Who hype
Who hype
worst spinoff ever
it's better than the meme that is breaking bad.
Kinda hyped but it's been so long I had to rewatch season 2 yesterday just to remember where we were
meee hope we see pinkman by the end of the season
will it be available after 12pm?
you're a meme
Patrician kino tv-series, only plebs dislike it.
Just watch the last episode duh
I got to see the premiere at an advanced screening in Albuquerque. Spoilers for what happens:
So we're on S3 and basically nothing whatsoever has changed. All I really wanted from this show was some funny sleazy Odenkirk stuff and I can't even get that.
>lives in Albuquerque
>tells others they should kill themselves
it would be about time to turn into a comedy about Saul's misadventures
It's a money grab, so I wouldn't be expecting anything different.
Not that I had much expectations after learning that Mike would be part of it and Tuco showing up in the first episodes.
everyone wanted a sleazy lawyer comedy show. no one wanted this lazy turd of a """character drama"""
who the fuck wanted a character drama of sauls backstory? seriously?
only plebs, who think boring=patrician like it
I see. It's that time of the year again that we intellectuals collect salt from plebs. This is probably the BvS of tv shows.
Because smart people want coherence and not your monster of the week bs?
yea, being slow and boring is now automatically kino on this board.
the show fails as a drama and fails as a comedy. i dont know what people like about this show, it has nothing.
yep. smart people want a grand back story to how jimmy became a comic relief character in breaking bad
Still need to watch the last four eps of S2. Least it's on Netflix. Marathon starting now.
What coherence? They've basically just meandered through 2 seasons and now Jimmy is still a small time lawyer with a questionable code of ethics and a crazy brother that doesn't like him. S3E1 might as well be the series premiere.
b-but chuck is such a kino character in this kino show
wuts wrong not enuff splosions lol
You are a retarded stop talking as if you've ever actually watched any of these shows.
how much is amc paying you to shill?
>work a 9 hour shift absolutely exhausted but glad it's over because I know better call will be on an hour after I get home.
>it starts fucking starts tomorrow that I won't be able to make it home in time to join in the Sup Forums banter.
I'll shitpost for the both of us, wagie
I hear the reddit fedoras there still go to that house and throw pizzas on the roof and the owners are kinda getting tired of cleaning rotting pizza out of the gutters but they just wont stop doing it.