Darling in the Franxx edition.
Just stopped by to say that the Irish countryside was probably one of the coziest places I've ever visited in my years of travelling. Keep up the green.
Which part of the country?
I stayed in Dublin but went out on a day trip to Kilkenny where I went to old towers and churches and stuff. The scenery felt like I was in middle earth desu.
Who are you?
Good morning lads
How is it going today?
I had a dream I held Froggy's soft pale hands last night. I was so scared and embarrassed I woke up in a cold sweat.
Pretty sure he has cold and rough hands,like those of a murderer
moar pls
more like direland!
Australia? More like Austfailia
Here you go mate
>want to go away to a college in another country
>requirements on Eunicas are slightly higher than what I have
>requirements on UCAS are ridiculously high
Is there any way to do that "argue about the LC results to have them changed" thing this far into the next year? Is there any alternative way to get into college in those countries?
How's the game?
Where do yo wanna go exactly?
I don't have anywhere specific in mind. Preferably somewhere with free or cheap tuition. Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Finland. Was considering Scotland but it looks like they're strict on Irish entry requirements.
>How's the game?
Fun but has a very divisive ending like every other Danganronpa game
The courses in these countries are in English?
Why don't you try to apply to Erasmus?
>Fun but has a very divisive ending like every other Danganronpa game
I've never played this game but this I'm bored I might try to play it
Reminder posting D*ng*nr*p* will summon Roorah
I think Roorah might actually be dead, hasn't posted here in many months. Probably got shot by one of the gangs of Dublin.
what anime are you watching atm lads?
>gonna start watching MM!
He's not dead, last time I spoke to him, about a week ago. He said he was going to Poland to finally meet up with his fiancé
Good, I miss him.
I think he felt deterred staying here from the daily abuse he took for being a Dub and the general autism on display towards him using a trip.
Umaru R of course
Glad he's keeping his normalfaggotry and tripfaggotry out of /éire/ anyway.
>I think he felt deterred staying here from the daily abuse he took for being a Dub and the general autism on display towards him using a trip.
Using a trip is indefensible and being a Dub is something you should keep to yourself.
I liked Dublin. Does that make me weird or something?
Yes, especially because you come from France which is a city with countless cities better than Dublin.
It's time to make Tomoyoposting great again, boys
I've been watching Gamers!
It's better than I expected.
>He said he was going to Poland to finally meet up with his fiancé
Is that a meme or is he actually engaged to a Polish girl?
Actually I notice on steam he's been playing the new Wolfenstein lately and not Danganronpa V3. I hope he got it on PS4 or Vita and hasn't gone full casual.
Jesus, I fucking knew you were lurking here.
For my defense, I had been living in a small city for 19 years before going to Dublin. It was my first time living in a "big city"
Is this the anime with misunderstandings all over the place?
If you consider being British a weird
Good call
He's marrying a 19 year old Pol he met off interpals. They've been chatting for 3 years and he proposed on her birthday on the 30th
That picture makes me uncomfortable. Her ass is unnaturally big.
Even I'm getting a bit sick of the anti-dublin posting and I was probably the one doing it most often in the past. I think there's a line between not liking a place and want to completely disassociate with it.
Some people here have a very à la carte view of Irishness where they only acknowledge the parts they like and wish to pretend the other parts don't exist.
>Her ass is unnaturally big
The meme about us not liking arises must be true
Welcome back, if it's you.
To be fair, the majority of my hatred of Dublin stems from the fact that it's a dirty, ugly city full to the brim with normalfag leftists who only care about themselves yet insist on forcing their values on the rest of the country.
Them predominantly being West Brits is more of a secondary issue.
Anime asses should at least attempt remain within the bounds of reality.
>Is this the anime with misunderstandings all over the place?
I'm not sure, that describes quite a lot of slice of life anime. It's an anime about gaming culture within a school club, full of references as you'd expect.
