I was thinking of doing something from movie Arrival. What kinda of move related tattoos dose Sup Forums have?
Movie related tattoos
Son of Saul
get this op
dont be a fucking idiot, getting a tattoo from a film. Just get something pretty if you really want to waste your money
This is really upsetting. I have no problem with that show, I find it really entertaining HOWEVER, spergs like this make their whole life about a stupid fucking show. It's not better than those bronies.
>tfw to intelligence to get a tattoo
It sais faggot in non linear language
Op is faggot process
Why would you get a tattoo from a movie that's less than a year old and clearly doesn't hold any actual significance to you as a person or your life in general?
Why bothee, nobody will see it or care
Just buy more booze
>Abbot is in death process
get 'extremely gullible' in Sanskrit
Just so you know, getting a tattoo like that is the equivalent of having the word "water" in chinese written on your leg.
why does tattoo has to have some significance? yeah it will stay on you forever, who gives a shit
i don't think i will ever get a tattoo but if i did i would get the ballerina from the suspiria poster
Evil Dead stuff, a bunch of classic horror monsters and the mermaid from Mermaid in a Manhole.
Tattoos are pretty dumb. They hurt and cost money.
Dude. That's a dope idea!
>They hurt
no they don't you retard
go back
Do it bro its so cool
Only real nerds will get it tho
do it OP tattoos are the coolest. check mine out
actually kekd
I saw a dude on a prison show with a swastika tattooed on his head.
i would get this
I would strongly consider something like this as well
looks like charls
Unless you actually worked on a movie/film/etc then you're a retard for getting a tattoo of it.
Get a Deadpool tattoo.
Guaranteed 5,000 upvotes.
how about you start with a temporary tattoo? or just draw it in sharpie on your arm in the morning. That way you get the full benefit of looking like an uneducated retard in public without the downside of permanently desecrating your body!
>tatooing "reproductive organ weapon process"
It's chinese letter's same problem all over again with a movie twist fuck off OP
That's some solid advice, thanks Will!
Gonna get a POD tattoo
*tips fedora*
OP's sex life is death process