This is the greatest movie of all time.
This is the greatest movie of all time
Certainly in my top 5, but not the best.
Thats not Short Circuit 2.
It's up there I'll give you that.
If you're a pleb, yes.
Well you're not wrong. I listed it as my favorite for many years but I haven't seen in a long time so now I'm not sure. It made me think about existence in a whole new way. And it looks cool.
I don't think there's other movie that transcendent the medium like that though many tried.
I hate that cunt Rob Ager but he was right in his analysis - 2001 is to film what French cathedrals were to the medieval architecture. Or going further - while Citizen Kane showed that film has its own language and can tell a story as good as a book, 2001 showed the movie could be an religious experience.
Anyway that's just my feelings, go on and call me a fag or a redditor.
for me to poop on
>tfw most people believe it were aliens that sent the monoliths
>tfw it were actually humans from the future that sent them to track Human progress, accidentaly causing Human evolution
We do live in a pleb world
except thats not whats in the book
It's cinema not movie
Is it kino, anons?
I chose not to believe on pleb writers
Friendly reminder that most of Kubrick films takes place in the same universe: Kubrickverse.
Part of the Kubrickverse
2001: A Space Odyssey
A Clockwork Orange
The Shining
Full Metal Jacket
Eyes Wide Shut
Really, only the first shot looks copied, the others are just "shots with force fields in them"
Nice mental gymnastics. Kubrick is a complete hack.
Kek, he worked on the movie from early 60's and the cited examples look terrible in comparison to 2001, especially in motion.
>tfw you realize the space scene isnt even accurate and there would have a been noise from the gas escaping and hitting the hull of the ship
Yes 2001: A Space Odyssey is way better then Invasion of Astro-Monster.
Keep up that delusion Kubrick manchildren. You can admit he's an unoriginal and talentless hack who gets more praise than he deserves. He's The Beatles of the movie world
What's wrong with The Beatles?
I mean I'm not exactly a fan but they're fine.
Also try harder.
>One of the most influential writers in history
The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art.
Contemporary musicians never spoke highly of the Beatles, and for good reason. They could never figure out why the Beatles' songs should be regarded more highly than their own. They knew that the Beatles were simply lucky to become a folk phenomenon (thanks to "Beatlemania", which had nothing to do with their musical merits). That phenomenon kept alive interest in their (mediocre) musical endeavours to this day.
The Beatles sold a lot of records not because they were the greatest musicians but simply because their music was easy to sell to the masses: it had no difficult content, it had no technical innovations, it had no creative depth. They wrote a bunch of catchy 3-minute ditties and they were photogenic. If somebody had not invented "Beatlemania" in 1963, you would not have wasted five minutes of your time reading these pages about such a trivial band.
Your mother is a snowblower
>The Beatles were hacks
Behold, gentlemen, the modern contrarian. I urge all men to be vigilant against this mental plague.
i hope this becomes a meme
but then theyll remake the fucking thing and itll be a girl and the main character will be a girl and itll suck dick
I've never posted a tips fedora meme before but if I saved shitty reaction images I would post one for you
I knew it.
Now make one with 2001 being the dullest franchise.
Patrician taste, OP
And oh boy did the sequel sucked. Don't let the poster fool you. The star child pops up for about 5 seconds and does nothing. It's just another "COLD WAR IS BAD AND SOMETHING SMARTER TELLS US TO STOP AND WE DO" style of story common in sci-fi from the 80's. And they also ruin everything about HAL for cheap "THE GOVERNMENT IS EEEEVVIIILL" shot. People say 2001 is boring, man 2010 is a snore fest. People talk and talk you just don't give a shit. Also these are either fucking idiots or morally questionable.
If you never knew this existed, continue going on as if didn't. Any questions you might have had about 2001 do not get answered and anything you could come up with is better than anything this did.
so what's the deal with giant space baby?
et tu kubrick
different directors, different universe
it was good but too long
of what, seriously can't comprehend
maybe you should come back when you actually have neurons
When I hear the word "pretentious" this movie is the first thing that comes to mind
Hang yourself plebish neckbeard.
go- I mean space monoliths will evolve you or something
The fact that so many people still name Stanley Kubrick as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" director ever only tells you how far film still is from becoming a serious art.
Contemporary film makers never spoke highly of Kubrick, and for good reason. They could never figure out why his movies should be regarded more highly than their own. They knew that Kubrick was simply lucky to become a folk phenomenon (thanks to the "Space Race", which had nothing to do with his film making merits). That phenomenon kept alive interest in his (mediocre) films to this day.
Kubrick sold a lot of copies of his films not because he was the greatest director but simply because his films were easy to sell to the masses: they had no difficult content, they had no technical innovations, they had no creative depth. He shot a bunch of catchy 3-minute scenes with some decent cinematography. If somebody had not invented the "Space Race" in 1957, you would not have wasted two minutes of your time reading this post about such a trivial director.
or maybe his movies are great and people acknowledged it
The good old times of Sup Forums, Sup Forums in its prime.
But it's not even the best Kubrick film, Dr. Strangelove is.
Maybe some evolution of man. The movie doesn't go any further. As I said, it shows up for 5 seconds. Bowman meets with one of the guys who went back to the ship from the first movie and he appears to him, redoing the ending scene with him jumping through stages of life for no reason and it ends with him as the Starchild again and disappears.
No, it's a direct sequel straight. They even went out of their way to rebuild all the sets for the Odyssey that Kubrick had destroyed.
listen, boy
I'll explain it to you
>Kubrick and Clarke make a story
>Kubrick makes a movie
>Clarke makes a book
>they are not adaptations of each other
>they are two tellings of the same story in different formats
>Clarke continues to release sequels to THE BOOK
>one of them, 2010, is made into a movie
>2010 is thus not a sequel to the 2001 movie, but rather an adaptation of the book that is a sequel to the 2001 BOOK
what about braap-posting? thats pretty prime.
what about when the final season of Lost came around?
I wasn't yet born, but I can see the memes even to this day
they penetrated deep into the public consciousness
it's alright I guess
Theres nothing wrong with 2010.
Lmao I saw this coming
I understand the differences between the books and movies. I'm saying 2010 the movie is a sequel to the Kubrick 2001. They keep all the beats from 2001, show scenes from the first movie, rebuild the sets, bring back he actor who played Bowman and HAL is exactly the same with the same voice. So it is a direct sequel despite them being over a decade apart.
It's a film adaptation of a sequel to a book that has been adapted to be a direct sequel to a movie adapted from a book that came out over a decade ago.
I thought I was the only person who had seen this. I fucking love Wake in Fright.
You, my man, are my nigga and brother.
Heard about the re-release at Luna cinema years ago, said I'll have a look, was not disappointed