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Why does google bother? Women dont want to learn coding.
Don't they have a female emoji for every male emoji already?
I though emotes are just animations. What is there to code? Template should there.
>Can only choose female
code an anne frank emoji
>only females
Who cares, when we're done with them they won't be around any longer
Aren't emojis japanese? That's why they have all the japanese mythology stuff, right?
>cam whores literally getting murdered in Pakistan
>we need more emoji representation
Fucking first world feminists with their out of wack priorities. Fuck off.
>no men
>le grills in coding maymay
what did she mean by this?
>Modern day western women working as coalminers and fire fighters.
I would like to see that in real life.
Have you actually tried the 'coding'?
It's so far from being at all similar to real coding that it's not even laughable, it just feels insulting.
If you wanted to make girls interested in coding, you could at least make it look complicated, so that when you 'get' it easily, you feel a sense of accomplishment.
This is literally "drag this into the place it goes." There is no room for error, there are no mistakes, there is nothing to it at all.
Good lord, feminism in the western world is so self-masturbatory.
>yay we did it guys, we made female emojis! Yay us!
Imagine how pic related must feel seeing this shit
>I would like to see that in real life.
Time to tear your shitty argument in half! The percent of fire fighters that're male are 96%. . . Wait, who's the other 4%? Oh that's right! FEMALES. Go poo in loo retard.
>woman coal miner
>woman mechanic
>woman farmer
i dont code
explain picture please
I should also mention, there is literally nothing to 'code'
It's all just designing a little emoticon.
That's it.
Then you save it as a .png and it tells you how good you did.
It's just insulting
she's just typing jibebrish
>coding your own
>not making a bunch of prostitute and blacked pornstar emojis
it's command prompt, it is to coding what owning a spatula is to coding
-sighs- I just argued with a poo in loo, now I have to argue with you. Here we go.
>Woman coal miner
Yeah, in 2000 they made up 2% of the industry. Things change in 16 years though.
>Woman mechanic
Yes. . . In that industry they make up 17.7 percent of it pal.
>Woman farmer
You have to be retarded or something. About 30% of farmers are female. Arguing with anti feminists is like arguing with a brick wall.
what I don't get is, emojis are supposed to be simple enough to get a point across.
If you want a firefighter woman emoji sure whatever give the firefighter long hair or some shit, but adding in unique faces and tools and accessories entirely defeats the purpose of the shitty little things anyway.
Asians are not yellow, das rasist.
Actually yes! In 2010 there was about 818,000 female construction workers. I'm not going to measure up the percents, but that's a big number, so your argument is invalid.
>Women fire fighters are 4%
>They should have their own emoji so there are 50% male fire fighters and 50% female firefighters.
This is how stupid it sounds.
go here and youll learn to code like her in no time
there should be more male emojis in that pic
no scratch that, that would be sexist
>thinks that people working in a coal mining office are coal miners
> thinks the girl behind the counter at the mechanic shop is a mechanic
husband/wife farming is a thing I'll give you that but most farming is commercial so
> girl who answers phones for commercial farm is a farmer
you are a meme
>implying it means something
I'm sure the other user didn't want to say that there is absolutely no woman in this field. But look at the fact. 2% is nothing.
Feminist will never stand to make equality in those fields. Better make emojis right ?
Race aside, what is the point of any of those emojis? What emotion does a farmer or mechanic emoji convey?
>hey bae, u wanna netflix and chill *astronaut face*
>hellz yeah bitch *scientist face*
Emojis make me more angry than anything else. How do we stop them?
cd is change directory, that "coder" pretty much was just changing directories in a command prompt.
this man is right
We can't.
We can take back our memes by making them offensive as fuck so the normies can't steal it from us.
But emojis ? It is made by normies for normies. How do you destroy something from the normies ?
it's not code. she is literally just changing directories using the command prompt (CD means change directory, CD.. means change to parent directory).
It's like opening up Word, typing "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" over and over again, and saying that makes you a writer.
Does HTML count as coding?
Is it cheating if you're using a WYSIWYG?
Yeah, unless you're a pedantic shit.
gotta go fast
>Dot Net
That's how you know the website is legitimate.
This hurts. Please stop.
Female Genital Mutilation is happening IN THE WEST RIGHT NOW.
But emojis, men not crossing their legs on the bus and "sexist air conditioners" are more important. Who cares about victims of FGM, upper-middle class suburbanite hipsters are more important. Welcome to modern western feminism.
Also, how do we stop Frogs from putting space before punctuation?
>b-b-but that's what we do in french
But you're not writing French, retard. Punctuation is part of the language.
the goal of that emoji equality project is emojis that represent women right? well male dominated professions dont exactly represent women, that's the point.
apply yourself
Can you whip up the stats on male genital mutilation as well? I wonder how much of a problem FGM compared to MGM
That one is fake though. Check Shalom Ayash's profile and you'll see that all his comments are something like "mmm yes very sexy girl"
Does this mean we can finally get Apache-kin emoji?
Being offensive for the sake of being offensive. Summerfags at its finest.
