Muh protomolecule

how are you supposed to destroy/defend against something that not only can survive a fucking asteroid impact, but can also thrive in the atmosphere of venus

and if that bit of protomolecule survived the impact, who's to say the stuff inside the ship that holden and co nuked didn't survive too and became a trillion fragments of sentient supercharged goo spreading in all directions across the system

also The Expanse thread I guess

>inb4 miller and julie are sentient and chilling on venus fucking in a corrosive gas cloud

that would make them Adam and Eve of that planet
btw... Holden fully got better from the radiation exposure? Don't even need to take the anti-radiation drug anymore?

dont touch da aqua

He is taking anticancer meds all the time

Protomolecule is just a tool, literally nothing to be afraid of

at this point I wouldn't be surprised if miller was alive somehow

I thought it was funny that after all the searching for the gook martian's daughter, the capt incinerated her without blinking or even telling the guy. Then the dad was like ok whatever, fuck her.

Then they see an ayy lmao that can live in space and has killed two platoons of marines and they are like, suit up time to go hunting!

mao said something like "her dead was worth it" or something

he has a bunch of other children, it's okay if one of them is consumed by intergalactic goo and then disintegrated in an asteroid impact

>Holden fully got better from the radiation exposure? Don't even need to take the anti-radiation drug anymore?

No, he has to take anti-cancer drugs for the rest of his life. And even then there's a chance he might develop cancer and require treatment.

>I thought it was funny that after all the searching for the gook martian's daughter, the capt incinerated her without blinking or even telling the guy.

What it was a different kid they even say so. His daughter is prob gonna be the thing they were hunting.

so.. we got rid of bookfags and haters... and now expanse threads are a wasteland

He's dead as fuck, but it's likely the protomolecule will make a protomiller just like it made a protojulie

So i still don't understand the role of the protomolecule.

What is it ? A space plague ? someting like the Tiberium from c&c ? or its a life form like fungus ? Or it's an alien weapon ?

I can't believe this show isn't more popular here. There's one or two decent threads each week if a new ep airs then that's it. But if capeshit trailer is released there's 500 threads non stop.

I really need to leave this hive of retards.

>how are you supposed to destroy/defend against something that not only can survive a fucking asteroid impact, but can also thrive in the atmosphere of venus
It will be revealed that the blue goo is dissolved by human sperm. All men will be forced to watch porn constantly and fap furiously.
The first two seasons are just a long exposition to the most massive hardcore space porn orgy ever to be conceived.

Capeshit has a lot more potential for shitposting and memes, good sci-fi doesn't. Therefore good sci-fi isn't talked about much in a board that's 99% shitposting and memes.


wait and see, dingus

That whole sequence was fucking stupid. It would take months to perform that maneuver, Jupiter's moons are really fucking far from each other

I know this is fiction but come on there's gotta be a limit

that's what happens in the books so yeah

you really wanna know? because I could tell you

so... not dead.

this isn't really good sci fi. it's a good (not amazing, the writing, acting, and directing is all over the place) adaption of a mediocre series of science fiction books. That's like saying you're taking 75% good out of something 50% good. the end product will be mediocre, which this series objectively is.

people do genuinely love it though (me too), because since the 70s every decade has like one attempt at a genuine space opera (no, star trek and stuff like that aren't space operas) and half of them have failed. the last decent one was battlestar galactica, but again it wasnt actually amazing in and of itself, it just had some amazing parts mixed with a lot of mediocrity and was just the only thing like it around so it felt really good to watch it.

> forces in the Expanse universe have use of ship-based weapons capable of destroying entire moons at no risk to themselves
> literally all significant combat is ship-to-ship
> EVVVULLLLLLLLL CORPORATION decides to use a potentially galaxy-destroying protomolecule to make super special foot soldiers that are impossible to control and can only attack with their fists

This plotline is moderately retarded

kinda gave that sequence a pass because of the magical fantasy engines that can actually achieve velocities to traverse stellar distances in reasonable time frames.

that bit at the end where he comes around a moon, sees another ship and hits the brakes and starts backing up to get back behind the moon was idiotic though. Ran contrary to every bit of "realism" that had been painstakingly established so far.

They'd be a pretty great area-denial weapon. Just bomb a terrestrial area with them and let them run free. Anything that gets near them gets turned to paste, and if you can control them, you're golden.

