Climate change Global warming?

>Your country
>Are you worried about Global Warming, or do you think this is a just a meme?
>Do you agree or disagree the earth's climate is warming due mainly to human activity?
>What do?

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Climate change is a myth invented by the Chinese to slow our businesses

T. President of the U.S.

Extremely worried
Go for more renewables and nuclear power for a start.

not worried at all. it's fake.

why are asians so gullible?

South Brazil
Sure we do. Most of our land is 20 meter above sea level.
I just don't take any of those fucker seriously because their solutions are actually worse for the planet than the climate change.

>lets destroy half of Africa so we can build enough solar panels to grow lettuce indoors, XD we are helping, XDDDDD.

I read what the green faggots had to say about quit petrol. Those faggots wanted to turn the Amazonian Forrest in a sugar cane plantation.
Seriously, they really expect us to stop grow food for our 207 million people, so we can produce ethanol for them and buy food back at the price they consider fair.
Liberals want to turn third world in a slave state so they can live in a futurist utopia environment friendly world.

I'm not that worried

Of course it's due to human activity

We have to tax carbon emissions and really strongly push for renewables like Norway

>like Norway
You know what is the carbon footprint to build solar panels and wind generators?

Come on, we produce 83% of our energy directly from rivers. You can't get more clean that that...

>longest and tougher droughts every year
>used to be the rainiest region of spain
>now have no rain for months and then a massive storm and rain for once or twice a year
its really worrying

I was talking more about how they incentivize people to buy electric cars.

Also, we should be moving away from eating/killing cows, and instead eat lab made meat.

Not worried
I totally believe it's manmade.
Saw a report that concluded that farming output will increase by 20% due to global warming. Also we have high coastlines and the ground rises by about 0,5cm/year because ice age-reasons. What do? Build a fence to keep all the flooded people out and start producing wine.

Yes, although here it will probably make things better. The places south of here will suffer pretty badly
And yes I do, although misunderstandings by the media where they directly blame human emissions for a particular weather event is fucking annoying
Genocide the USA, I was in texas recently for work and the waste of fuel there is insane - everyone drives pickup trucks and drives hundreds of miles just to go to the shop.

Let be honest...
If people really care about climate change, they would use public transportation.
But hey, it's better blame someone else, like the president...

Also, electric cars would never be eco friendly while they use Lithium in their batteries. Sorry but it's the hard truth.

>apple tree in the garden
>last years always threw away buckets full of apples because we could not use them up, even with mother making apple purée like crazy, bakes cakes, give them to neighbours etc.
>this year: late frost and there were like 5 apples on the whole tree that all rot at some point
>same with our cherry trees, nuts etc.
>happens pretty much everywhere in Germany

W-well I guess Monsanto(TM) will not let us starve, b-but at what price?

>If people really care about climate change, they would use public transportation.
Wait, don't buses have smog-emitting diesel engines in them or something?

>South Africa
>It is indeed a significant problem, and not just a meme
>Agree, humans have caused most of Earth's recent warming
>Stop electing scientifically illiterate morons like Trump, and invest in more clean technology

It's still an improvement. If people don't want to use public transportation, you can't just say "well, start wanting that". If they don't want it, then try to make the best of it.

Humanity is a cancer killing the earth. The only positive thing is that it'll suffocate itself long before the disease spreads to other planets.

Climate change: A completely natural process that's been going on for millions of years before Henry Ford invented the Model T :^)

>smog-emitting diesel engines
It is not the 50s anymore, mate.
Also I am pretty sure that 1 bus engine is way better than 50 car engines, no matter how shitty it is.

You can use electric buses that have batteries made with highly toxic chemicals. Whatever you prefer.

carbon output per people.

>It's still an improvement.
Wait until Lithium became scare. Everything that has a battery will skyrocket.
Also, expect a coup in Bolivia, those poor fellows are sited in one of the biggest Lithium reserves know for the man, and i don't think that the american jew will want to share the profit with them.
>killing the earth
For a planet that started as a flaming ball...

Its true. The 6 countries that believe it the most are all chinese. How is that coincidence?

Maybe in the 3rd world. All busses are electric.

1. Polan
2. Little worried. It was long time since we had winter full of snow
3. Yes
4. We can do nothing. There is too much humans on earth. Fixing problem would require us to go full Genghis Khan.

Yes and now consider the relatively larger size and travel distances of the US versus Britain.

It's not a meme the global average temperature is going up and humans contribute the most to it. I'm not particularly worried though as people see the be making changes and we are also investing in resiliency programs (at least in the U.S.)