Go back to empticons :D
listen here faggot.
ive worked in the construction field for nearly 20 years and a female construction does happen it is so fucking rare one can go an entire career without seeing one.
let me tell you where they hire the women.
road construction. now heres the twist. the women hired in road construction do not actually construct anything. they are the flaggers. you know.. the ones with the sign that says "SLOW." you know, for better or worse, companies that get the government contracts to maintain and build the roads are always under pressure from state and federal governments to hire women and minorities. find a black woman banging nails or lifting a sledgehammer and ill show you something that is rarest of the rare.
with that in other fields of construction if you are to find a woman they are most definitely not BLACK.
so go fuck yourself. dumb whore.
I made one. It's called "Anal Retribution".
hmmmm... i wonder who's behind this
Yes, but the womyn needs to feel proud about something. After all, Googleâ„¢ is a diverse company!
No, you dufus! There is a male runner and no female; there is a female ballerina and no male. At least they've added some complexion diversity. I'm happy I can stick with yellow, since it's a good fit for my complexion.
There are two people in that picture who have done any actual work.
This. So fucking bad. Underrated post.
ofc one of them had to have blue hair.
gave me cancer
>get threatened and triggered by silly smartphone faces
white bois everybody
moot is already changing google for the better.
This is just sad
Fucking women lmao
So dumb
I HIGHLY encourage everyone to go in there and """"""""""CODE""""""""" your own one of these things.
Apparently coding means dragging and dropping. My 8 year old cousin is an expert coder if this is the case.
Didn't Google have essentially nothing on their page for Memorial day? And now they have this fucking gay shit pushing their agenda on """""EMOJI""""" day? What the fuck.
Someone post alternatives to gmail so I can stop using it forever.
I'm trying to remove Google services from my life but it's hard senpai
Need to give all my contacts protonmail instead of Gmail
Can't root my Android phone because at&t and I'm not buying a new phone soon
YouTube is the best video sharing platform
The easy ones are switching search engines and not using their social media
I wonder what this faggot is actually doing right now in google.
my gf literally just uses the cat emoji, if she uses emojiis at all. but she has some weird keyboard on her phone to use weeb shit.
i could not care less about emojis or how they represent people.
>at risk of FGM
into the trash
My dick was mutilated but society gives no shits.
Name one difference between using emojis and using anime girls as a form of expression.
You can't faggot.
Go suck a dick weebo fag
>woman chef
Nearly everybody involved in high level fine cooking is male. Just look at Guy Fieri.
literally who?
Oy vey goyim! Better ""code"" us some free emojis so you can prove what a strong womyn you are.
Architect here
You don't want women on the field, trust me.
also :
The extrinsic value of this post, in this case the number of replies, does not accurately reflect the intrinsic value, in this case the quality and is therefore severely underrated.
Being that this post also the first post, all readers should naturally be inclined to categorize this instance as a
First Post Best Post
scenario, as I have.
>implying women can code
Top tier:
countermail (costs money, very good)
sigaint (people behind are criminals) (use
okay tier:, ghostmail,, everything else in picrel
Use the NewPipe app for youtube. I think you can root anyway. Install MicroG so google can't track you that way when you do. Set up auto-response + forward for gmail.
She's doing the command prompt equivalent of clicking around a file explorer.
Also "cd.." is erroneous, she took several attempts before typing it with the space
In high school I took a year-long class on coding, and I was terrible at it. The other girls were all about in the lower quartile too. I have no head for code whatsoever, and I think that's just natural.
>too cold, just put on another layer
>too hot, need to take layer off. Can't walk around shirtless in an office
harden the fuck up ladies
Because its mudslimes doing it and for some reason feminists love those sandniggers.
Think I can get this past steam greenlight? It's rather fine work if I dare say so myself.
Huge problem AFAIK in america. Like 70%
But in europe its close to non existant and will be banned in denmark and probably also some other countries.
How did I do?
>Assembling picture with drag & drop = coding
>dragging shit is 'coding' for women
This shit needs to stop
>women fire fighters
I want to die too, Indianobro.
I'm okay with this.
They'll feel better when this happens!
For me this is THE most rage inducing picture ever posted here. Not because of the contents the picture, but because of the story behind it. Basically this woman is a model and she's got her own programming course which is of course exclusive only for girls. Now, the part which bothers me is that this is basically tricking young girls into thinking that being a programmer is a glamourus job. I'm an electrical engineer, not a computer science engineer, but I have to code stuff on a daily basis. I have worked with chicks and I have to say that what I've seen from their work (I inherited a lot of their code) should be considered industrial sabotage. The code is absolutely horrible. Even the most basic functionality is often completely broken. Now, I'm not saying that there's no such thing as a good female programmer (I've come across t a good one long ago), but they shouldn't be getting into this business thinking they're going to be the next Zuckerberg or some shit like that. They'll most probably be just another code monkey, and NOBODY wants to work with a code monkey which can't (or possible even doesn't) want to code.
Also, there's this other pic of that same model where's she wrote some retarded "add two numbers" function for which she needed 20 comment lines, and the comments were "this is why we need more women in CS". God damn I'm mad
Yeah, girls become more scarce as I advance into my major. Some guys eat shit too though.
Oh yea, a lot of guys eat shit at programming. Fuck, the majority of people eat shit at programming. Its a tough fucking thing to master.
And oh boy i certainly do fucking eat shit at it.
Women make excellent decisions.