Hurr durr metaphors

>Hurr durr metaphors

Actually, there is nothing to suggest it ISN'T actually there. There is PLENTY of evidence to suggest that it is actually 'real'.

Why can't it be both an actual manifestation/monster and a metaphor? Everyone acts like it's so clever for its metaphor but disregards the copious amount of shit that happens that implies it's real.

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>but disregards the copious amount of shit that happens that implies it's real.
such as?

It never does anything that can't be explained by the mom doing things or the kid acting up because his mom is crazy. It's not a real horror movie, it's shit-tier psychological drama that merely copies the visual style of horror.

metaphors are never clever

Lol dude no shit it's real in the story but it's a story and The Babadook is a metaphor.

>It never does anything that can't be explained by the mom doing thing

Not OP but:

Doors don't open themselves, phone calls don't make themselves, books don't magical show up on doorsteps, hats and clothing doesn't magically fall from the sky etc.

There are things you can argue are truly in her head, the voice possibly, or him appearing to be in various TV shows/movies, but there's also the shit mentioned above.

The mom did all that because she wants to stir up drama like a typical woman. Remember, the director is female. The main character is realistically irrational.

Would have probably been good if it was made by a male director.

Not even being sexist, just honest. A good concept essentially turned into muh womanz and their horrible grief so sad okay to treat your son like absolute shit!

A male director would have made a movie about a man protecting his son from a real monster and it would have been much better.

Honestly this horror film concept is getting as stale as the 'kids all go to some backwoods cabin for a weekend with no cell phone reception' shit. Like okay we get it, it's easy to make a horror plot around pretending someone is crazy and that it's just "all in dere heads!" because they have mental illness or some shit.

It feels lazy and cheap at this point, plot wise. I roll my eyes everytime there is a crazy woman (lol it's always a woman) in the plot.

This scared the shit out of me cuz I was high as a kite the first time I watched it. Looking back it's almost a laughable comedy scene.

You autists are unbelievable you have to be so fucking dense to think the monster wasn't real at all, yes it was a metaphor thematically but it was still physically there

It's shown from the main characters point of view, and she's an unreliable narrator. There's literally nothing that can't be explained by her own actions.

>There's literally nothing that can't be explained by her own actions.

Except all this user said
Plus kids don't magically get lifted into the air and slammed against the wall multiple times, but that was just her imagination and he was really just running around the room I guess you would argue, right?

The kid really did act weird because he had to deal with an insane mother. But all the "supernatural" stuff was 100% her imagination.

She's narrating, everything you see on screen isn't neccessarily happening, they're just visual representations of her own verbal account you retard.

>shes unreliable
>but definitely and absolutely 100% none of it happened because metaphors!


not the user you were talking to, but you would have to be a fucking moron to not understand this movie

it's genuinely pathetic that you don't get it, I feel bad for you

Where did I mention that I don't get it? What implies that? Disagreeing on something given what the movie shows us?

>mister babadook
Terrible. Was this the original kangaroo nigger title?

Maybe you should stop arguing with people who don't know what a metaphor is. Of course the monster is there. If it weren't she would be crazy for feeding it and the whole metaphor would collapse on itself.

>It's not a real horror movie, it's shit-tier psychological drama that merely copies the visual style of horror
How many levels of confusion are you on? Top tier mental gymnastics.

>women directors

>Of course the monster is there

A lot of people would disagree

Of course it's real, but it also acts as a metaphor. Jesus Christ you people are thick

>of course it's real

The only thick one is you, moron. It's not real, you didn't get the movie that a 5th grader could understand. Congrats

Why do you think it can not act as a metaphor for grief AND be real?

Because, like other morons in this thread, he is unable to fathom 2 concepts existing in a film at once.

Babadook was fucking awful, holy shit.

Kek. You fucking retard. Can't even provide an answer to my question.

This guy gets it

Hell, the movie doesn't even have an unreliable narrator. God damn this boards retarded.

What does it being real add to the story or film at all? It's not fucking scary in the slightest, it's essentially a 2d cut out that glides along the floor.

A lot of people like Justin Bieber, that doesn't mean they are right.
>inb4 muh false equivalency

You just don't get a simple movie, because you are inept.

>inb4 but da supernatural stuffs!

I want you fools to explain the ending, if the monster is not real. This woman goes to the basement every few days and just sets worms down in front of nothing? How does that make any sense? Where do the worms go, are there hundreds of dead worms just sitting down there, since there is no monster to eat them?

That concept has been a thing in the horror genre in any format (literature, drama etc) since the birth of the genre itself

You're right, you are just too brilliant, and my little brain couldn't possibly comprehend such a film.
Go ahead and answer this question for me notice I didn't mention anything supernatural in either of my posts.

The worms and bowl are just in her head! Metaphor!

As has already been said, people on Sup Forums are fucking idiots.

This post suggests to me you don't fully know what "metaphor" means


a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.

Explain how the worms are a metaphor and what they mean. I'll wait.
If everything is "in her head", then why assume any of it is real? She could be an 80 year old black man having fever dreams, for all we know.

Holy fuck this board is retarded.

The babadook is a manifestation of her manic/schizo episodes.

I'm on your side, I'm making fun of the fools that think it's all in her head.

Eating the worms is a psychological mechanism to prevent further episodes. This isnt rocket science.

People do weird shit to control impulses/urges/sperg outs.

Are the worms real worms that are placed in the basement or are they theoretical worms in her mind? How far down the rabbithole are you willing to take this? Did she even have a son? Was her sister real? Was the book real? Did she actually own a car? What if she was just a psychological manifestation created by The Babadook, and he was actually the only real character in a world of monsters?