What the FUCK am I looking at here?
And how will DC ever recover?
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>give me some (yous) please. I dont want to stick to the youtube clip thread I want attention please
Why does every movie look and feel exactly the same?
I don't want your thread to get more (You)s.
I want my OWN (You)s from the masses.
And I will have it. In this day or the next.
Looks funny
i don't even care for comic book movies but this shit looks fun
>you're probably wondering how i got here
>it all started
That actually looks fun.
why does it have that silly 80s sci-fi Star Wars look to it? why is it aesthetically all over the place, incorporating everything but old norse aesthetics?
what about that is dark and gritty?
this looks unbelievably bad. cinema is dead.
Guardians of the Galaxy 1½: Electric Thorgaloo
>what the fuck am I looking at here
god this looks so bad.
the quips. the memes. lacking any sort of depth or meaning. this shit exists to make money.
fuck anyone who pays to see this garbage you are the cancer killing cinema.
Capeshit has become self aware
>dude, let's just rip off Guardians of the Galaxy LMAO!
Seriously? I mean, I guess it looks alright
But I feel like Gunn is literally the only director in the mcu with any creativity at this point
>Freeze frame
>Record Scratch
>its a long story
Fucking hacks..
> DC
> Recover
They'd have to actually compete before they can recover.
All the trolls here will still watch it
Probably a flashback setting up the movie like Thor Dark World had at the beginning.
Looks like somebody is retelling the history of the main villain girl and how she was first defeated prior to coming back for this movie.
A good Director
really makes you think
Finally, the first capekino is here
Now thats a fucking ps2 tier CGI...
Other than that gonna see in theather.
>no stakes
>no meaning
>fun xD
>give us your fucking money
they've made the same movie now 15 times in a row
2010 - 2017
Post that trailer some more, you need to rev up those views you shill piece of shit
You're a fucking little faggot.
what a goddess
white men just can't get enough of that sexual chocolate
>trying to emulate the kinogod
Why is marvel so insecure?
>Sup Forums hates fun
Why am I not surprised?
You guys do realize this fucking hack is copying Snyder right? That shit is embarrassing as fuck
keep paying for this meme crap you absolute shill
My dick says she's good.
>marlel plagiarizing superior directors
Where did I see this before?
10/10 true aryan goddess
There's literally nothing wrong with diversity unless you're a racist
>Marvel doing Snyder better than Snyder
Zach on suicide watch
Fuck you Taika Watiti has 10x more talent than that hack Zak
Except it already looks better than Snyder and it's only one scene. The style doesn't bleed into everything else.
>DC cucks still this delusional
>Normies are in overhype mode and talking shit about justice league in my feed
Lel this is going to be another year of delicious Sup Forums butthurt
>Literally who character
sorry that that triggered you user
>Zack is a hack guise!
>*the only remotely decent director involved in the MCU goes on to copy him*
oscarlets on suicide watch
Yeah. This movie is clearly designed to milk GOTG's success. They clearly never have a fucking idea what to do with Thor. Don't know why he exists in the MCU.
You're looking at a film which will more than likely be fun.
Also, are they putting le 80s motif on all their films because it worked in guardians?
they look nothing alike. It's like putting two scenes where a character blocks a punch with his arm and call it plagiarism, it's a fucking fight nigger
If anything, the marvel one makes more sense, superman could've ran superfast away from the thing, stopped it with his hands, threw something back at him, but no, the eyebeams had to be used somehow
To not offend people who still actually believe in norse mythology. They're trying to distance the movies from the actual lore.
>Copying Snyder
>Does Snyder better than Snyder
>we want the DC audience
Why is this franchise so creatively void bros?
>Copying Snyder
>Does Snyder better than Snyder
Marvel copies just for the sake of copying.
Meanwhile Snyder pays homage to the medium.
Learn the difference pajeet
Agree and disagree. If it's included because the race of a character isn't integral to the character, couldn't give a shit. If it's included because of muh diversity and muh tumblr then it can fuck off
>trying to imitate /ourguy/
Good luck with that
What? Taika is a fucking hack LMAO, wilderpeople was one of the most overrated films of 2016
JL will be crushed
we want the Re:Boot audience
why is this 80s inspired?
I want Chris Hemsworth to penerate my boipussy
fucking finally.
No, it IS important to make even traditionally white characters diverse. Otherwise we'll never reach a true multicultural, post-racist society
You're looking at something you'd be pissing and moaning about a lack of color in if it were anything other than your "brand," child.
why ruin an already successful formula is probably what they're thinking
>thinking anyone would want Hela's underworld domain to be colorful
you don't even know what you're complaining about retard.
>And how will DC ever recover?
I don't know about them but I would sue these hacks
Your dick have 0 taste
Underrated. I'm literally the only one who will get this and for that I feel privileged.
So Snyder wasn't that bad after all huh?
>Justice League trailer is literally nothing but deep saturation cgi visuals
>Marvel guy: "DUDE these deep saturation cgi visuals for this 5 second scene of the Thor 3 trailer is fucking kino!"
Get it together man
Looks like they wanted to make Guardians of the Galaxy feel to this. Looks pretty bad. Hulk looked like a giant cartoon character
>cartoon movie
>character looks like a cartoon
>we're gonna have the land of the dead in this movie so we need some other otherwordly place that looks different to Hel and Asgard
>let's make it contrast
meanwhile you suck snyder's dick for making superman look gray and batman even grayer, it's literally sin city 2 tier.
>the only part of the trailer that doesn't look like shit is a DCEU rip off
You can't make this shit up
>didn't even cast an attractive brown
Finally, a good Thor movie.
Looks like the same place from the opening of Guardians of the Galaxy because its using the same exact cgi technique that Guardians of the Galaxy used. Theres nothing original about it
Delusional Crap
DCU has dark and gritty sunny days in the park even, nigga.
This is fitting.
>Marvel literally copying Snyder
Is Marvel learning?
DC doesn't own grey tones.
A marvel movie using special effects? Wow
It's the same shit with Marvel and DC
Learning from the best? I'm proud of you MCUcks, we told you you would join us in the sun
It looks like the John Carter movie, no memes. The backgrounds are the most artificial I've seen in a long while, the casting is all over the place (Jeff Goldblum? Really?), the tone is inconsistent... Jesus Chist, Marvel, get your shit together. It's like it's getting worse with time.
I don't give a shit about this brand war thing
I watch all those movies in the cinema for free anyway
>blatantly plagiarizing your direct competition
What a fucking faggot
>executioner with the twin m16s
dc is literally destroyed
he is a giant cartoon character
>elements of planet hulk
This movie is gonna be all over the place.
>how will DC ever recover XD?
>while posting the living proof of Marvel copying DC
Top delusion
It's made for kids primarily relax manchild
>someone coming out of a hole
>everything else is completely different
Is this the best you got?