Implying that white sluts are better than Latinas

>implying that white sluts are better than Latinas..

Who believes that shit anyways?

My girlfriend is a Chicana, and I absolutely adore her, even though she's batshit crazy.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to marry her one day.

Did someone say shit?

This is the future you chose

>brown sluts are better than white sluts
fuck that noise, a slut is a slut and shall be treated as that regardless of nationalities.

latinas are objectively the best women in the world

shut the fuck up


Latinas are overrated

>latinas are overrated..

By fucking who?? They are terribly underrated I would say.

This is true.
t. 164/164 Irish american

Women are for bydlo scum.

Well... they do have quite a large following in the porn industry.

You're only saying that 'cause you have no native qt

AHHHHHHHH Why did I look for this shit

You know what? I don't care. Not even one little bit.

She's beautiful, her body is legit, and she makes me super happy. I couldn't care less that she isn't white. I hope one day to have half white/half Mexican children with her.

Don't worry amigo, I know race is all that matters to you whities ( Only Buda knows why). So as you know us Mexicans at least 80% of us aren't a pure race that means that your future children have a 90% chance of being fully white.

So like I said I don't get your obsession with race but you'll be alright.

How the fuck did you take him saying "I don't care about race" to mean "I care a lot about race", you stupid fucking faggot?

He's a mexican intellectual

How rude man... I was just telling him not to worry.

I was referring to most whities, not all whities of course.

Your post sounded rude in tone so I responded rudely. I'm sorry if I misinterpreted you.

>Mexcriment """""intellectuals"""""

>amerifat politeness..

Why are all yanks this rude man?? Shit you need to chill a little bit.

Hope this pic helps you. :D


Welp time to look for it now.

who is that

>Latinas are not whores


How can you be so naive, Mexican?

I thought you didn't worship pussies, unless you're not even Latino.

>I was cucked by some whore I used to love that means any other women is also a whore...

Don't be naive mi amigo.

It’s an American sexpat that lives in Guadalajara

they're fat and have fat asses

I'm not even talking about me.

A lot of foreigners who married some Latina regret it later, because the most of them are gold-diggers or seek residence/visa and once they marry, no other reasons to be the "kind" and "gentle" women as before.

Check international studies, the divorced/single mothers Latinas are only behind black women numbers.

Nobody leave a good wife with his son.

HEY, don’t act like women have all the fault

t. Dad left when I was 3

Even the clueless man knows to never leave a good woman, if there is not other better trying to steal someone else's husband hence whores.

The only explanation to this is simple: whores.

>don't act like women have all the fault

Being a whiteknight and worship pussy is not right, buddy.

>t. Dad left when I was 3

you sure that's how it went?

Lol and you’re a delusional faggot who thinks Latin men aren’t just as trash as the women. Get a grip on reality, won’t you?

I'm not saying fault is only of females, but a man just don't go away without something safe or secure.

That, and we can chose bad and get tired of the supposedly "good" woman. Divorced or separated parents who talk to each other are rare, thus.

This is worse if they have an unplanned child and the Latina only wanted to fuck with somebody, obviously she doesn't pick a man more than for his physic, so he can be a bad person and leave her.

Nothing uncommon, the usual in single Latin mothers. Not wife material, just good to hang around and go to bed.

I do

How to get any girl Sup Forums?


Literally that's all you need, all women turn to be shallow whores at the end amigo.

But what if I don't have money mexibro?

Then looks amigo, a nice body and facial care would help.
Personality would be next, be funny, interesting and that shit.

If you don't have neither of these qualities I'm sorry friendo but you are fucked.

Thank you mexibro for your help, I guess it's off to /fit/.