Who is the best horror movie character?

who is the best horror movie character?

for me it is needleface.


that's nailskull you dumb newfag

Is it not spikecranium?

actually, he's called "hell priest"

t. hellraiser fan

>hell priest
that's just his title, his actual name was the hellbound man

is this a meme?

it's screwface you cucks

>tfw love hellraiser series
>tfw it's never discussed here

haha nice bait. Everybody knows who spikey-whitey is.

>Not knowing Staplescalp's name.

This board has gone to hell.

I prefer pincushion

>people un-ironically don't know Spindlenoggin's name

I got a good chuckle over that one

pretty sure this is blood chest.

Freddy reboot when

>tfw unironically liked inferno

Millenials won't go near Hellraiser, or Poltergeist, or the Exorcist. Shits too scary for them senpai

nibbles > needlface

shit forgot the picture of nibbles

>you will never see Englund's Freddy go around killing numales and tumblrinas.


It'd probably be a black tranny non-pedo freddy to please the SJWs.


me too. one of the best hellraiser films for sure. everything after inferno is garbage.

It's Hellbound Hart

>not knowing peg cranium's name

What the fuck is wrong with you idiots, I am Clive Barker and his name is Pointytemples.

No the best character is Scary Terry

>what is NoES 3

It's Neil Hedd

>Not knowing TackDome's name.

Pincushion face


I always thought cunt neck was underrated


audible kek

what movie is this looks cool

I wanted to fuck her throat hole.

hades hoister.


Hell Hath None



Pretty sure that's Pinthead, user.

is he doing event horizon cosplay?

That would actually suck. The NOES series went to shit when people stopped being scared of Freddy and started rooting for him.

Underworld: Elevation

People rooted for the Undertaker when he was a heel.


it's pinface

actually, it's pinhat

that's juggalopin

am I the only one who actually watched these films? his name is acupuncturevisage


wire brad brain

Hockeyman is cooler.