Post your most contrarian opinion

Post your most contrarian opinion

George Bush does care about black people

Hating Kubrick is contrarian

Steven Spielberg has made entertaining movies but he has never made a great film.

Ghostbusters 16 was good

this is the truth

Superhero movies are fucking terrible.

And adults who unironically watch them should grow the fuck up

Daniel Craig is the bets James Bond

Guys and Dolls is the best musical

fuck black people

Is this actually a contrarian opinion?
I thought craig was an amazing Bond.
I thought Brosnan was the worst.
But Connery was #1 in my books.

Seinfeld is not funny.

The general consensus seems to be

the first matrix is bad, and no better then its two sequels

the characters in such american live action anime remakes like ghost in the shell and death note should've been casted asian-american, half asian half white at the very least

Kubrik is wildly overrated.

>I thought Brosnan was the worst.
The problem with the brosnan era was more to do with the movies itself rather than the actor. Brosnan looked sauve.

The worst bond would be Dalton or moore

the evil dead series sucks

The best star wars flick is a 6.5/10. Both TFA and R1 are 4/10 being generous

Dalton was quite good actually. Moore and especially George lazenby were the worst

Family Guy is the best show made in the past 30 years, better than The Simpsons ever were.

I refuse to believe this is your honest opinion

Best show or best cartoon?

Prometheus was an alright movie, and better than A3 and 4.

it is, even Cleveland is better than the majority of the simpsons episodes
best show

LoTR 2 and 3 sucked ass and dragged on too long

Schindler's List?

Jamie Lee Curtis was pretty sexy in True Lies.

thats not a contrarian opinion at all. liking 3 or 4 would be

Totally agree. The Alien series gets talked up so much and it is really not particularly good.

The original Star Wars trilogy is highly overrated and haven't aged well. The prequels are better over all.

you honestly think family is the greatest thing to be on television since 1987?

That's a fair opinion.

I know what you're saying about Dalton.
I personally didn't mind him to much, however, (if my memory is serving me right) his first bond movie was right at the time filmmakers started using that 'shakey' camera effect during the action scenes and I thought it looked horrible.

better acting in the prequels? my sides

B-but Moonraker is my favorite Bond movie

>The Alien series gets talked up so much
I've never heard anyone say they like anything beyond the first two though.

user, thats one of the worst Bond movies. of the 24 its on the bottom 5

I don't even think they are anything special.

I was thinking about how I worded that since I posted.
It might be the best show ever considering television has improved greatly in the past couple decades. The only thing that comes close is the Twilight Zone and really that's just rough sketches of movie plots that would be made with better effects and actors, so let me retract my first post and put it simpler.

Family Guy is the best show ever made.

Contrarian in regards to the general populace or to Sup Forums?

General populace

Disney is a horrible gluttonous corporation that shits out by-the-numbers market researched unoriginal shit with a sprinkle of forced progressivism to fool the libtard mouthbreathing populace (the ones that tweet a lot [free marketing = more shekels]).

Sup Forums

Television shows are largely terrible. There are very rare examples of shows that maintain quality throughout their run, but 99% are just shit that rots the brain.

Now that's a contrarian opinion

Well maybe I'm just nostalgic about it then.

(Watching Kong right now,is this contrarian? )

Well you picked the right thread to say it in.

Personally, I only ever liked Alien. I can respect the sequel as being a technical marvel and quality product of its time but can't really dig it on any merit beyond that.

Film is not a real ar tform. Good movies are entertaining and nothing more. The "great" or "kino" movies are usually just depressing post-modern trash trying to masquerade as something profound (i.e. Kubrick).

my thoughts exactly. Every Alien movie gets less interesting then the previous one

Part of the problem is the double-edged sword of "lore" where the more you explain the less cool the mysterious world you've crafted becomes. The wild tonal shifts that occured from movie to movie didn't help matters either.

you are just a fucking retard that haven't watched a lot of films. That the first filmmaker you go to is Kubrick just shows how much of a pleb you are.

often meaningless buzzword popularized by meme men on the internet

Film is unironically the highest form of art.
It actually contains all the other art forms in all the filmmaking elements, from fashion, architecture, design to music, photography, the writing and performances.

With film, you can express your idea in just one single frame through framing and composition, the performance, production design, sound
etc, while in for example books you have to use multiple sentences just to set up the scene and for the viewer to grasp what's happening. Reading linear words is not efficient and it relies too much on the readers imagination, film is just much more efficient.

Now that doesn't mean everyone uses the medium to it's maximum potential, but it has a far greater potential than any other art form.

cinematography is overrated, and only autists say film is a visual medium usually to excuse a shitty plot

Star Wars ep. 3 is the best SW episode.

The Hobbit is a better trilogy than LoTR.

