This shit's getting out of hand fam5
This shit's getting out of hand fam5
Vin is literally wearing one of those fat compression vests.
Can anyone quickly tell me how the fuck that guy and his crew went from like drag racing nobodies to basically government super agents?
How the fuck is that guy still just a "mechanic"?
this staredown was all over coronas
This look is rapidly going out of fashion.
If I eat big and lift big and use gear can I get arms like this
Is this an optical illusion? I can't tell who is meant to be in front. Height would dictate that Vin is in front, in which case they photoshopped their forearms.
r/ blackmasculinity
1-3 drag racing nobodies
4 and 5 were heist films
It was around 6 when the Rock recruited them against their will to work for the government
It's a movie which takes place in a make-believe world. None of it is real
Is Vin wearing a girdle?
A corset for men, a morset
Why do you watch this kitsch? Not saying it to spite you, I'm genuinely curious.
Fun characters. Fun story. They have a comfiness to them.
It was during Tokyo Drift
It's a fun series. I like 1, don't really like 2, hate 3, but I really like the rest
5+6 had some of the best action sequences ever
Only person from TD that was part of the crew was the asian unless you want to go meta and say that 3 occurred between 6 and 7
I can't wait to watch the 10th instalment 'Fast and the Fur10us'
The cars on the plane scene and the skyscraper jumping scenes were both great from 7 (unless I'm getting mixed up they all bleed together). Also seeing the rock go hand to hand was very cool
>Fast and the Fur10us
>leet speek
>entire movie takes place in a GTA-like sim
I'd watch it
Can someone please spoil the latest movie for me. Why is VD a baddie?
this is what happens when two alpha silverbacks collide. Can't even look at eachother, or they risk destroying everything in sight.
how do you go from this... this.
>Fas10 and the Furious
they look like male strippers or escorts. seems like theyre about to tear up some boipussy
>not Fas10 your seat belts
>not wanting to get cocked by the rock
what are you, gay. his cum has so much protein and steroids in it that you'd instantly get shredded
>Fas10 your seatbelts
never taught it that way. brb sucking the Rock now for some gains
>tfw paul was the only thing holding them together
rip family
>for familia
>for the nth time
The rock is like 6 inches taller than Vinny
He's literally a few feet behind Vinny so the perspective makes them look face to face
He shouldn't have practiced for his own stunts irl
Magic Mike: Fast & Furious XXL
i don't believe you
God damn vin's massive yo. Rock can't even stare him down and he's huge
Maaaan...this nigga
>it's fiction so it doesn't have to make sense
Erase yourself.
Don't overthink it son, you'll hurt your brain
>so the perspective makes them look face to face
It doesn't at all.
Post rare klhoes
you mean
>Fa10t an10 10he Furi10s
They are meant to be standing side by side in this scene. The very next shot is from inside the garage and clearly shows them standing next to eachother.
There was no attempt at using forced perspective to make them look the same height.
its very simple, paul walker extracted the well skilled mechanic from the underground scene and assassinated so he could quickly outgrow him in the hollywood kinema cinemplex maritime oh shit did i accidentally cross over to reality
>oh shit this stupid movie about street racing caught on
>lets figure out any fucking way to drag this out as long as people buy it
Fucking outstanding.
is this CGI?
nope, just advanced camera tricks
He's a Big Guy.
thanks user, you made my day
>They are meant to be standing side by side in this scene.
Hold on, do people on Sup Forums actually believe that they were supposed to be facing each other in this scene? I was wondering why this webm was posted so much. Sup Forums is retarded, but it can't be THAT retarded.
U mirin' brah?
but why would they stand side by side? what is the point of that? you're facing a dude okay im just gonna walk to your side a begin the conversation.
5'9 vs 6'0
The car on airplane scene was from 6. It was great.
Though 6 was the beginning of government agent vs cyber terrorist shit and the shark jumping to bring the dead girl back and more than one countries in a movie shit, in short it was the episode they stopped pretending there is an ending and start making shit up.
Nevertheless the airplane scene got me interested and so I went into theater to see 7.
It was absolutely shit.
It is, they are standing next to eachother and looking in opposite directions. Its badly filmed so it looks like they are having a staredown.
>if I did what they did to get big arms can I get big arms?
Damn, Vin has some long ass legs. Look where his waist is compared to Dwayne.
I see the guy could no longer take being the skinnyfat shit and upped the dosage. His arms look bigger and leaner than usually.
Why do hairlets always feel the need to compensate?
>diesel looking all vascular and shit
He's learning!
it's a trope
>Fast10 Your Seat Belts
I actually can't breathe
I just cracked up at work and lost my job, fuck you user
dauym nigga
One of the best things I've seen all years
Can you explain what I'm supposed to be seeing? It looks like rock has paws and that's it.
so the legendary under 100 IQ exists
Vin's sitting in the palm of his hand, you dip
Ah, my bad. He should have added more lines to the legs. I thought they were his arm, and that little nugget that's to be his actual tiny arm looks like a crease on his shirt or something. Not funny though, but I appreciate the humor!
I'm dying
You shouldn't be because it's not that funny since it's poorly drawn!
Just let it go, retard
Just because you're too fucking stupid to get it doesn't make it bad
I'm seeing double here...4 Diesels!
>it's a trope
You're a Trope
It's okay, but it could have been a lot better with better drawing skills, user! No need to be upset!
no u
mhm fresh
Why is Vin so much more freakishly huge than the Rock? Dwayne trying to stare him down like that just looks pathetic.
Top kek
>If I use gear can I get arms like this
Include me in the screen cap
you shouldn't be laughing Mel
The "juice" is addictive AF kek
is it a meme or do people actually think theyre staring each other and not standing side by side?
the first week it was posted yeah we had a lot of retards then
no shock some still believe this
Kaitlyn Jenner looks like THAT?