>He's marrying a 19 year old Pol he met off interpals. They've been chatting for 3 years and he proposed on her birthday on the 30th
Good for him. Is he moving over to her or is she coming to Ireland?
I don't care about anti-Dub posting. It's a meme. Howth was one of the most, if not THE most illustrious poster ever to grace these generals, and that's validation enough for us as the greatest city on the planet.
I usually go weeks or months without even looking a these generals, but I was summoned and so I appear
Thank you. Have a Tomoyo
What about this one?
I might just watch it then, thanks for the recommendation
>but I was summoned and so I appear
Pretty sad that you monitor that at all desu.
>What about this one?
They're getting married in Krakow, then they're moving back to Donamedge
Time for my daily nap, good night all
*tips tomoyo*
I wonder what Howth would make of modern /éire/, he'd have been in his element. Any idea when his prison sentence ends for that aggravated assault on a black man?
Have you played V3 yet?
>I might just watch it then, thanks for the recommendation
It's an easy watch so worth a look. The op is catchy as well.
Mickey D's will be relieved
>Howth will never skin the feeble weeb man kiddie franco Arab nigger lovers of modern day /Eire/
>prison sentence
>Implying that I'm not Howth living in exile to escape the Garda
>Arab nigger lovers
Where are you getting this bit from?
>never visit the generals
>apparently I'm still able to monitor them
Reason V3 isn't showing up on my Steam is because I pirated it. I was ready to buy it if it was €40 but €60 was too much and it's still that much of a relatively niche franchise that CD key sites offered no cheaper alternative. I only played the demo up until before the first class trial. Was very pleased to learn Weedman was the first victim, I never liked him. I want to replay all of the games before I start V3 proper (already replayed 1 and I've never actually played AE properly)
We're renting out the restaurant and holding the ceremony there for a small gathering of friends and family
Any of you guy actually speak Gaeilge?
How do you expect to cut yourself off from Britain if you still speak their language?
>apparently I'm still able to monitor them
How else would you have known to turn up just as your name was mentioned for the first time in ages? Don't pass it off as chance, you're a known attention whore.
Jaggy is a fan of Algerians and Blaxis
I have my ways. The Skype Cabal is still operating from the shadows and pulling the strings.
Are you really getting married?
I was surprised by the high price as well but caved on it anyway, the board game and dungeon crawler you unlock post game are actually very good and the trials felt longer than previous games so I think it wound up being good value.
>I want to replay all of the games before I start V3 proper
You're playing a dangerous game for spoilers by waiting.
>I've never actually played AE properly
I still enjoyed it but don't expect too much in terms of gameplay.
Despite our different views I still had an understanding with Howth. He was good fun to have around in his prime.
Are you going to Jcon, Roor?
Yes. We're even going to have a double cheeseburger-themed wedding cake.
Yeah I read the post-game content was supposed to be good. I never really got into the micromanagement minigame during the extended school mode you were rewarded with after beating the first two games so I'm glad to hear these are better. I've managed to avoid any major spoilers so far but yeah, there's multiple V3 threads on Sup Forums everyday that I always have to hide so I should get back on it soon.
Nah. The schedule looks absolutely dire and I have no cosplay prepared. The after party starts at 6, only lasts for 2 hours and under 18s are allowed to go to it. Not really many panels to pad out the day either. I'm probably going to go to a few UK cons next year instead to fill the void Eirtakon's left in the Irish con scene
>We're even going to have a double cheeseburger-themed wedding cake.
The after party time is a joke, I'm not sure what they were thinking. But yes, the con scene isn't looking too good in Ireland at the moment. I don't think Keith Hearne did it any favours either.
Which cons in the UK are worth going to? From the pics I've seen of mcm london comic con it looks really impressive but I'm not sure what the anime and gaming presence is like there.
t'will be the most rotund event of the year so it will
>adult tickets for Jcon are sold to 10 year olds
>there will be unattended 10 year olds at an anime convention
I can only imagine.
This is what you get for going to cons.
