>crushed to death behind his own car
>gets out of car, beats it to the bottom of a "very steep driveway" without noticing it rolling
>"No obvious suspicion of foul play"
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The parking brake couldn't handle the tension. It held on for a little bit, but gave around the time Anton made it to the mailbox.
Who the fuck doesn't just grab the shit from the mailbox and walk away?
How do you get crushed to death behind your own car... He left it running, in neutral, got out and got pinned between the vehicle and a brick pillar... Maybe he was trying to stop it from hitting the pillar?
that's why it's not even worth it to use the parking brake. it's a placebo
What do you think car companies mean when they say a vehicle is "whisper quiet?"
Using an automatic could have saved him. Checkmate manual fags.
Wouldn't you put it in park if you were going to use the parking break?
He left it running in neutral
Still get choked up thinking about Robin's death, like when I heard about Ebert, my jaw dropped to the floor, and Steve Irwin, man that one still stings. Celebrity deaths always get me, like Tony Scott, well I guess that's all water under the bridge now, but when it's a young one like Anton Yelchin...that just crushes me.
His specific model of Jeep killed other drivers in similar way.
It's supposedly real easy to put it in neutral when you thought you put it in park.
Nice quads user
we also shouldnt get too hung up about robin williams.
Was about to ask why the fuck he'd put it in neutral. Thanks, quads.
So he thinks he has it in park but he has it in neutral, puts the parking break on, leaves the engine running, goes to the bottom of the driveway, parking break fails, crushes Anton
I think it's more likely that he was a Russian spy. Not even kidding
So the car was running? Did he not put it in park and turn the engine off?
Imogen killed him.
Did the impact kill him? Or did he suffocate?
This is the gear knob in his jeep.
Yeah it was on and in neutral
1. Do you think he tapped that?
2. Would you trade lives with him?
Neutral is not even close to park! Reverse is in between- how is that easy to mix up?
ooooooh whatcha saaaaayyy
Even then, the car accelerates in a steep incline. You have to consciously make a run for it to pin yourself down
He died a full minute after being pinned. It crushed his lungs.
Dude he was gay
His friends found him that morning
It was speculated he died within a minute from blunt traumatic asphyxia
The bitch I was fucking when he died had the same model Jeep. The shifter is like a button on the stick and it would always get stuck in reverse when she thought it was in park (not just typical dumb women shit it happened to me too), it's the dumbest thing ever and I'm not surprised it's led to people fucking up and being killed. I wish it would have ran over my foot when I had parked it it now that I think about it so I could have gotten some of those Jeep settlement shekels.
There are no fixed positions is this type of gear knob like a video game controller.
He probably forgot the press the button when trying to put it in park and put it in neutral instead.
Sometimes I think about his last agonizing minutes and it makes me sad.
So your theory is that he put it in park, got behind it, it switched into reverse, crushed him, and by the time someone found him it switched into neutral
Yeah that's what happened
Imagine being human and having your car pin you as you slowly breathe to death
I imagine it's like that video of the powerlifter bench pressing and the bar slips from his wrists and bounces into his chest, crushing his ribs and causing internal bleeding and death. Except the car crushed him harder, so more immediate death.
No, I'm saying the thing was a piece of shit and would pop into the wrong gear all the time and we got a recall letter for it before this guy even died.
This is the kind of death that happens when the killers can't make it look like a suicide.
Even Hilary's people couldn't pull this off. This is next level shit. All the doctors and the cops had to be in on it. Even Chrysler Fiat was in on it
RIP Boris Yeltsin
He deserved it for building the wall between Korea: Best and Korea: Starcraft.
Imogen Poots?
So he was an international spy, actor, had money, fame and hot girls.
James Bond desu
People just don't want to believe that someone could die in such a stupid way.
He left his car running and thought it was in park. He got out to check his mail box. He stood there, leafing through his letters while his car crept down the driveway. Before he could turn it crushed him against the pillar/mailbox.
Can you imagine how it felt, to be pinned, your chest collapsed in to where your lungs cant even manage a cry for help. We just don't want to imagine what that is like.
>He stood there, leafing through his letters while his car crept down the driveway.
Cars don't creep on you like that. A car of this size accelerates very quickly.
FFS don't you guys have an intuitive sense of physics?
Most cars would gain speed quickly, but this one had it out for him.
Tbqh you don't really expect your car to be defective and start chasing you down your driveway.
You don't think about the awnings of buildings falling and killing you as you walk in, do you?
I do.
>I imagine it's like that video of the powerlifter bench pressing and the bar slips from his wrists and bounces into his chest, crushing his ribs and causing internal bleeding and death.