What are you talking about? Finland is one of the countries on the chart that believes it the least, and Canada isn't even on the chart.

Or.... you know, you could use gas like many do. Or just a modern Diesel which is actually quite fine to use.

>There is too much humans on earth
I love this european meme.

>africa has a insane birth rate
>lets stop bread
>boy, our economy is not stable because there is few kids
>lets import africans

Don't be silly, look at Netherlands. That small cunt is the second largest food exporter.


Only government worshiping atheist yuropoors believe in global warming.

So then Russia would have extremely large average commuting distances, right? Wrong. The reasons for the US being the way it is has almost nothing to do with its size.

Al gore did not know jack shit about what he was talking.
He was a professional politicians. We try to be elected spreading fear...

Remember how they used to say pollution was going to block out the Sun's radiation and make us all freeze?

Isn't Russia dirt-ass poor and most people can't afford cars?

They could afford some shit for sure - especially because their gas is even cheaper than yours. Still they are not as retarded as burgers.

When you have UN glowbal wurrrming committees talking about stuff like "setting a quota to reduce carbon emissions by 8 million tons by 2030" or whatever, you gotta consider how creepily close they're sounding to a Soviet economic planning committee.

Another thing is the odd fascination that Al Gore fags have with carbon dioxide when there are much more potent greenhouses gases such as methane.

Per capita energy use and pollution levels have improved by leaps and bounds since the 70s. It was really bad in those days when cars were giant gas-hogging boats that spewed out leaded gas fumes. They swore that the world would completely run out of oil by 1990.

you are aware that it is possible to live next to work? or have a shop within walking distance?

I don't blame the people, but the way everything is so far apart is insane. It is possible to live densely in a big country

Buses may be ok for the inner city...if you're brave/stupid enough to ride on them and sit next to inner city residents (wait, didn't I used to have a wallet in this pocket or something?). Other than that, the US is too big for that shit.

Why would you want to live like a sardine can though?

>>Your country
>>Are you worried about Global Warming, or do you think this is a just a meme?
Yes, it's scientific consensus
>>Do you agree or disagree the earth's climate is warming due mainly to human activity?
I agree, again, scientific consensus
>>What do?
Reduce carbon emissions

>early frost destroy crops
Well, Climate change is not real XDDD

Designated climate change denier city.

I'm not saying it's not real, I'm saying are humans responsible? That we could debate forever without coming to a definitive answer.

>That we could debate forever without coming to a definitive answer.
Only in your country and amongst the edgy right winger crowd attracted by this site. For scientists the "debate" is pretty much settled.

We must agree that deforestation and desertification (which could case climate change) are man made.

Also, Al Gore is a cunt. This clown is the responsible for most people don't believe in climate change.


Any hypothesis can be called into question. That's basic science 101.
The US has more forests today than it did in 1900.

I'd trust the scientists & their observations over political ideology. Why aren't your politicians listening to your own scientist? It is absolutely dumbfounding imo.

Any scientific hypothesis can be called into question. That's basic science 101.
The US and Europe have more forests today than they did in 1900.

I'm not a scientist. How would I know?

>Why aren't your politicians listening to your own scientist?
Oil companies/koch brothers/car manufacturers lobbying. It's honestly not that big of a mystery.

Someone somewhere stands to make an awful lot of money off the global warming racket. Consider the ozone layer scare in the 80s. They said that Freon was causing a hole in the ozone layer over the South Pole and so we needed to ban the shit.

Well, I don't remember that a whole lot of refrigerators with Freon in them were in use in Antarctica, do you? It did however turn out that DuPont's patent on Freon was about to expire, so they created a ruse about the ozone hole in order to get governments to ban Freon so they could peddle a new refrigerant that...oops, turned out to be much more toxic than Freon.

As for the hole in the ozone layer? Yeah, you see, it turns out that Antarctica gets six months of sunlight a year which was breaking down the ozone there.

>Any scientific hypothesis can be called into question.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs, ideas should be questioned by other scientists on the basis of logic and hard evidence, not dumb fuck pundits and Christian fundamentalists with an agenda.

You're equating being entitled to your opinion with being entitled to your own facts, Americans challenging climate science is self serving and intellectually dishonest.

Yeah, I'm kinda worried, although I won't be too directly impacted
Yeah, to some extent
Dunno, but I do like energy from non-hydrocarbon combustion sources just for geek reasons

If you unironically believe this tripe you aren't just retarded but ignorant to cringe inducing levels. I do mean it fucking kill yourself.