It's a virus that makes lifeforms do what it wants. It wants to build something, and that's what it's doing on Venus.

Why not drop a bomb instead?

> no need to kill uncontrollable blue alien zombies afterwards
> doesn't risk rendering whatever you bomb uninhabitable or (even worse) terraformed into some sort of weird alien hivemind

mars wants shock troops to drop on earth and just destroy everyone there i guess

How is radiation or unexploded warheads any better? At least with the protomolecule soldiers they've shown that they can blow them up on a whim.

space opera is a term for a work of "science fiction" where the high technology plays no meaningful role in the plot or characterization. Where the characters, events, and plotlines could be translated to any period in history with minimal alteration and lose no meaning.

Which essentially makes the work "same shit, different age."

"Space opera" is not a complimentary term. It is a pejorative term. The only reason people think otherwise is because retards think "space = good, opera = good, thus space opera = doubleplus good!

to be fair, diemos barely qualifies as a rock and isn't visible from the martian surface.

He's dead, Julie is dead

The thing miller found in Eros is a recreation of Julie and isn't the same person, protomiller would be the same (and it will probably make a protojulie mk2)

this man gets it.

that's bullshit. space opera is a huge genre in literature, with tons of amazing and tons of shit works. the term definitely started out the way you described it, but it hasn't been used as such literally since the 50s when stuff like Foundation started coming out.

If it replaced and replicated the function of every neuron, cell by cell, without interruption to the host body's consciousness, there is no reason to claim they aren't just upgraded miller & julie.

The fact she wasn't all WE ARE THE BORG YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED, and, instead, was basically the person she was except all blue and naked and stuff, kinda indicates they aren't just reproductions.

>all the momentum from slingshotting around multiple bodies dissipated from a single 10 second hard burn of "thrusters only"

I can disregard a lot in the name of sci fi fun times but this mildly rustled my jimmies too


so you recognize the distinction between science fiction and space opera yet refuse to see space opera as less than science fiction in how it will use high/theoretical technology as nothing but window dressing (and/or plagiarism dodge) for what is ostensibly hamlet.

Anybody know good drinking game rules for this show
I'm trying to finish off the season hammered

Star Wars in space opera, the culture series is largely space opera, battlestar is space opera, etc etc

Space operas are not necessarily, they are simply a source of frustration for actual sci fi fans because people mistake them for sci fi which makes it harder to get good sci fi like ex machina or moon

The originals died bro, there was interruption

drink every time chrisjen acts smug
drink every time amos goes full sociopath
drink every time gunny says a word with her funny accent
drink every time someone says a sentence or word in belter language
drink every time a belter fanatic does something stupid

*are not necessarily bad

considering how "thrusters" can spin several thousand tons of metal around on an axis and stop it perfectly in less than a week, yea, I'll give that shit a pass.

They're magicing the fuck out of the propulsion systems but keeping orbital dynamics. Doesn't mean it isn't shit, of course.

>there have been good space operas therefore its okay to keep making space operas


is Alex the most based character now that Miller is gone?

no way of knowing what the protomolecule was doing to their brains, yo.

Do they even mention the vast distances and delays caused by them? Like, any transmission from the belt to Earth would take several minutes to reach its destination, and those distances would require at least several days to cover in any spaceship without FTL propulsion

Everyone on both Earth and Tycho seemed to be watching the Nauvoo vs Eros thing live and in real time

I'm afraid hes going to have sex with the roci.

That's it, I'm gonna spoil the whole next season.

They do mention it in the Nauvoo vs. Eros bit, there's a big screen that says "17 MINUTE DELAY" or whatever over Holden's head when he's trying to convince Earth to give him the nukes. It is edited in a way that makes it seem instant, though, I'll give you that.

I wish they stuck with the gritty space realism and horror of season 1. This could have been literally System Shock: The Series.

The delays would've been as such that they could've essentially watched it in real time. Just like 5 second (or 17 minute) delay live television.

In fact they kinda used said delay as justification for timely action.

BTW, why didn't Tycho bring back the Nauvoo back to them since it didn't collide with Eros?

Eh I like the interplanetary political conflicts too

Just wish they'd show us more of Mars and less of the fucking belter apes

They do, in the booksand then they turn it into a war vesselto use against the massive space ring that the protomolecule iin venus transformed into

They ruined Mars, season 1 had really cool Martians, in s2 they become crappy spess mahreens.

