I just realized Aladdin is a muslim

I just realized Aladdin is a muslim

What other cartoons, movies and tv shows have been ruined for you guys?

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>Not realizing that Aladdin is kino because Genie is secretly a demon

13th warrior

isnt he a sikh?

I just realized a month ago that this guy is a Muslim.

All movies where the protagonist is a white male are automatically ruined for me.

Character is part of a cult to do with ancient Egyptian magic so he clearly believes in those gods. The actor is also a Jew.


Aren't djinni supposed to be somewhere inbetween; not angels but not quite demons, in Islamic canon?

Muzzies pls illuminate.

>He isn't aware that the Qur'an makes reference to Aliens i.e. the Jinn which according to Ancient Aliens believers, thousands of years ago people thought of them as Gods
So yeah, the guy is still Muslim since he says Allah a few times but he doesn't believe in the "propaganda" Islam that Muslims use to control people nowadays with barbaric Sharia Law, anti spirituality and violence and terror.

WAKE UP and know the truth of the real Islam!

It's kind of refreshing hearing direct unironic references to Allah in a movie though. They didn't have to be careful and pussy around it back then

>Aren't djinni supposed to be somewhere inbetween; not angels but not quite demons, in Islamic canon?

The Qur'an says that at the beginning of time, God made 2 beings: 1 the humans and 1 the Jinn but yeah the Jinn are meant to be spiritual inter dimensional beings.

>Islamic cannon
Islam is a mixture of Paganism and Monotheism same way it is with Christianity and Judaism.

The masses though want to control you and tell you lies and propaganda to keep the truth hidden from you. Organized religion one day will fall and the true spirituality will hopefully be found.

Make fun of the Ancient Alien theories in movies but believe me: they have far more truth in them than organized religion


In the original story Aladdin was Chinese but had an arabic name. In the cartoon he was Arabic but not a Muslim.

Go ahead and laugh but there is heaps of truth in Ancient Aliens

Couldn't care less 2bh.

Daily reminder that the Bible states that Giants bred with human females and produced mighty warriors - this reminds me of the Greek legend of Hercules (Heracules).

It's just as likely that he could be a Coptic Christian, most Middle Eastern religions refer to God as "Allah" not just Muslims

In the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead it states that the Sebau Serpent Fiend has fallen headlong and is in chains awaiting judgement day.

This sound familiar to any other religious figure?

Prometheus in Ancient Greece was chained up for trying to give the secret knowledge of fire.

This sound familiar to any other religious figure?

That's because the bible is a rip-off of every religion.

Noah=Story of Gilgamesh

Wasn't the disney movie set in pre-Islamic times? Like 500 AD or something?

Surah 16:36 of the Qur'an states that every nation has received a messenger.



He's not tho, Aladdin is set in pre-Islamic Arabia

I'd wear that shirt desu

>That's because the bible is a rip-off of every religion.
OR the Ancient Aliens brought the knowledge to each nation like Qur'an Surah 16:36 states

And I thought Aladdin was Persian not Arabic.

Arabian nights, Arabian days....

aladdin is a chink.

afaik they believe there's another dimension like this world where the inhabitants are djinns and magical creatures.

>This sound familiar to any other religious figure?

The World Serpent Jormansomething from Nordic mythology

>aladdin is a chink
Sup Forums thread not /lit/

Sorry confused the wolf with the snek

Honestly Aladdin becomes a much more interesting movie if you assume that Genie is actually an demon who initially plans on stealing Aladdin's soul once he uses up his three wishes but ends up having a change of heart once he sees that unlike the previous master's of the lamp Aladdin is a good man.

Wasn't he a Chink Muslim? Ughyr or whatever they're called.

His faith is never discussed. There is one mention of religion in the movie, when the Sultan declares "by Allah!"

It didn't mention religion, although his name is arabic.

In the cartoon Allah is mentioned by Jafar but that was Disneys doing.

you realize the sultan is a pedo with nine child brides that deserved to be overthrown by the nationalist jafar

dont mind me, just best song coming through

Aladdin sequel where he and his friends save Agrabah for the warlord Muhammad when?

thought it was kino as a kid until I realized it's just ancient weeb shit.

Wöff Wöff

the problem with the Koran is that it's verses can be interpreted by different imams in different ways.

They were right to kill each other.

>So yeah, the guy is still Muslim since he says Allah

copts, the original egyptians also use Allah, and they are christians and not arabic nor muslim