>It is possible to live densely
It's also possible to stab myself in the dick, but that sounds pretty awful.

>Of course it's due to human activity

>tfw you strike an amerifat nerve
Enjoy a bunch of old crusty billionaires turning your country into a wasteland for just one more extra buck

>turning your country into a wasteland
That would take longer than I'll live, so I might as well get rich and enjoy my share of the fun.

why would you want to spend most of your life travelling though?

It's the 21st century. You can do much online that one used to have to drive for.

Back in dinosaur times, there were no cars anywhere but the Earth was so warm that sea levels were almost 40% higher than today. What's now the Great Plains of the US was a vast shallow sea.

I think its really really funny that all the yanks who don't believe in climate change are the ones getting BTFO by hurricanes

Except nobody says that climate change doesn't exist, just that it's a natural process happening for millions of years.

That's not true but it ain't my house getting destroyed lol

That page repeats his claim, but fails to show any evidence to back it up. Correlation != causation. The claim that 97% of "climate scientists" agree is not an argument.

I'm not denying climate change, since that would be ridiculous. The climate has been changing since the dawn of time and I see no reason to believe that human activity is the sole cause for the recent warming of the earth.

That was 250 million years ago wasn't it.

What do you suggest we base this trend of global warming on? The 3% chance that scientists say it's not caused by humans & green house gas emissions? There has been no other evidence directly linking any other source as the major contributor. Why are you waiting for the proof that it's not? Connect the dots.

If you are trying to meme up with Milankovitch cycles, their periodicity is more than 10000 years, not 100.


The planet lost 10° since the antarctica moved to the south pole and basically became a giant refrigerator.

I'll be dead before anything bad happens so don't really care.

This is the record future generations will have to look at when they're asking why the fuck did we destroy their world.

That particular article is a fake.

It's off topic on Sup Forums


Going by conservation of mass and the carbon cycle, the only way the carbon on the atmosphere could increase steadily for several decades is if someone or something brought the carbon that took nature several million years to capture and stow away from the atmosphere (lets call them fossil fuels) back, and then reintroduce it to the atmosphere at a higher pace than nature can bury it again.
Care to guess who's doing that?

>No and it's getting colder actually, in G€rmoney they said 2017 broke a new record in being warm, it was experienced as a more cold year by everyone i know and a new data is even suggesting we will enter a mini ice age soon (or a big one)
>No it's mostly the sun and volcanos
>Kill Nogs for more Lebensraum and create an asylum for the german people where pre existing infrastructure and a secured defense make the transfer easy if wurope freezes to death.

mate ive been living in northern spain all my life and i've never had this weather until 2014
it used to rain EVERYMONTH, almost every week of the year, since 2014 there are droughts for months everyyear(2015 and 2016 included)
fact is, Spain is in a region that can be HEAVILY affected by climate change. Sweden isn't.

Also this
Can be attributed to shit agriculture and removing groundwater instead of waiting till it's ripe, deforestation etc


1. Merica
2. Not worried about the direct effects, I'm worried about the secondary effects.
3. I don't know about "mainly", but I agree that human activity is a significant factor.
4. Wipe out Africa and the Middle East, use nuclear power to replace fossil fuels.

>you are aware that it is possible to live next to work? or have a shop within walking distance?
Not with our zoning laws it isn't.

It's a meme, the models are highly inaccurate.
Human CO2 levels do have some impact, but it's insignificant compared to natural climate change.

Nice argument.

I know that global warming has the potential to wipe out humanity in its entirety and I hope that it actually happens.

t. humanity destroyer

Yes, I am informed of global warming and determined to stop and/or abate it

>Do you agree or disagree the earth's climate is warming due mainly to human activity?

LOL do I look like a brainwashed american/anglo microfuckbrain? Literally only monolingual people watching ExxonMobil/BP propaganda from the US and no actual information believe this bullshit, try huffing car exhaust, see how it makes you feel. Then transpose that onto plants etc. and voilá!

>What do?

Global sanctions on the US and all major oil and coal producing/using countries. Ban private production of plastics, or at least ultra heavily moderate it. Make pro-carbon propaganda illegal. Those are some steps.

>unsourced garbage statements are arguments

I don't give a shit about CO2 warming the planet, because I've dedicated them all to CO2 acidifying the oceans.

Fuck's sake, people, the Great Barrier Reef is dead. Dead! One of the wonders of the world graduated to one of the wonders of the past, alongside the collosus of Rhodes and the library of Alexandria, and every other reef is poised to follow.

Eco-authoritarianism when?

I could give a shit about climate change