*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
Best character of the sequels.
Hayden Anakin done right.
And best costume as well
WTF are you talking about, he's a fucking manchild
>tell them like linkin park, allowing me to pass by unharmed
That's not how Anakin was supposed to be, he's supposed to be something closer to the clone wars Anakin
>he's supposed to be something closer to the clone wars Anakin
nice headcanon you fat manbaby
>best character of the sequels
I don't know how anything can be "the best" when they're all abysmal.
>Hayden Anakin done right
Yeah, all the whining and bitching and terrible acting without the occasionally likeable line
>Best costume as well
Yeah such a great costume that ripped off Darth Revan. Fucking kill yourself mega-brainlet, and stop shilling your autistic new trilogy.
>Best character of the sequels.
>Hayden Anakin done right.
>And best costume as well
Is Anakin that does not hate sand.
Actually I found Anakin more likeable, and teh actor is attractive.
*spins away*
>he's supposed to be something closer to the clone wars Anakin
>a helmet with a hood? REVAN COPY!!!!!
You're fucking pathetic
The fight scenes in rebels and clone wars were straight trash minus maybe like 1 or 2. They basically took the worst part of the prequel fights and amped them up to 11
This looked so fucking cool, and it's used for 2 seconds in a flashback. Not ebin DDDD:
>literally the exact same hood
>literally the exact same helmet
>literally the exact same robes
Kill yourself Disney shill and do us all a favour.
The ones in the first Clone Wars, the Tartakosky ones, were bretty gud though.
Remind me why they discontinued clone wars. It was better than rebels by a lot. Too dark for kids?
Because Disney bought out Star Wars and wanted a show of their own (ergo Rebels).
Using literally wrong. Nice try kid.
Saying they have the exact same mask is an insult to Revan, so shut up. That said I like Ren. If he has a redemption ark it will be a pretty good trilogy. Will never be as good as the ravenous man babies want.
It's arc not ark you stupid fucking moron
Never said it was a good copy. The minamalist and smooth design of Revan's helmet was unnervingly chunked in Ren's copy/paste, and the visor looks autistic on Ren, but combine that with the black robes which do look literally copied with a hood going over the helmet, it's pretty fucking clear that that's what they wanted. So much so when the trailer came out people unironically thought it was Revan.
Never mind his story is just a rip off of Jacen Solo with a Vader/Emperor dynamic. His character has no originality, even his lightsaber was copied by the EU.
rebels only looks worse cause disney inst putting in 1mil per episode like lucas was
how comes kylon ran is the only one who gets to have a sabre
>calls user a kid
>characters have an ark like Noah
What a dopey cunt. Go fuck your mother and then cut your wrists.
Kids stopped watching clone wars and the show was only going because George was pumping 1-2 million into each episode.
It was already nearing its end anyways. Curious if George had plans fir another animated series if he didn't sell the farm.
Obi-Wan versus Maul was fucking nice. An entire episode built up to 10 seconds and it was worth it.
Only issue with it is I have no idea how Maul died. All I can find online is that he got stabbed in the stomach but I rewinded the scene a dozen times and couldn't see him get hit.
>tfw Star Wars will reach this level of kino again
*Destroys what's left of the Star Wars franchise*
>thought Finn was going to ruin Force Awakens
>turned out he was bro as fuck
>don't think much about Rey before release
>she ruins the movie
>turned out he was bro as fuck
keep saying that. loud annoying sweaty negro.
I liked him. Felt bad he got screwed to death by end. He's not the Jedi because Rey is and he's not the pilot of the Falcon because Rey is. He has no point anymore, who knows what they're planning for him to do in the next movie.
I hope the Falcon gets blown up or disassembled or something and they get a new flagship. It still feels like they're trying to keep as many ties to the OT as possible.
LOL is this the cartoon everyone tells me I should watch?
that is horrible
>to death
Finn didn't die.
Clone Wars is 100% canon.
>being underage
what are you smoking
I have never watched it, true, but I was also 18 when it came out. It just looks like shit and I dislike young Anakin so I never got motivated enough to watch it
>*blocks your path for a second and then is never seen again**
He'll be the token gay black character and Solo-caricature for the next movie. He'll end up fleeing not-Hoth battle with the not-Empire in the Millennium Falcon through a not-asteroid belt, escape a not-space worm and go to not-Bespin where he meets an old friend who offers refuge (not-Lando,) but it turns out not-Lando betrays them to the not-Empire and not-Han gets frozen in not-carbonite to draw out Rey (not-Luke) to fight Ren (not-Vader). Rey will then lose this lightsaber duel and Ren will not-cut her hand off and reveal they're related. Rey will scream then escape with Chewie to find Finn whose been sent to a crime lord on not-Tatooine (Jakku).
It's an expression.
If you don't like it and don't like any part of Star Wars, you're good.
If you don't like it but like The Force Awakens, Rebels, TCW or Rogue One, literally kill yourself.
