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what meme is this?

Clinton news network

Both are shit channels desu

It's not a meme, it's truth

>mfw Faux news is slowly becoming the only slightly credible news source

Honestly guys, we really are living in a time warp it seems like.

he's fucking retarded

fox is the only conservative news channel so no shit it gets better ratings when there's a million liberal ones with fraction of the views

he came up with that newfag

Fox isn't perfect but ever since people started bitching about these monkeys getting gunned down in the street I've realized they are the only news channel that isn't blatantly anti-white.

If CNN is the Clinton News Network what is Fox News?


Fox News is garbage. Only people over the age of 60 watch it.

Meme doesn't mean a lie. It means an idea that is spread.

Oann is conservative

its still is better than any other mainstream news outlet

Liberals tend to be younger, and thus don't really watch TV for news.

That Fox gets better ratings just illustrates the death of TV news

Clinton News Network has been a nickname for CNN since the early 2000's if not before. They got it because they rode Bill and Hillarys clitdicks for decades.

Fucking kiddos all over Sup Forums

CNN has been called clinton news network since the 90s, underage faggot

That's not saying very much.

OANN is pretty cool, very quick and only gives facts that are known so there isn't speculation or pushed opinions. Takes like 30 min to catch up on the news for the day.

No it's not.

Fox news hates trump

But it says just enough

I told you this yesterday. I met Eric Trump a few weeks ago and told him "tell your dad Sup Forums says hello"

He then said "he lurks"

The Don and Eric are here retards. Accept it

Nah just YHWH is back and he is setting things straight before he comes again.

Yeah, well I spoke with my dad the other day and he said there's a new Star Fox game in the works.

How could we possibly believe you?

things that never happened


CNN's newest correspondent literally cannot criticize Trump.

Whale shit floating down to the bottom of the ocean vs whale shit already on the bottom of the ocean.

Trump has ripped us in to an alternate dimension

Fox News was one of the biggest anti-Trump shills at the beginning. Bill O'Reilly still makes fun of Trump constantly. Fox News is way more balanced and unbiased than that disgusting "news" network called CNN.

I met the Don and asked him if he knew the 14 words.

He gave me a Roman salute.

The thing about CNN fans is that even they know it's biased shit but they watch it anyway and continue to bash Fox, which is quite hypocritical. In my opinion both channels are shit and I cant wait to watch the television recession once it hits in the next decade or so, similar to the newspaper recession.

what happened to the big NYT story that was supposed to out Donald as reading Sup Forums every night before bed

Zero was great. Blasting monkeys never felt so good.

Nobody i know watches TV. They get their news from facebok, twitter, and reddit



He posted an image of himself as a kek. He is one of us.

I actually had no idea they finally made a new Star Fox after Assault.

>Keith Olbermann

He was actually legit before he was canned by MSNBC. Total libtard, but a funny one at least.

>Shut up Pocahontas

Lol at that butthurt. They confirm that Hillary has aides as well but trumps is still getting paid so it's wrong. It's just fucking severance pay

Wrong picture. Meant to post this one

My uncle who works at Nintendo, told me how Luigi is in Mario 64.


>Trump Jr with the backup bants

Trump is truly a blessed man. What a great family.



It's a fake account though

This. Good times.


>Bill O'Reilly still makes fun of Trump constantly

They're literally friends.

dream car