Really activates the almonds
Really activates the almonds
>What is branding and brand identity?
How much is an oscar worth?
about the same as a couple of cans of paint and some bleach
What the fuck, the DCEU alone has made 2.2 billions since 2013 and the Nolan movies made one billion each, not even counting inflation
>MCU - 14 Movies
>DCEU - 3 Movies
kek by the time dceu have 14 movies mcu will be finished.
OP BTFO, Oscar winner
Ok it was just domestic, nvm
We won an oscar. An actual recognition of quality.
>marvelshills are still THIS salty
Honestly, this. Yes it's a technical oscar but it IS an oscar. What does Marvel have to show for all its quippy garbage?
If you mean marvel's make up oscars (or any other kind for that matter) I agree, they aren't real
>recognition of quality
>Taking RT seriously
Please tell me what a masterpiece blatant oscarbait like Hidden Figures is. Or nostalgic gold in a new female skin like Ghostbusters.
It must be sad being the only marvelcuck on here. just wasting your days defending a literal kids franchise for free lmao
so oscars are also meaningless?
and marvel cant even get just one after 14 flicks. i think that shows the quality of their content.
Some people like movies that look like car commercials but not quite as visually impressive.
oscars are marketing chips
the academy awards themselves are a business and a tv show
they havent been a reliable gauge of quality for 10s of years
also all capeshit is garbage
marvel is for children
dc is for children who dont want to admit it
dc is better but their writing is worse
but they both suck
big time
Quality over quantity
>argueing over which megacorp made the most money
Are you guys ok?
are you new?
No but I thought I'd ask for once instead of ignoring it. I want to know what the point is.
because people get defensive over things they believe but other people don't believe.
like most disagreements since the beginning of time.
Marvel made a fuck load more films
Fuck off Sven
Does that count the xmen and Spider-Man movies on top of the mcu because that doesn't seem like much
in fairness this is including every dc film since 2000, which would include Jonah hex, catwoman, GL and the nolan shit too
Now do a per-movie average.
Daily reminder that studios get like a half of that and the Mouse paid 4 billions for Marvel in 2009 (so take a few billions off that figure). It's really not that impressive, that's why you don't see many people buying franchise from other people
reminder: dc has thought out, well made and edited movies of intriguing stories of heroes on earth.
marvel is literally recycled trash each movie
I have to laugh every time I see somebody criticizing great movies made for us normal people who actually leave our house to interact with other normal people. Fuck these autist cunts in their fedora-wearing asses. It's like some unwritten rule in their pathetic notebook that they have to be miserable at everything, that the world is "shit" and everything they hear or see is "shit" and the agenda of everyone is "shit".
We get it. We watched that South Park episode, too. You have Asperger's Syndrome. Now drink some whisky, lighten the fuck up and seek help for it. You're not the only one in that boat, bucko.
WE rule this board, now. WE decide who's cool and who's not. You rock spiders clinging to the Sup Forums of the past? The ones that yearn for Bela Tarr marathons while you lick Dorito crumbs off of your fingers and weep for "being born in the wrong generation"? You're archaic. You're ancient fucking history. You've been left behind.
Come out of your basement, you cave-dwellers. Come and celebrate the new millennium by watching The Avengers with the rest of us. It's the present year and we have cake. Even though it's a lie.
>h-ha, take that shills, our movies are better than dime a dozen, factory made, churned out popcorn blockbuster trash so that means they must be good movies and worth making hundreds of fucking threads a day about, right?
by this line of reasoning just because jurassic world is better than transformers 5, it should be considered one of the greatest movies of all time.
you got the quipper guy now
>literal kids franchise
>not the rubber suited 50 yo faggot sobbing for his dead parents and the team of cringecostumedfaggots
wow your autism is showing, did I once mention or imply that DC create the greatest movies?
Look again kiddo, I said that in comparison with the repetitive trash marvel produce, DC has better flicks, and thats all they are flicks.
try harder marvelcuck
>won an oscar
>not the director
>not the writer
>the fucking parttime worker who did a makeup on those actors who went on carreer suicide by signing to DC
This thread is stupid
Sweden needs a range ban
Yeah Marvelcuck delusion is ruining this board.
But I like both of them
both shit
*turns 360*
I like some movies from both. Who is better?