Inertia probably. Even if they did get it to not burn up in the sun, it's slingshot velocity would take it out of the system.

>magical fantasy engines

(((epstein drive)))

So how far did Epstein fly?
>yfw some aliens find a tiny spaceship with a skeleton in it 300 light years away

Well that's like, your opinion, man

b-but there isn't enough mass in venus to make a torus around the sun ._.

When did you realize this show actually sucked?

Me? Protomolecule soldiers.

Their bodies died and their consciousness was reconstructed later, a step at a time

It's pretty clear Julie isn't all there in protojulie by how confused and disoriented she is

doesn't earth have to find him otherwise mars just says "fuck you?"

It's because only idiots can watch this trash and be entertained by it. Sorry kid.

I'd imagine having your consciousness shoved into an asteroid would be pretty disorientating.

well user we're talking about alien goo that feeds on radiation, can replicate living organisms, can survive asteroid impacts, and can thrive in a corrosive, high pressure, 500 degrees celsius atmosphere

building its own Halo ring around the sun is no biggie

>defend against
>implying it's a weapon

Oh you silly simple human.

First episode. But the fact its not trying to be game of thrones in space is kinda endearing.

How do you find a guy that one day just took off and flew away, when nobody even knew he was going to do that and there are no records of where he went, etc? Unless you can somehow detect and track its drive signature across interstellar distances the guy is gone forever

It's being recreated in the protomolecules biology, it's not like people have a spirit that can be moved around

Original Julie is dead, protojulie is a recreation (possibly imperfect)

Shirtless Holden is sex

>forces in the Expanse universe have use of ship-based weapons capable of destroying entire moons at no risk to themselves

You know the goal of war is generally to conquer your enemy not just obliterate them. Earth could completely destroy mars but how does that serve them? Invasion and claiming of resources is what they want not just blowing up rocks.

Mang, I don't know, but, the flashback sequences are clearly biographical, so dude has to survive and get found, and if earth doesn't find him then mars is the only entity in the solar system with the technology and thus no cold war in space.

>that bit at the end where he comes around a moon, sees another ship and hits the brakes and starts backing up to get back behind the moon was idiotic though
This seriously ruffled my autism. Just why would you do that?

t. someone who has not read the books.

Who said anything about a torus around the sun? It's nowhere near that big.

Why was miller in love with the chinese girl when he'd never met her before?

Everyone has the technology, his wife found the plans for the drive and sold them to the mars military, who then shared them with Earth

He just went full waifufag.

Same reason autistic weebs fall in love with anime lolis they've never met

you mean its possible to meat anime lolis?


With the protomolecule, everything is possible. Shame it's not real just like anime waifus

>the magical fantasy engines
He literally says at the start he's not using the main engine, just the maneuvering thrusters.

I think he was referring to the every engine in every ship

like, when ships can fly across half the solar system in three days, you can forgive a guy bouncing between moons using only thrusters

>multicultural cast
>females in positions of power, there's even a woman who's one of the most powerful and influential people in the entire solar system, and females in the military being stronger than their male comrades
>technological breakthrough that allowed mankind to colonize the outer planets was made by a jew
I'm surprised you're not mad as fuck over this and calling it a SJW show, has Sup Forums finally grown up?

He's been playing pic related

yea boi we HALO now

Sup Forumscucks have complained about that in the past 5000 threads, but ultimately it's not a problem for most since a) there are no mary sue minority/female characters b) the protagonist is a white man c) the diversity makes sense and regular racism has been replaced by space racism anyways

>space racism
Poor Travis

Protomolecule christmas trees are cool too, but I was hoping to see those massive hexagon formations described in the book.

what they refer to as "maneuvering thrusters" are several times more powerful/efficient than what we currently refer to as "main engines."

then why not use them as main engines

>the protagonist is a white man

whoa whoa whoa hold up there

Did Amos do that procedure where they nuke your brain's empathy central with magnetism? He seemed quite interested in it when he was talking to Cortazar and he's been acting particularly weird and psychopathic lately

thats what they made it seem like

>half english and half italian

i get what you're memeing about but he's definitely white by your american standards

cause the jew drives are even more powerful and more efficient!