Why do we have to die ?

why do we have to die ?

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like a battery. there is only so much energy

So you can shut the fuck up

Who not at the end of the day your worthless

The fact that you die gives you the opportunity to experience things but also other beings to come to experience things as well. If we all say here the world would clog up and there would be an unfair advantage to people who were here before others. Life is a public experience and everyone gets a turn, even those who are yet to exist.

I just found out i have cancer. The bad kind. Spread to lymph nodes and brain from lungs. I have a year without treatment and maybe 2 with treatment. Strange how life goes. Even stranger knowing when its gonna end.

To give life value.

Death comes for us all sooner or later... fucking sucks. Most of my family is dead already.. even my Mom.. I miss them all.. but, one day I'll join them in the nothingness of death... Sucks.. but that's life. We all have to meet the reaper one day. I wish I knew why.. but I don't.

so we can stop putting up with porn threads on Sup Forums

The fact that we die makes life pointless... so your theory is invalid. I mean think about it... family, friends, job, significant other, love, money, possessions, success, whatever you do in life... NONE of it means shit.. BECAUSE we die one day.. everything you've done means nothing after you die.

Stop abandoning your threads and making new ones

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>I just found out i have cancer. The bad kind.

There is a good kind of cancer??

Feeling sorry for your self isn't going to make time left enjoyable. If you really feel life is pointless then go ahead and end it.

I've thought about it.

I envy those that live long enough to see people invent invent immortality.

That though was before or after you got diagnosed? assuming that's your post.

so others can live

Feels to you user. How old are you? What happened?

Because you suck nigger dick. It's your fault.

What im trying to say if it was after then just don't. Your not thinking rationally.

>Do first ask yourself what is death.
>Our death is meaningless to the unconscious.
>Trust that energy can't be created nor destroyed, only transformed.
>Hence you can't kill energy.
>Energy, when you die, is still there, but consciousness is not
>Death is the loss of consciousness.
>Intriguing question is not why we are alive (or why we die)
>No, instead it's why do we have consciousness?
>Our answer is simple:
>All of our cells, for example, the only reason you have arms and can move to kill things and eat them, is because your cells want to live.
>Unintendenly, the only reason you want to live is so that the species can live. You die because you're not the species, just like your cells die every day because they are not you.
>Read again, extrapolate that thought. Why does the species want to live? Because there is something greater than the species: The cosmos. The cosmos wants to live. But why? Because it was boring as fuck and the only way to entertain itself is to read the first letter of each sentence. Faggots

protip op, become a cyborg


Live Forever = Work Forever

The question itself is a poor one. Take the inevitability of death as a motivator, not something to be brooded on to no avail. That advice will seem cliche and obvious right up until the moment the truth of it really hits you for the first time.

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