So if I understand this correctly, three mistakes led to his death:
1) The car was in neutral and not park (Anton's fault)
2) The parking brake failed (manufacturer's fault)
3) The wheels weren't turned toward the curb (Anton's fault)
Looks like he fucked up.
There's a construction site across the street from my work and I have to walk under a crane almost every day.
Every single time I look up and worry about it falling on me.
Motherfucker I live in an apartment complex, every time my upstairs neighbours move I fear the building collapsing on me. AND I'M A FUCKING STRUCTURAL ENGINEER SO I KNOW HOW UNLIKELY THAT'LL ACTUALLY HAPPEN
> American quality
I don't understand why people buy them. You want cheap and reliable, go buy asian. You want luxury and performance, buy European.
>There's a construction site across the street from my work and I have to walk under a crane almost every day.
Don't open this webm then user. Seriously, don't.
It's not a cheap car, and Jeep's have great engines and reliability.
He got murdered by neo nazis because he was in Green Room.
talking about a jaw drop after mentioning ebert, was this coincidental or are you a master of comedy?
It's alright user, as long as (you) are okay.
And if you want cars that look good, there's American. At least that's how it was in the 60's.
I think that's very plausible actually
>It's not a cheap car, and Jeep's have great engines and reliability.
Before 1987 they did.
Chrysler made them trash, and now that FIAT makes them they are even worse.
Fiat/Chrysler is objectively the most unreliable cars sold in the USA right now.
You can attribute that quality to the Fiat buyout.
Dont mention that Ford has been wiping the floor with Honda and Toyota as of late in the cheap reliable sedan category.
>toyota engines consume so much oil that they had to put out a press release that low mileage engines burning a whole quart of oil in 1000 miles is within spec
This isnt 1996 anymore.
>Imagine being human
sorry m8, too hard... me being a plant and all.
carrie reboot?
Always use hand brake.
>Jeep settlement shekels
A large part of the payout of a wrongful death suit is the lost income the dead person would otherwise be bringing in.
Anton was 27 and had a co-starring role in a film franchise that will still be putting out movies in 50 years. Leaving aside questions of what other roles he might have gotten in the meantime, he was probably looking at a tidy $5 million a year for the rest of his life, on average. And that's conservative.
If there's anyone who can claim on his behalf, they've got the mother of all payouts coming.
He knew too much and has his record corrected.
I drive a 5 speed, and my hand brake doesnt even work
They had great reliability when they were made for THE MILITAIRY. Jeeps and Land Rovers are two of the worst consumer car brands you can buy today. Which is fine because only utter spastics and trophy wives drive them.
I read this as 'detective' and giggled.
These new high end cars have gear boxes that don't "snap" into place as you change them. It's very easy to get them mixed up, apparently it is now a sign of sophistication to have equipment that make as little noise as possible because you know rich people are always fully concentrated, working hard and too busy to be distracted or something like that
Daily reminder that this was a known flaw in a vehicle produced by a dying company that was saved by the worst president in the history of democracy.
>He thought he could get away, but I sure ran him down.
Wait a minute, doesn't this exact shit happen in the inspector gadget movie?
He didn't put the handbrake on. He left the engine running and put the gear into park, which moved into neutral position because this is how the gear shift was designed (I.e. to return to a neural gear after you have finished reversing). If he had turned the engine off it would have remained in park, but he didn't so it went back to neutral and there was no failsafe (handbrake) to stop the car rolling.
he walked like 10 feet from it, noticed it was rolling, tried to stop it but he was a 120lb manlet and it just pushed him into the wall as he tried to stop it.
>Leaving car engine tuning without putting handbrake on
I've seen two people lose their cars this way and they never blamed the car before
It`s more likely than you think.
It's so infuriating how other people being retarded can affect you.
>Let me get out of my car and chase this other truck that I won't even get to so my truck can now run over the other dude.
>He left the engine running and put the gear into park, which moved into neutral position because this is how the gear shift was designed
This makes literally no sense
No shifter is designed to pop out of park into neutral
He was panicking. People do weird shit when they're not thinking clearly, it's why humans still get crushed like animals in stampedes at shopping centres when there's a 20% off sale.
I really think he was just confused and he thought he could push away the car that was in neutral. Sometimes you don't think clearly
>checks mail
>car rolls down
>oh shit,it could damage the gates! I better stop it
>wtf,it's so heavy!
>the end
People think just because it's easy to push a car in neutral that it's just as easy to stop it.
yall missed the hilarity of this post baka
Have you ever driven a brand of car you disliked? With fruity little design flaws that bug you? Is it the manufacturers fault?
It was his car. How would you not know how it worked. You know they come with manuals right? Also leaving the engine running with the handbrake off on a 2 tonne car on a steep slope. What could go wrong?
it's better with sound