybody to give them some. They all want to direct their own scripts. Maybe they should direct somebody elses script.

Seems like it.

And james can still do great stuff when he wants to.

I'm waiting for Doug to go full retard, that would be funny.

The rest are pricks.

Yeah but Cinemassacre is the most likable out of all of those shit channels.

never watched let alone visited RLMs channel. but everyone here likes them so i guess its alright, cant be worse than Channel awesome.

James is a cool guy and monster madness is fucking awesome, he succeeded at making a show of sorts like monster vision.

you forgot spoony who literally ran with the patreon money as soon as the goal for a movie was reached

They're not even proper film critics; they'd be better termed 'reviewers'.

Real criticism involves analysis. In their cases, this part is always half assed.

>Real criticism involves analysis. In their cases, this part is always half assed.
Mike is a real critic when he's being Plinkett.


this made me laugh for some reason


They making a living doing what they love which funds their ambition to independently make feature length films. "Living the dream" may not be the right term but they seem to be doing want they want to do and making money doing it.

I think your assumptions about them is based on the false belief that every filmmaker wants to work in Hollywood, when in reality most do not and it would be clear from any of their videos (particularly the Jack and Jill review) that the two are disenchanted with Hollywood and the studio system entirely.

So this is either a troll or heavy projecting.

RLM >>>>>> AVGN >>>>>> [power gap] >>>>>> YMS = NC

>[power gap]

I probably dislike YourMovieSucks more than I should after I find out one of them is an admitted gay furry.

The AVGN movie had a $325k budget

>Over $325,000 for this...

But, Space Cop was good. It was everything Sup Forums was hoping it would be. Remember how we loved it, and how there was that user that on Sup Forums that would kill every livestream Sup Forums tried to have of it.

I'm a neighbor of James. I live a few doors down. We used to have an inside joke in our street that we could always tell when James was editing his films because he would always play heavy metal music at deafening volumes, all the while he was drinking straight spirits heavily. Most editing sessions would last long into the night, where James would consume multiple bottles of rum, whisky and vodka. Too many times I can remember being kept up until the early hours of the morning, only to be disturbed by James in the street either screaming hysterically or fighting with his wife. His wife is an angel. She puts up with so much shit just so James can follow "his dream", or "his dragon" as he calls it during his drunken rants.

>but everyone here likes them so i guess its alright
Stop that

>you'll think people who criticize movies as a career would be good at making them
noone has ever thought that except morons. people who criticize anything as a career arent good for anything else, which is why they do what they do.



They love film and actually did something about it. Years of shitposting and getting into meaningless arguments is a significantly more retarded way to express your passion. Criticizing them for pursuing a hobby even in a small way is hilarious from a Sup Forums poster. I bet you're a smart underachieving early twenty something.

>that user
was that son of a bitch AIDSMoby.

>still running

such a disgusting face
>wanted to be a filmmaker
>actually made films
I watched King Candy and it was actually bretty nice. Has anyone seen his other one?

Im going to take a guess and hope his movies are better than reviews

I just marathoned the first minute on youtube. hehehe

You guys have to remember this was a semi-joke post made in 2008 or something that led to absolutely nothing changing. Cinemassacre was just James and Mike then.

They couldn't be filmmakers for the same reason they can't be competent film reveiwers - because not a single one of them understands the language or nuances of the medium one iota. It's embarrassing watching them try and talk about films.

Better than that Stuckmann guy though.

Not his wife

Space Cop may have been good without Rich.

He found success elsewhere

Is that actually him? Holy fuck. All the commenters seem to be little kids too.

Confirmed for not having seen Mike give the worst performance by an actor in a motion picture - musical or comedy

Who knew he'd be both a shitty copy of AVGN AND a sellout?

>early twenty something.
Most people here are either in their 30's by now or are still underage.

I remember memeing these guys in 2014 and that the other guy with the long hair (decker something. The one with the retarded girlfriend he leeched off) came to Sup Forums and got bullied away by the mods.

Has their viewerbase increased at all? IIRC there's some 3 hour documentary about the website despite them only having like 120 subs (most of which were ironic subs from Sup Forums). Fuck, I'm pretty sure they had more reviewers than fans.

Review cringe:

Guess whose a fan of RLM like you, Sup Forums?

>Review cringe:

he was doing videos for 5 years and got no views, that's impressive

>people remember this guy

He became such a nobody. Even his NFL predictions are shity

It takes phenomenal courage to create and publish a work. There are two kinds of people in the world- creators and consumers. The critic is the hyena scavenger lying in the shadows. The creator is the lion.

He doesn't care about being an eceleb and does what he likes.

>there are two kinds of people in the world

Does doing what he likes involve on hitting on underage girls?