I'm afraid there is no cure for your chronically shit taste.
shiiit I guess I gotta off myself then
Ya damn fucking right you do. Get out normie.
>praises a cartoon that's literally just mindless and emotionless action and was specifically aimed at children
>call others children
>mindless and emotionless action
Find one clip from the Force Awakens as deep as this
>specifically aimed at children
Like the rest of the franchise?
>the fight was nice but it failed to properly show the end of the fight
That clip is still shit, but better than TFA anyway.
>still shit
Would love to know how. Or do you prefer TCW's no symbolism "HAI ANAKIN YOU'RE VADER BTW" moment?
I just liked that it didn't resort to over the top gymnastics and making Ben do backflips. Nice and simple.
that was pretty shit. How about that scene where you start to realize that Han Solo is about to die, and then you get a little splinter of hope, maybe he won't? And he will anyway
>still strawmanning
I can't stop laughing!
That was the cheesiest fucking shit ever because we all know he's gonna die. And the scene was hilariously laughable with Ford's death face and Chewie's roar.
ok so you've just decided to hate it, just as I have for that cartoon
>kylo ren
>ren kylo
>ben kylo
>ben solo
Wow, great name you dumb faggot
>Kids stopped watching clone wars
This isn't true. It was pretty close to the same ratings as the previous seasons. it was just purchased by disney. What would posses you to spout off lies?
Ratings have nothing to do with it, they just wanted their own thing to control. Lmao. Ratings. No one watches disney xd.
>mattering to disney
better post that hilarious part when Windu fought over entire army of droids
>rogue one
>aimed at children
Yeah I don't think a suicide mission where all the heroes die is the most appropriate kid's film
>Ben Skywalker
>Jacen Solo
>Ben Solo
>Jacen Skywalker
I wonder if "Jacen Skywalker" will ever be a character since they just switched the names of the EU characters once.
>lmao quip droid
>super buddy Asian friends
>moustache-twisting bad guy and quip-dropping Vader
>snarky but benevolent main actress
>all the good guys except the Muslim get epic deaths
> Jyn and Casion hold hands watching the sunset together then die, pretty fucking peaceful way to go out
>Leia says "hope" all happily at the end
Pretty fucking childish. If they wanted to take the "gritty war" aspect they should've had Vader slaughter the main cast on the ocean planet like the original script entailed, which would allow the Tantive escape the system with the plans, unbeknownst to Vader.
There was nothing in Rogue One a kid couldn't handle, unless it's one of the soft kids raised by hippies.
So why the fuck did these guys not actually appear in the movie?
Suicide and insurgency in the middle of the streets where the "good guys" are killing civilians aren't really child friendly concepts.
>muh adult themes
Kids aren't soft shits that burst into tears whenever something "age-inappropriate" appears on screen. You're trying to justify watching kid's movies because you're ashamed.
When I originally saw this clip, it was what convinced me to never watch this show.
Shame because that episode was pretty good.
Rebels is very hit or miss though, a lot more than TCW.
Not at all. But I think a suicide mission is beyond what I would have been able to understand when I was 4 or 5, and not having clear good guys and bad guys also would have been beyond me.
Kids that young don't need to understand the plot too well. I should clarify when I meant "age-inappropriate" I meant things that traumatise kids like horror movies, the plot might confuse them but I'd still say it's fine for them to watch.
Just because he said "children" doesn't mean, "aimed at preschoolers".
It is a kids movie.
>not having clear bad guys
Did we watch the same movie?
the Rebels in Rogue One at times did very grey area acts, killing an informant in the middle of the street, Saw Garerra's faction were literally ISIS tier terrorists, etc.
I'm talking about the plot being aimed more at teens and adults, particularly people who were fans of the original trilogy as children and teens, they're now in their 30's and 40's. Children can watch and enjoy it, but they won't understand some of the more mature things like the greyer area activities of the Rebels (instead of the Rebels always being the good guys) and the understanding that this is a suicide mission.. They'll grasp more and more of it as they get older, by about 10 I'd think they'd come to grips with most of it.
I'm not saying it's traumatizing I'm just saying it's a little bit concept heavy for 6 year olds.
The Clone Wars unironically had the best lightsaber duels of all of Star Wars.
>Hayden Anakin done right.
It was done right the first time fuckface
Views nigga. Not enough people were watching the show and it wasn't making enough money.
It was too dark to move to the Disney channel and they weren't going to let it keep airing on a competitor.
It was also part of Disney's big "rebrand" of Star Wars to abandon the prequels and focus entirely on the OT/sequels.
>Kids stopped watching clone wars
The least watched episode of TCW had more viewers than all but 2 episodes of Rebels. Ratings had nothing to do with it.
Wouldn't the lightsaber be constantly spattering, hissing, and billowing steam from the rain hitting it?
>best costume as well
That's not saying much. It's the only original costume in the movie. Everyone else just wears regular old clothes except for Phasma who is just a pallate swap.
Because Ren needs something to make him seem threatening in the sequel after getting his ass whooped by Chewie and Rey.