All cons are just letting kids go to any event because they need the money. Gone are 16/18 plus panels and games before 8pm. Akumakon this year was a fucking crèche
I'm more concerned for them than for myself. Do you not see how things could go very wrong for them?
Only the fanfiction event is marked as over 18s as well. You could literally get paired with children at the speed friending.
Bet it'll be like Gamer Con again where it'll be filled with Dads taking the kids out for the afternoon.
There are some pretty frightening stories on cgl about stuff like that
I don't really care. I just want to see the con scene collapse. Whether that is caused by an influx of children deterring the regulars or a furry orgy, the end result will be the same.
I guess I appreciate the fact they have to start somewhere but I think they could've done a better job considering its first year is in Croker, which must've been pretty expensive for a con's first year. Don't like the fact that pretty much all of the guests are just cosplayers either.
I wouldn't bother with MCM unless you're a hardcore Westaboo who loves the likes of Doctor Who and Batman. They're usually just glorified tradehalls. Amecon and Kitacon are supposed to be some decent UK cons focused on those with Japanese tastes, from what I've read lurking the Brit /cgl/ threads. Kitacon is supposed to have an emphasis on partying too, which would be right up my alley. The threads were full of people meeting up to drink together around the time it was on this year.
Jesus Christ, had no idea this was happening. Glad I avoided it now
How did no one see a gaming event aimed to turbo normie's and with more sponsors than an UFC fight would be anything than a collosal clusterfuck
I find that people tend to be very naive in their expectations when it comes to cons in Ireland.
Honestly don't see the point of cons.
Me neither. Normalfags masquerading as "nerds" and autists desperately striving for a social outlet. Strikes me as a bad mix.
>I wouldn't bother with MCM unless you're a hardcore Westaboo who loves the likes of Doctor Who and Batman
I was afraid of that, I can already picture the Funko pop stalls. It grabbed my attention because I saw there was a huge Danganronpa cosplay meetup at it this year so thought it might have had a bigger J presence than comic cons usually do.
>Amecon and Kitacon
Will keep them in mind, it seems like they're both in Coventry?
There's honestly no point to ever going to an Irish con since Holy mother of God Amy King Make me Cream moved to Japan lads
>Amy King
I'll say whatever I want about that slag, especially if she's R**rah's mother.
>Amy left
All is lost
She seems happy at least
Maybe if you go to something like MCM you'd be correct but if you go to a con like Eirtakon, you encounter dozens of weebs/extremely awkward people who clearly only ever get to socialize at conventions
They're glorified tradehalls but they're usually large enough that they'll attract people from all walks of life cosplaying. I did a group Persona cosplay at MCM Glasgow years ago and we found other Persona cosplayers too and had an okay time, but there really wasn't a lot to do after you'd seen all the stalls except walk around or have people ask to take your photo. Other cons are generally more focused and have a lot more activities to partake in.
I actually hadn't looked into where they were actually held yet, only knew them by name, but that's handy info. Flights to the UK are dirt cheap these days anyway. You only really have to worry about your accommodation.
>you encounter dozens of weebs/extremely awkward people who clearly only ever get to socialize at conventions
I believe that's what I meant by "autists desperately striving for a social outlet".
Looks like I've got brain problems this afternoon
Most cosplay girls are plain/unattractive girls who compensate for their appearance by having a niche interest so they can get the pick of the beta lads who find her attractive because they think she's attainable
You've got it all figured out user
But you might get to catch a glimpse of the Corkanian Furry streamer,would love to tickle him in places where he didn't know that he was ticklish before
That's the truth, as unpleasant as it may sound to some.
Just finished the gambling one.
They've buffed the Pyro in TF2 far too much. I played a bit just now and it's fucking ludicrous. Made me unfathomably angry so it did.
>train drivers on strike again tomorrow
>still playing TF2
What reason do they have?
>not playing Overwatch instead
She is beauty incarnate
t. Low Standards.
Why do Dubs strike more than the French?