All the matrix movies are kino especially animatrix

Aliens isn't even good. The marines' gung-ho dialogue is literally prequel tier, yet somehow delivered even worse than Hayden could manage, the aliens are no longer scary when there's loads of them and they look like shitty rubber suits, and the newt relationship is forced and eye-rolling. I swear it's a movie everyone pretends to like because everyone else pretends to.

using this logic, videogames can be an even higher form of art than films

really makes you think bih...

But the prequels are great even now
Anyone that says otherwise needs to go back to >>>/reddit/

Jarhead is a 10/10 KINO

I have no idea, i dont keep track of my contrarian opinions.

The latest one must be the Scorseses Silence and Andrew Garfields performance in it. I think the movie is plain shit and Garfield couldnt act his way out of a convenience store, yet there are daily circlejerk threads about the movie and Garfields character.

more like schindler's lies

I don't get tarkovsky, i think all his films are good. Solid 7/10. But i don't find any of them great.

>he believes memes

I bet you unironically support trump because of Sup Forums, too

In theory, yes.

But in films you have a fixed unchangeable expression of the artist, while in videogames nothing stops the player to dick around and do whatever he wants so "the artist" is the player in most cases, and most people are just plain stupid.

But it is a visual medium.

You can make a good film with a shitty plot, but great execution of all the other filmmaking elements (some recent examples like Fury Road, Sicario, The Revenant), while a film with a good plot and shitty execution of everything else can't be a good film no matter how great the writing is.

It seemed like Garfield really understood the character he was portraying, it's just that he used that cheesy half ass portuguese accent which he forgets to do depending on the take.


fuck off

Chaplin films have great heart (some of them at least like City Lights or The Kid), but the slapstick comedy is boring outdated unfunny and repetitive garbage that goes on for way too long usually.

posting in Sup Forums is a proof of stupidity

The Big Lebowski is fucking garbage made for nerds to think they are smart by """getting it"""

"Scrubs" is the worst comedy series ever made. Worse than "The Nutshack" and "Heil Honey, I'm Home".

that is like saying you can make a great book as long as you have the right font (or imagery)

there's nothing to get in the big lebowski its just an entertaining story

I don't really enjoy Garfields performance in any film really. I haven't seen Silence yet but he's one of those people where I just see the actor. Was easily the worst part of The Social Network.

Bernie was as bad an option for presidency as Trump.

you obviously didn't get it

its like saying you can write a great book as long as your prose is great
which is true

You're in wrong thread

that old commie Jew was much worse. The last election was an embarrassing joke and every choice was awful

Can you give me an example?

If Seinfeld isnt funny, Im just wondering what shows you find funny

that was super entertaining

What are your reasons though? What exactly makes it stand out in your opinion?

No, that's why I think he was as bad - we was a capitalist pig, the same fucking thing.
America needs a proper socialist party in power.

I think family guy is the best animated adult sitcom on tv right now but that's like winning the special olympics

king james bible

its not even that though. American Dad is better in every way

The only good thing about the bible is it's prose?

Not since Rick & Morty came out

The first three star wars movies are literally Indiana Jones in space and unwatchable absolute garbage

If anything, the prequels being as bad as EVERYONE says is a meme.

>The marines' gung-ho dialogue is literally prequel tier

Obviously you've never served then, user

nice snake, I think how it delicately balances multiple perspectives whilst introducing its viewers to abstract and new concepts and its continuity in quality is what leads me to believe it is justifiably the best show on tv.
I do like parts of rick and morty although Family Guy, for me at least, seems much more versatile and therefore a better show that will not lose its lustre as quick.
Rick and Morty so far is still interesting and I like it a lot, just not as much.

Breaking Bad season I was the strongest of all of them, and it got worse as the series progressed.

The Dark Knight is massively overrated. The only really good things in it were Ledger's performance and a great scene that involved none of the principal characters at all. Pic related.

The editing is shoddy, the fight scenes are lackluster, the dialogue is straight bad in a few places, and the message about surveillance is just really belabored and ham-fisted.


thread is about contrarian opinions not objectively true ones

Take it like this

You can have the most simple ass boring story of someone just going to work everyday and a great writer can take that story and make a great book out of it if he knows what he's doing.
Fury Road has basically a non existent story of them going from place A to place B and most average directors would make terrible films out of that script, but George Miller used that script to make the most well executed action film of recent times with top notch framing and composition, editing, production design, sound design, blocking, choreography, literally every single filmmaking element is nearly flawless.

I think the situation of Ledger's great performance coupled with his death is the reason that movie became so big considering it made more domestically than foreign which is usually inversed with the newest action blockbusters. Without either it would have still made a profit but be just as forgettable as Batman Begins.

The Dark Knight rises mostly rode of its coattails from there and has no memorable scene except the plane one obviously


Good goy!

Space odyssey really isn't good

i like you guys and i like this board.