Muh syrian refugees

>muh syrian refugees
>muh islamophobia
>muh police brutality
>muh gun control
Is there a shittier show with more blatant propaganda than this shit?

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anything late night

John Oliver and every late night. Literally reading left wing talking points every night. May as well save the time and read the Media Matters blog.

aaaw what shitshow has jack bauer gone and joined?

>it's a Tom is supposedly an independent but every single one of his stances is democratic episode

>called "Designated Survivor"
>it's not a 90s action movie starring Harrison Ford as the accidental president who is being hounded by Muslim terrorists eager to get their hands on the nuclear codes.

Fucking cunts stole my idea and turned it shit.

Just like real life


The worst part of the show is the absolute shit tension and moral dilemmas - every single time it's the most predictable set up:
> "Mr. president we need to fix this situation but option A will hurt these people and option B will hurt these people!"
> "No, because i am ebin good democrat i will choose option C and hurt no-one!"

it's like anti 24 or something . fucking trash


>"the people who were behind 9/11 were muslim after all"
>"no sir, they were terrorists"


No way this is a real line, right?

ABC = Designated shitting channel

Yeah it was from the first few episodes where one of the governors refused to allow refugees to enter his state because he said there was no proper way to vet, and one of the conversations ended up as that.

Actually I'm paraphrasing, I just checked and the exact quote was

>"the Christians and Jews didn't run planes into the twin towers, Muslims did"
>"no sir, extremists did"

it is

I'm guessing they were betting on Hillary winning the election.

Constant strawmanning the show:

> introduce stereotype racist islamaphobe
> character ripostes them with "no, muslims are great and you are just an insecure racist"
> racist character stutters and apologizes

I really liked the idea of this show but holy shit I couldn't take it. I suffered through the first 4 episodes since it aired and I've given up.

Where exactly is the propaganda? This is what any presidential administration would have to deal with.

Not really, a lot of "independents" I know are actually conservatives that don't really like the GOP but will always vote for them anyway.

So, did the show just completely forget that Tom banned all immigration because the governors threw a hissy-fit? Did he ever overturn that? Because nobody has brought it up, you'd think there'd be a serious shitstorm over something like that.
Furthermore, why did Tom even give in to the governors' demands? If the states refuse to hold elections or name senators, it's their loss, the states that do will be the only ones with representation and will have all the power. It was an empty threat, Tom would lose nothing if Arizona refused to name senators, if anything it would be good for him since he'd have 2 less people that would surely go against his agenda.

Thats basically the equivelant of them withdrawing from the Union though.

No sweetie, drumpf lost. You just don't know it yet.

Delusional show feeding the piss and patchuli crowd fantasy.

Not really, they'd still be in the union, legally they can't do anything about that, they'd just have no representation and thus no say in anything the federal government does. Eventually, the governors would face heavy pressure from their constituents over this and have to give in.

> That episode where the evil drumpflets got kirkman drunk

What republican stance could they give him at this point?

>"CTU, Buchanan."

He gets caught in a compromising situation with a jew?

> literally a cuck
> never gets called president cuckman

This show got derailed hard, it was definitely made with the expectation that Queen Hillary was to be anointed.

Democrats are chasing after the Jew donors just as hard these days.

Wouldn't a show about the government being blown up appeal more to left wing people now seen as trump won?

Either way it's a masturbatory fantasy for the Left just as these shows always are.

>now that all those mean old rethuglikkkans are dead we can be so progressive and everything will turn out perfect because it's a scripted network tv show

It was alreadu frustrating before when Wells refused to tell other people about the conspiracy because "we don't know who to trust".
But now that she has the cooperation of the US government, she STILL acts almost completely on her own on matters vital to national security. Why the hell doesn't Tom have the FBI, the NSA, the CIA and everyone else on this case?
Yes, there's a traitor, but so what? The traitor must already know at this point that people are onto them.

I will never quite understand the US's dependence on a small, troubled country like israel. Not that i care at all about palestinians but just leave them both to it.

Because muh 6 gorillion


Well full stop is annoying; twig manfaced asian who we're meant to believe is physically capable of anything other than rickets.

If we had a Constitutional Amendment banning anyone with dual citizenship from serving in politics we would take care of that problem.

They could literally pull a tony almeida and I would be okay with that

Because Israel is their only reliable ally in the region.

President Kirkman you are a weak man and a disgrace to the office and I have given everything for. Make no mistake, I am coming for you

So, Tom can name all 9 Supreme Court Justices, right?


>Kirkman says he wants to be honest and never lie to the American people
>Covers up the fact that the Vice-President was a traitor and so was his wife
>Covers up the whole conspiracy even though letting people know about it would make it easier to catch them

Scandal you pleb.

>He thinks the Jews didn't do 9/11

>betting on Hillary
they were just shoving propaganda to help her win. ABC was was caught colluding with the DNC in those leaked emails

>islam is a race
i hate this meme so fucking much

thats because jews control the government. why do you think the federal reserve has never been audited in its 100+ years of existence?

Colbert's Late Night show is for all intents and purposes propaganda. Whether you're left wing or right wing, it's impossible to ignore the fact that Colbert is basically regurgitating Democratic Party talking points, only occasionally pausing for applause.

Literally the Bernie president, i mean worse that fucking Obama, at least obama bomb some sandniggers and shit. I mean somebody bomb your fucking Capitol and 1000 people die, but hey let's open the borders for more muslims.

>but hey let's open the borders for more muslims.
He does the exact opposite actually, he closes the border to ALL immigrants.

>character is specifically mentioned to be an Independent
>his only political enemies so far is a militant "lock up all muslims" governor and some dude who complains about Kirkman taking away his guns

What did they mean by this?

he was forced to. Not what he actually wanted. Still drove the narrative that the immigrants should be allowed in.

It's a lot easier for an independent to piss off a republican than for an independent to piss off a democrat.

I remember reading an article that even a liberal (the guy writing the article) found a certain episode (maybe 2th or 3th?) to be total propaganda with a bad guy that was merely a silly Trump caricature.
Tell me about it I am curious?

I hated how his wife got angry at him for making a reasonable compromise.
>we're the United States, we're supposed to accept all immigrants!

Bitch, they're going to CANADA, they'll be much better off there.

>muh gun control
He did nothing wrong, his position on background checks is perfectly justifiable.

in congress practically all independents caucus with democrats, which is probably why user said that

If you pretend it's a comedy parody it's pretty fun. I've burst out laughing numerous times at serious moments.

Seriously though it's absolute fucking garbage

if theyre truly left wing, theyd want the government to blow up no matter which party holds office

It's pretty mediocre, but that Godfather homage at the end of an episode was lowkey kino.

I quit after episode 3. who bombed capitol hill?

We don't know yet, but that congressman who "miraculously" survived and his wife were in on it.

>Kiefer is trapped for the next 5+ years on some limp-wristed bacon dodger apologia
>24 crashes and burns with a laughable "spinoff"
>we will never ever EVER get a followup season of jack and yvonne and the balky operating together

I thought this was supposed to be the good timeline


>Jack Bauer will rot forever in a Russian prison because Black bauer ruined the show

What did Homeland do this time? I stopped watching in Season 3, when they did something as retarded as saying that Iran and Al Qaeda were ALLIES.



actually with how badly it tanked and how fucked fox is overall, it's probably more likely now that they will pony up and Jack will come back